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  1. Like
    Sonya* got a reaction from OptimusBain in Renaming go to record and go to next unread record   
    record and records in your example are language strings that you will find in your database settings. In AdminCP go to Pages -> Content -> Databases. Open the settings for your database and click on the tab Language. You can translate the words here.
  2. Like
    Sonya* got a reaction from Meddysong in Renaming go to record and go to next unread record   
    record and records in your example are language strings that you will find in your database settings. In AdminCP go to Pages -> Content -> Databases. Open the settings for your database and click on the tab Language. You can translate the words here.
  3. Like
    Sonya* reacted to bfarber in Search results in guides include non-existent pages   
    This was due to a configuration oddity on our side here. It should be resolved now, thanks.
  4. Haha
    Sonya* reacted to opentype in Mobile App, Progressive Web App (PWA) For IPB   
    Except the billions who use the apps for Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and so on—every single day. Those are all just “websites”. 
    I also don’t understand why you point out that it’s not “novel” anymore. Things aren’t used just because they are new. They are used because they remain to be useful. Does nobody care about cars anymore because they are so 19th century?
  5. Like
    Sonya* got a reaction from AlexJ in X hours ago vs. today/yesterday   
    Not on mobile 😞
    I've given up. I have told to them: look, this suite is developed by men for men, they cannot understand how difficult it is to calculate for us. Live with it.

  6. Like
    Sonya* reacted to Daniel F in Announcement / Banner ?   
    That's a simple widget using our new Page Builder - Text Widget 🙂

  7. Like
    Sonya* got a reaction from TDBF in X hours ago vs. today/yesterday   
    Our users complain about relative dates again and again. The main issue they have: they do not want to calculate how many hours ago is yesterday. They would like to differ between posts made today and yesterday. So they need clean statement today, 11:23 or yesterday, 23:43. At the moment if they see something like 19 hours ago they must work out if today is already longer as 19 hours then the post is from today. Otherwise from yesterday. A lot of our users wish to see what content has been published "TODAY". 
    Can you please consider to change the logic of f_hours and f_hours_short to figure out whether the post has been made today or yesterday and print out the words instead of X hours ago?
  8. Thanks
    Sonya* reacted to bfarber in Purge translation strings in core_sys_lang_words?   
    Looks like if word_default and word_default_version are both NULL you can probably remove the row, looking at your screenshot. I'd tread cautiously though.
  9. Like
    Sonya* got a reaction from WP V0RT3X in Position of YouTube field in Pages   
    Is there any reason, that YouTube-Field in Pages cannot be placed below the content like all other fields?
    This option is not available for YouTube field. Why?

    Edit: Display custom format option is also not available. 
    Due to these two "non-features" is the usage of the field is not very sane.
  10. Like
    Sonya* reacted to Adriano Faria in (NB44) Translate. Filter By App/Plugin   
    You can filter by apps/plugins on 4.5.
    Go to Advanced Search form in Translations page.
  11. Like
    Sonya* got a reaction from OptimusBain in (Pages) YouTube Field   
    I have figured it out. The width and height seems to be overwritten by global JS. Changing global setting:

    "solves" the issue. At the same time you cannot have different width in posts and YouTube fields in Pages.
  12. Like
    Sonya* reacted to Makoto in Website down - urgently help needed   
    I've had this happen before. Template caching can get bugged like that sometimes. Not sure exactly what causes it but maybe restarting the server interrupted IPS in the middle of generating new template caches, and there's currently no mechanism to detect when this happens and repair it.
  13. Like
    Sonya* got a reaction from AlexJ in IPS Blog is broken   
    IPS Blog looks a bit broken https://invisioncommunity.com/news/ 

  14. Haha
    Sonya* reacted to Matt in IPS Blog is broken   
    Thanks, I'll take a look. We upgraded to 4.5 today so we're merrily tweaking and fixing what we see.
  15. Like
    Sonya* reacted to Maxxius in Sticky sidebar   
    That is easy Morrigan, please look here https://ggames.com.br/downloads/
    Now compare it to your forums. It wont be the same. Facebook also uses the same method of sticking which me and Sonya crave so much lol 😄
  16. Sad
    Sonya* got a reaction from Maxxius in Sticky sidebar   
    If you have a solution of how to scroll sidebar to the end before it becomes sticky, can you post it here? I have already asked, there was no solution. At least not with ipsSticky.
  17. Like
    Sonya* got a reaction from Maxxius in Sticky sidebar   
    The standard is: the main content and the sidebar scroll both as usual till the end of the sidebar is reached. Then the sidebar becomes sticky and only main content scrolls further to the bottom. 
  18. Confused
    Sonya* reacted to Morrigan in Sticky sidebar   
    I guess this all depends on what you consider to be the "end". ipsSticky is extremely versatile but when you say "the end" I don't necessarily understand the specifics of what you're looking for.
    I utilize ipsSticky in multiple ways. So, to be clear you'd have to provide better examples of what you're looking for to better provide you with information on how to achieve your goals. Unfortunately, in many ways, you are often vague and difficult to follow.
  19. Haha
    Sonya* got a reaction from Andrey S in IPS Blog is broken   
    IPS Blog looks a bit broken https://invisioncommunity.com/news/ 

  20. Thanks
    Sonya* reacted to Matt in IPS Blog is broken   
    All fixed, thanks!
  21. Like
    Sonya* got a reaction from Maxxius in IPS Blog is broken   
    IPS Blog looks a bit broken https://invisioncommunity.com/news/ 

  22. Like
    Sonya* reacted to aXenDev in IPS Blog is broken   
    Form Poland. It was the same here yesterday: https://invisioncommunity.com/developers/

  23. Haha
    Sonya* got a reaction from aXenDev in IPS Blog is broken   
    IPS Blog looks a bit broken https://invisioncommunity.com/news/ 

  24. Haha
    Sonya* reacted to opentype in IPS Blog is broken   
  25. Haha
    Sonya* got a reaction from DawPi in IPS Blog is broken   
    IPS Blog looks a bit broken https://invisioncommunity.com/news/ 

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