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Nathan Explosion

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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Nathan Explosion

  1. Works fine here: But it also doesn't (and there is a good reason as to why, in my case): Question: what version of IPS 4 are you working on?
  2. So wasted 30 minutes of my time...I think these are your reproductions steps: Login to one browser as user A Login to another browser as user B Configure app to hide content for group that user B is in. Reply to a topic as user A User B, reading the topic, is displayed a notification as the base of the screen and clicks on it. Loaded content is not hidden by the application. If that matches to what you are reporting, then please confirm. If it is then it's not a bug, as that area of code isn't touched by my app. I'll add it in as a new feature whenever I next work on this application.
  3. That doesn't show me anything other than what appears to be a notification, which doesn't contain any content from the post. And 'answer' implies that this is in a 'Q&A' topic, but it could just be your wording for a 'comment' being added to a topic...so... Full reproduction steps please, or a video explaining it better, saves me wasting time trying to figure out what you are reporting
  4. Thank you - can it be expected in v4.6.8 next month, or is a later release?
  5. Curious about this one...the phrasing "insert attachment" implies that this is front-end, so is there now a setting somewhere to enable a dark mode on the front-end? I may have missed something somewhere with regard to this feature now being available.
  6. Don't then. Just go to the existing "Applications" listing and perform a 'Check for updates' - and then an indicator will appear for any applications that have an update available (MP mainly, Custom would require the developer to provide an update file to reference) And the 'check for updates' performs the same for the "Plugins"
  7. @pequeno has that one sorted your issue out?
  8. Request, for anyone who has an install of this plugin still going... Could you provide me with the output of the following SQL query, run against your IPS database, please? SELECT ne_dice_val FROM forums_posts where ne_dice_val IS NOT NULL Note: if you have an prefix added to your tables, modify the query to suit. Reason: I'm working on the upgrade plan for the plugin version to the new application version, which will move the data to its own tables, and create some games to handle existing rolls - would like to look at some proper live data instead of the small amount of content I've got here. Send me the output in a TXT file via PM, if you can. Thanks
  9. Looks similar to the screenshot below. Go to the forums index on this site, click that blue button you see in the middle of the three to the left of 'Start new topic' It's controlled by the ACP settings in the second screenshot.
  10. v2.1.3 has been submitted for approval FIXES tweaks to Javascript functionality to remove a conflict with the user's group formatting, if the formatting included " marks and not ' marks. (this issue then resulted in a failure for further javascript to run on that page, potentially hiding announcements set to float at the top of the page) minor code tweaks to improve performance with a fix previously added in v2.1.2 CHANGES None NEW None
  11. Then provide it by PM. I need the actual content of the announcement itself. Please also provide your permissions information. Once you have provided more detail then I will look into it on Friday, when I have a day off from work.
  12. Nope, those are not reproduction steps...quelle surprise? What is the content of the announcement? Exact content...or a link to the announcement itself. And if the announcement is not viewable to guests, you provide a login to your site. What are your settings for the app?Screenshots of all settings
  13. Post your reproduction steps in the support topic please.
  14. No, it is not possible with this application. Been requested before by someone else, might take a look at it at a later point.
  15. It's in the 4.6.2 notes, which is the first proper public release and is the version where the option was added. To answer "where is the option?" - it's in General Configuration in the ACP:
  16. All apps will create tables based on your own SQL server's configuration - you have to update your own SQL server to use what you want as your default storage engine:
  17. Right, now that it's a bit later in the morning...look at your settings again. Specifically the "Apply to all groups" setting... Nothing to look into - working as intended.
  18. Ok, so nothing concrete there then. I'll test it during the next week when I have time.
  19. When did that start happening? That version (2.0.7) was released four months ago, so what was the trigger on your side for this to start? PHP version change? A new group added, or a group renamed? Upgrade of IPS from vX to vY?
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