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Everything posted by Davyc

  1. Getting people to join is a struggle - even if you have created something that you believe should interest specific groups of people. User interaction is important to any Admin especially if they want to know that they are moving in the right direction. Post before register is a good start, but how about letting guests vote in polls and allow them to rate articles and topics using the star system. This can go a long way to helping admins understand what is and what is not appealing. Getting someone to register just to say that they like or dislike something is never going to happen, but give guests a little more leeway and it might just tempt them to register and take advantage of everything else on offer. I have no idea how this could be implemented, but I'm sure there must be a way. 😉
  2. @opentype Did you have any luck with this Ralf?
  3. Hi Ralf a bit of a puzzler this one - when you click on an image in the gallery it doesn't necessarily show you the image you clicked on, more often than not it's either the image after or before the one being clicked on. I went to your demo site to check that it wasn't me or something I'd done and it's the same there lol. Any idea why this is happening? Image below is an example and the link for this example is: https://startrekgate.co.uk/profiles/records/leonard-nimoy-spock-r10/
  4. @Maxxius Add this to your custom CSS file: ul ul, ol ul { list-style-type: disc; } You may need to add !important after disc to ensure it's overridden correctly, but try it without first. This will affect all lists that you have throughout the site. 😊
  5. @opentype Hi Ralf, many thanks for the sidebar code, that worked perfectly. With a little bit of CSS coding I managed to get the header image to go full width - image below: I had to experiment with the CSS so that the changes I made did not affect any other areas, but it's there. Thanks again - great app BTW.
  6. @opentype Hi Ralf, a couple of things you can perhaps help me with. On the record page I'd like the uploaded cover image to stretch the full width of the screen, if this is possible. I'd also like to get rid of the sidebar in the record page, but keep it on the main listings page - see images below. Above - make that image the full width of the container. Above - remove the sidebar completely but keep it on the main listing page (image below) Apologies for oversimplifying this, but I wanted to be clear on what to lose on pages and what to keep on pages. Many thanks in advance for your help. 😊
  7. I think this would be a great asset to those who are adding TV series with multiple seasons and numerous episodes per season. They are there on the movie database and I have used the Xenforo version which does pull the episodes; basically you add the season number and then to add episodes all you need do is input the episode number and the app pulls in the data in much the same way as your existing app does for single movies or TV series. I much prefer your app so having the ability to add TV seasons and episodes would be a huge time saver; personally I would be willing to pay more for the app to have this functionality. Have a think about it 😉
  8. @batarjal Can you please give an update on the enquiries that people who have purchased your add-on have posted. Are you intending to advance this add-on or have you abandoned it? If you have abandoned it then I will seek to have a custom add-on made, but an update would be appreciated. 😉
  9. @TheJackal84 I have the same problem with this showing on both a custom theme and the IPS default theme 4.4.7 I have other plugins and applications, have disabled them one by one with the same result.
  10. I have no idea what you mean by that. The movie database is the source of the information, the product that draws that information is @batarjal app and I am asking if it would be possible to add to that app the ability to draw down an episode by episode population by the app. The screenshots that I added above are from an app that a Xenforo developer created and it does exactly that, so it is not beyond the realms of possibility for @batarjal to add this as a feature if he so wishes. At present the app will only draw down information about a series, not the episodes within that series, as an example: Search for Star Trek and you can populate a post with information drawn from tmdb about the series, but you can't add seasons and then the episodes that appeared in a season; that is what I am asking for, It can be done, as witnessed by the Xenforo app, so it's a legitimate question to ask the developer if he can add this feature. 😉
  11. Can you add a feature so that episodes can be added from a TV season? For example: Star Trek TOS Season 1 Episode 1 And so on for all seasons and episodes. With thanks
  12. I was wondering this too - if this is something away from the original Club Enhancements add-on is there an upgrade path or a discount for existing clients? With thanks
  13. No worries I was just wondering. Thanks for the response.
  14. @Nathan Explosion Hi, did you have any luck testing this to remove the download option? With thanks Dave
  15. @Nathan Explosion I'm not sure if this will be of any help to you, but I have replicated the audio tag in html5 on my own site, without the download button. <audio controls controlsList="nodownload"> <source src="Mike Oldfield - Man in the Rain.mp3" type="audio/mpeg"> Your browser does not support the audio element. </audio> This works in my test with the Chrome browser not showing the download option: Note, no download option is available. If I remove the command controlsList="nodownload" the download option is available: Hope this is of use and can be implemented in the plugin as it is essential that the download option is not available for my use. With thanks Dave
  16. This is for an audio file - I've disabled the video uploads for storage space reasons, plus people can grab their videos from their YT channel. In the settings this is what I have for the controls: These are the permissions I've set: That would be fantastic thanks. Much appreciate your attention and time for this. Dave
  17. Quick query @Nathan Explosion just bought the plugin and it works as says except for one small issue. In Chrome 75.0.3770.100 the no download setting is not working as you can see from the image below the download option is still available: This is in Firefox (no download option showing) And this is in Edge (again no download option showing) Any idea as to why? With thanks (and great plugin BTW)
  18. I would have tried this, but it would have been somewhat counterproductive to ban myself lol. I honestly had no idea that a spell checker could cause such problems - just goes to show that you never know.
  19. Thanks for the info, though most of it goes above my head lol. I have to say that I used Grammarly for a good while (along with a few others) and never had an issue with it. At present I have moved to another Grammarly type spell checker called Ginger and there are no problems with that either. Having said all of that, I do understand that if there are technical issues then I accept that. Hopefully, when you can upgrade to 5 Grammarly can come back into the fold. Much appreciate the response and explanation
  20. 4.4.4 Sees Grammarly disabled - I must admit I never had any problems or issues using Grammarly in any iterations of the IPS suite nor in any of the apps. Since it is now disabled it has compelled me to use another called Ginger, which whilst good, it is not as good as Grammarly. I can only say thank goodness that I did not upgrade to the paid version or I would have been out of pocket as I only use it on IPS sites. With this in mind, is there not an opportunity to discover what issues are prevalent with Grammarly and can they be surmounted? I would love to see this come back. With thanks
  21. Does this work on 4.4.3? Looks like a great app but need to be assured that it will work on latest versions of Invision. With thanks
  22. A couple of suggestions for a future update: I have created two forums that utilise the ThreadStarter Movies app one for Movies and one for TV Series. I have noticed that your app can display TV series taken from the movie database. So I have two forums but using the widget I was wondering if there was any way you could separate Movies from TV series on the widget so that only movies appear in the movies forum and TV series only appear in the TV forum when using the widget; something in the settings perhaps. I mentioned a suggestion regarding the forum listing, but you may have missed it. In another software a third party developer devised a similar app to your own, but the forum listing looks so much more polished and I was wondering if you could do something similar - screenshot below: Thanks as always for bringing us great apps that add to the flavour of our sites. 👍
  23. The problem is not imaginary - it is real. I should have taken a screenshot, but basically, it did not show the full image, rather it was cut off top and bottom, leading me to suspect it was a cover image rather than the image itself resized according to the container it was placed within. Also, the first topic showed the image in a hugely inflated fashion which made it look ugly. I've since deleted the plugin and templates so I can't take this any further. I'm not laying the blame of any sort, simply that the product did not meet my needs or expectations and is therefore of no use to me. For someone else it may be fantastic, but not for me, sorry.
  24. Yeah, I added a default image but that looked terrible too - sorry. I understand that your efforts are geared, perhaps, around a different layout than I was expecting and it may be what others are looking for, but it's not for me. I'll just cut my losses and run lol. Thanks anyway for the quick replies, much appreciated.
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