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  1. Haha
    aia reacted to Matt in Accelerated guest view   
    If you serve your JS and CSS from a CDN, and get your CDN to cache as per the Invision Community headers, you will get a very fast guest view. It's how our cloud operates.
  2. Like
    aia got a reaction from AlexJ in CKEditor 4 end of life - alternative editor consideration   
    For me, it is not important which editor to use, but how exactly it will be customized by IPS.

    The main thing I hope for is that IPS won't carry over all the same bugs that they added to the current editor and haven't been fixing for years. Such as the complete inability to delete mentions in mobile Chrome, for example:

    As well as get rid of additional overcomplications, such as replacing existing editor functions. For example, fast and easy URL embedding on clumsy and slow:


  3. Agree
    aia got a reaction from SeNioR- in Excluding some pages from IndexNow   
    @SeNioR- check the value of this setting in Cloudflare:

  4. Thanks
    aia reacted to Adlago in Registers an unload listener   
    A new version of Lighthouse 6.3.0 reports this issue for best practice

    Please comment.
  5. Agree
    aia reacted to TyronX in Allow custom url protocols in blog posts.   
    Same suggestion as 7 years ago. Would greatly appreciate if this feature were made available.
  6. Like
    aia reacted to Jimi Wikman in Align the color variables a bit?   
    I am mapping out the CSS classes in Figma and I notice a lot of repetition and very small hue changes and I would suggest a small overhaul to reduce the variables a bit, or use a standard hue base instead?
    This is not all the colors, but you can see the repetitions I think 🙂

  7. Agree
    aia reacted to opentype in Emoji in seoTitle & (un)Friendly URL | 🔥😅😲💛🤩🤮😊   
    Emoji are just characters that happen to be displayed as a color image. Their encoding shouldn’t be treated differently. In fact, I wouldn’t even know how, since they do not even have a dedicated Unicode range. Some were matched to existing pictograms and every year new ones are being added. Maintaining a complete list of emoji to be removed from URLs would be quite cumbersome. 
  8. Like
    aia got a reaction from WP V0RT3X in Add a dark mode   
    The last four don't seem so impossible 😉
  9. Haha
    aia reacted to marklcfc in Add a dark mode   
    If it ever happens it'll be a cloud feature to rub everyones noses in it
  10. Haha
    aia got a reaction from Day_ in Add a dark mode   
    The last four don't seem so impossible 😉
  11. Agree
    aia reacted to SeNioR- in CKEditor 4 end of life - alternative editor consideration   
    @Randy Calvert Randy, it's great that you're so active, but you're a customer like all of us, so let the IPS Team write something, because you act like their spokesperson or someone who knows more than us, and you know as much as we all do, which is nothing.
  12. Like
    aia got a reaction from SeNioR- in Social Icons. Color update for Facebook & Insta   
    Imagine if clients could make pull/merge requests with such fixes directly to the IPS repository, without wasting time posting it on the forums, waiting for the manual work of the IPS developers, etc... A lot of little but useful fixes/improvements could be implemented and shipped in hours rather than years (as it now, at best).
    Oh dreams.
  13. Thanks
    aia reacted to SeNioR- in Image Sitemap   
    Adding images to a sitemap helps Google discover images that we might not otherwise find (such as images your site reaches with JavaScript code).
    More: Image Sitemaps
  14. Thanks
    aia reacted to AlexJ in Blacklist Link   
    Above doesn't work in PM's. Can you please enable support for above in PM's too. Thanks
  15. Agree
    aia reacted to Edjazoli in "joined solved" option and "future publish date" for members   
    Hi any chance you could add "joined solved" option(max two replies merged together in one??) ,sometimes on my forum I found that two replies really need to be combine together to make one full answer so maybe is there a way that after marking those two answers/posts they will merge together to make one full answer??
    And another "must" have update. Expand FPD for a members as well.
  16. Agree
    aia reacted to TSP in Moderation History on items, filtering out editing of ones own comments   
    On topics with a lot of replies the moderator history log can contain a lot of edited comments. Could you consider automatically filter out editing actions where the author of the post and the member editing the post is the same?
    Or let us be able to filter out these editing actions of ones own posts manually, by providing a checkbox we can check, or something.
    While you're at it, you could even consider introducing more filter options for this tool. For example being able to choose which actions to show. (multi-checkbox)
    But I think the most useful filter option, that makes the most sense, is to filter out moderation actions where an account edits one of their own comments. 
    This is one example from our community:

    Thank you for the consideration. 
  17. Agree
    aia reacted to David N. in Loom video embed   
    Would be great if we could embed loop videos. 
  18. Agree
    aia reacted to SeNioR- in CSS question...or disappointment   
    could you please some example?
  19. Agree
    aia got a reaction from Edjazoli in Log in via QR code?   
    No. Everything needed for this can be done in PWA.
  20. Agree
    aia reacted to Edjazoli in Log in via QR code?   
    Yes, I know about those options and using few already. I’m suggesting QR as a safer, faster way to interact with our community 
  21. Agree
    aia reacted to Edjazoli in Log in via QR code?   
    Hi guys 
    What about for next feature you will add Login via QR code option?
    The new mobile app includes logging in with a QR code will allows you to skip entering your username and password. The process relies on 2SV data stored in the app on your phone, thereby securely identifying you on forum with the help of your mobile device??
  22. Agree
    aia reacted to nodle in Cloudflare Turnstile for CAPTCHA   
    I see Cloudflare recently released their own Captcha. Just wondering if IPS is going to implement it as an option in the future? I see their competitor has implemented it in an upcoming release. 
    Read more here...
    Announcing Turnstile, a user-friendly, privacy-preserving alternative to CAPTCHA (cloudflare.com)

  23. Agree
    aia got a reaction from Sirmadsen in Limit amount of forum category categories in the list   
    And search-filter (see datalist / js example).
  24. Agree
    aia reacted to Jennifer Beadles in Mark forum posts as unread   
    I would like to suggest adding the possibility of marking forum posts as unread.
    Thank you
  25. Agree
    aia reacted to Nathan Explosion in Paste as rich text   
    It means that if you want to make a change to the CKEDITOR config then that is the best way to do it.
    In short...
    Edit your globalTemplate template in your theme. At the bottom, before closing </body>, add the following and then save the template <script> if(typeof CKEDITOR != 'undefined'){ CKEDITOR.config.pasteFilter = '<WHATEVER>' } </script>
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