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Nathan Explosion

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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Nathan Explosion

  1. It's as indicated - usernamepassword The other question...you'll have to try it out to know, or ask Google themselves. I don't use AdSense
  2. v1.6.0 is currently pending approval NEW "External login filters on Members table" CHANGES Little moving around of settings in the ACP, because them not being properly alphabetical was annoying me (cue one still being out of order)
  3. Ah well - it looks like their language string doesn't match up to the ways the others work then. I might look into it if I loop this into Box of Tricks.
  4. Give this a go - adds a filter for each enabled external login method.
  5. Before I go off digging into this one further, I am just curious as to whether this is yourselves performing these requests on my site: IP addresses are Amazon AWS, the API Key used doesn't exist on my site and the request data is: { "query": "query Stats { core { stats { contentCount, memberCount } } }" } Thanks
  6. Jeff - thanks for posting this here, you'll get more assistance this way (plus, I'm a few cans deep into several hence why I wasn't in a position to help) However..one thing about the "Sign in as" functionality. You need to be signed in as yourself (the same account as in the HACP) to be able to then sign in as someone else. Please ensure you are logged in as yourself on the front end before trying to use that "Sign in as" functionality.
  7. The PHP scanner introduced in a slightly later version of 4.7.x (which will effectively answer the question asked due to it not existing in 4.7.1)
  8. https://support.google.com/adsense/answer/161351?hl=en-GB Change the following items to suit... "Restricted directory or URL" - provide the full URL of the area they can't access "Login URL" - change domain.com to your own site "auth" - change user@emailaddress.com to the username or email address (I'd advise email address) for the account they are to use "password" - change thepassword to the password for the account Click 'Add login'
  9. As you haven't indicated what version of Invision you are using, have to assume it's a current release. Which won't work on PHP 7.4, so get that sorted out before trying to make things work. If running Invision 4.7.3 (I think) or earlier, then PHP 7.4 is all good.
  10. Even then, it should at least redirect to the expected URL for the button and display the form:
  11. Instead of doing those things, why not add it using the tool already available for adding a template? If you are developing an application though, then things are a little different - if this is the case, you'd create your template in the dev folder of your application and work from there.
  12. This one had me scratching my head last night - it does show a prompt when clicked... Members — Mozilla Firefox 2023-07-12 13-18-02.mp4 I tested flagging the account as a spammer too, and the prompt still appears in that case too.
  13. The language suggestion - that's already fixed in my next version. This, however, will not be as this application is specific to the Editor and will remain so. Your suggestion would be better handled instead with a hook on the field that performs custom validation on submission of the topic, and returns an error if the validation fails.
  14. That is the version of the PHPMyAdmin application. It is not PHP itself. Everything in there is not relevant. Please...does someone have an 4.4.x instance? Please post a screenshot of someone where within the ACP that will guide Jeff to understanding what version of PHP he is currently running. @Jim M tagging you purely because it is within your abilities here to post that information.
  15. But it is also general comments, with no specifics. Read the room - Jeff has commented that he has difficulties here, so don't beat him down further, please. It serves zero purpose to do so. (And if there is a desire to argue the case with me on this, don't do it on this topic, please) @CaptJeff good luck tomorrow. If in doubt, ask before you proceed.
  16. Jeff...before you begin that work, can you advise what version of PHP you are currently on with v4.4.10 of the Invision software? Also, before you proceed with ANY file replacements tomorrow...switch to PHP 8.0.x or 8.1.x (not 8.2.x) and then run this file on your hosting: ...do not proceed if you have anything not right with it. And post a picture of the result up here, regardless, if you do choose to proceed. The more people know BEFORE you upgrade them the more they will be able to help. And do not panic.
  17. Correct...assuming that is the complete listing. It doesn't indicate if you have any 3rd party plugins though, as they are in a separate listing.
  18. Locked means you don't touch it...it's the 'core' of the software, and should not be disabled so hands off!! 😉
  19. In the Application listing....if it says 'Invision' then it's not 3rd party. In the plugjn listing, it's all 3rd party. How do you turn them off? Click the green button titled 'Enabled'
  20. v1.4.0 was released yesterday NEW added a setting to provide control over groups allowed to choose to display badges
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