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Nathan Explosion

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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Nathan Explosion

  1. You've probably found this out then - it looks like it is to do with the Privacy of the club. "Private" clubs - it's logged, but it doesn't show up in the "Deleted content" section.
  2. Actually just testing it out on a test site - it appears to not be adhering to it. Working fine on a dev instance though.
  3. No idea if this is intentional or not...just reporting it. Steps to reproduce: Log into the ACP Navigate to Customization -> (Localization) Languages Click 'Translation Tools' Enable 'Quick Translating' and click 'Save' Click 'Quick Translating' again Result: Now, right-click the 'Translation Tools' and open in a new tab or window Result: Now, navigate to anywhere else in the ACP that produces a tabbed display...example: System -> (Settings) Login & Registration First tab looks fine...click the second and third tabs Result: Now, to the front-end... Go to the Forum application Click 'Start new topic' Result:
  4. The key is in - it's right there in front of you. That isn't quick translating - that is "View word keys" This is quick translating...
  5. But it isn't so... <span class='ipsType_light'>{datetime="$topic->start_date"} {lang="in"} <a href="{$topic->container()->url()}">{$topic->container()->_formattedTitle|raw}</a></span>
  6. Try clicking on the pages then...that's how I found it. Anyway...on a default install with all applications, and nothing 3rd-party... It's on page 81 if doing a search for 'in' as the language key It's on page 51 if doing a search for 'in' as the language key, targeting the 'System' app only. Don't want to do that? Then use the 'Quick translating' tool that is available in the ACP.
  7. Upgrade - yes. Patch - as I've never gotten a notification of one despite having that set to notify me, nope.
  8. They mean that you need to apply the patch that is available in the support section of the ACP.
  9. It appears to be very easy to reproduce - @PinPics, please correct me if this is NOT what you are trying to report... Create an event for today Set the event to repeat weekly, same day, for as long as you want. Save it So, you should now have an event that is today (30th Jan) and then 6th Feb, 13th Feb, 20th Feb and so on, correct? Yeah ya do... Or do you? Now try using the search for events on those specific dates. Result: 30th Jan - there it is 6th Feb - where's the event? 13th Feb - where's the event? Where's the February events?
  10. Tested on 4.7.15 Steps to reproduce... Create a new event with a start date of 1st February 2024, and start time 9pm and end time 10pm Save the event Result: Edit the event and set it to repeat daily Save the event Result:
  11. Keep an eye on this, as it's likely the same issue under the hood...
  12. Just to answer this - nothing is being changed; just saving the group with strict mode on will trigger the error.
  13. Yes. Or just set that field in the database to 0 for all your records, and run the task again (obviously, take a proper backup)
  14. Hmmm - actually, this looks like it could be reproducible without strict mode involved... Ignore that - it's only reproducible with strict mode enabled on mySQL For the guest group, the g_mod_post_unit evaluates to NULL in applications\core\extensions\core\GroupForm\Content.php because it's not present on the form: if( $group->g_id != \IPS\Settings::i()->guest_group ){ $form->add( new \IPS\Helpers\Form\Custom( 'g_mod_post_unit'...... ...but the Save function doesn't take that into account: /* Mod Queue */ $group->g_mod_post_unit = isset( $values['g_mod_post_unit'][2] ) ? 0 : $values['g_mod_post_unit'][0]; Not an issue if not using strict mode.
  15. Disable strict mode on your mySQL instance.
  16. I have no idea what way you have your forums structured so don't know what your filter list looks like - but if it was me that was scrolling and unticking each item then I'd get bored quickly and just go ahead and try clicking on the category header...
  17. The blurb is: Correct - it does suggest it will rebult the topic content. Your reading of the second sentence, however... It won't recreate missing topics - as far as it is concerned, as a result of a topic previously being created it now has a record of that topic's ID and the rebuild would rebuild the content IN THAT TOPIC. Let's say you change the "topic display format" for some of the database fields...run the task, it rebuilds the content in the topic that exists already. Let's say you don't have the setting enabled for a database...you have a load of records, you decided that you want to have topics too. You enable the setting, run the task, it builds the topics because none exist already. But once the task is run....you have a topic ID. Delete that topic somehow...it won't be recreated. The field that contains the topic id for a database is the "record_topicid"
  18. That user doesn't match the criteria as it is awaiting admin validation, not user email validation
  19. They want to clear the content of the core_achievements_log table down by chaning the setting that prunes it. They are concenred that it will have an effect on the badges that have been awarded to the users already. Here's my input... Awarded badges are stored in core_member_badges, so should be unaffected by changing that. However, I suspect that if you clicked the option to rebuild achievements at a later point then there may be an effect on automatically awarded badges at that time.
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