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Everything posted by teraßyte

  1. What kind of queries are you being asked to run exactly? There were a few changes, but not that many. 🤔
  2. From the js file (line 61): ips.createModule('ips.ui.uploader', function(){ To create a new one you need to copy/paste the file in your app, change the name, update the names/references, edit the code you need, and call the new module's name in the HTML. This is the code that registers the module (I'll use the dialog one which is more used): ips.ui.registerWidget('dialog', ips.ui.dialog, [ 'url', 'modal', 'draggable', 'size', 'title', 'close', 'fixed', 'destructOnClose', 'extraClass', 'callback', 'content', 'forceReload' , 'flashMessage', 'flashMessageTimeout', 'flashMessageEscape', 'showFrom', 'remoteVerify', 'remoteSubmit' ], { lazyLoad: true, lazyEvents: 'click' } ); You need to change the dialog name (maybe dialogbis) which registers the widget. All the other values in the array are the options you can use inline. This is how the code would be with the original dialog module: <div data-ipsDialog data-ipsDialog-title="TITLE" data-ipsDialog-remoteSubmit data-ipsDialog-flashMessage="ITEM SUBMITTED"> This is how it would look with your updated dialogbis module: <div data-ipsDialogbis data-ipsDialogbis-title="TITLE" data-ipsDialogbis-remoteSubmit data-ipsDialogbis-flashMessage="ITEM SUBMITTED">
  3. The ips.ui.uploader.js file is a module, and there's no option to extend modules in the framework as far as I know. Let's hope something about it changed in v5. 🙄 Your only option currently is to create a separate module (with a different/similar name), change only the code you need, and add the new module to the HTML.
  4. The same permission problem happens with the fluid view in the forums application loading extra topics. I think it's the same root issue in the code that checks the item permissions and loads them. IPS already mentioned they're working on a patch to fix several issues, it should be coming out in the next 1-2 days.
  5. You also need to upload the files to the server before clicking Continue. Have you done that step?
  6. Edit the theme's settings (pencil icon; not the HTML/CSS) and you'll find a color setting with the name Tags Background in the Front-End Colors tab.
  7. The widgets are cached based on the time you have setup in ACP. The default is 5 minutes, but the update delay will be bigger if you've increased the caching time. You can check the setting in ACP > System > Advanced Configuration > Server Environment TAB > Cache sidebar, header and footer blocks. The photo disappearing, I'm not sure. 🤨
  8. There is some unused code in the Authy handler file /system/MFA/Authy/Handler.php in the verifyApiKey() function at the end of the file: public static function verifyApiKey( $val ) { try { return \IPS\Http\Url::external("https://api.authy.com/protected/json/app/details")->setQueryString( 'api_key', $val )->request()->get()->decodeJson(); } catch ( \IPS\Http\Request\Exception $e ) { throw new \DomainException( $e->getMessage() ); } if ( !$response['success'] ) { throw new \DomainException( $response['message'] ); } } The IF after the TRY/CATCH is never executed, it either returns inside the TRY or throws an exception in the CATCH: if ( !$response['success'] ) { throw new \DomainException( $response['message'] ); } It can be removed.
  9. @superaven Have a look at this post from Matt for a (rough) timeline:
  10. While members can disable it from their profile (admins can also edit profiles in ACP), there is no global setting to disable it for everyone. You can either remove the block from the profile's template or hide it with a custom modification.
  11. @micahdg Your screenshot says PHP 8.2. Try downgrading to 8.1 because 8.2 is not supported. This comes up often. IPS should really update the requirements checker script to throw an error for PHP 8.2+. I've already seen some people use even 8.3... 🙄
  12. @Marc Stridgen While it's not strictly a bug, I suggest making an internal bug report to add a check to disallow a global banned entry like that.
  13. Because of the error the code button popup keeps loading indefinitely and you can't insert any code in the editor.
  14. Trying to use the Code button in the editor on this site throws a JS error in the browser's console:
  15. It calls this domain to check the license: Make sure your server can reach it. The editor's code button doesn't work, so I put it inside a quote. (I'll make a separate bug report for it.)
  16. They moved support from tickets to this forum, if a specific issue requires a more private discussion they'll create a ticket for you. In this case, it's a known issue: You can either ask your hosting to disable STRICT MODE for your MySQL server or wait for 4.7.16 (currently in beta) which contains a fix for this issue.
  17. Ignore the version in cPanel, as long as it's not set for the domain correctly, it won't be found. Check the box in ACP, what does it say? If it still says PHP 8.0.XX like in the image above, the domain's PHP version in cPanel is not set correctly.
  18. Install the patch in your ACP to fix the error:
  19. If I remember correctly, that option appears only for images you have uploaded in the gallery. If the users don't upload images themselves, they can't use the option. It can't be used to insert images uploaded by others in the gallery.
  20. The warning should go away as soon as you switch to PHP 8.1. What PHP version is the support page detecting? Maybe the switch was not successful and you're still using 8.0?
  21. To start the upgrade you need to go to /admin/upgrade rather than /admin/install.
  22. Since it's 3 major versions behind, I wondered if the site has outdated info and if the converter is actually updated for the latest version. P.S.: @Marc Stridgen The list in the box mentions wpForo 1.9.x, but clicking on it the version available in the dropdown is wpForo 2.1.x. It's just a minor bug, but I thought I'd let you know. 😋
  23. Are you using this SMF forum? Based on your reply, you didn't even know it was there, I guess not. You can ignore/remove it. Or, if there are some posts or other content, and you want to preserve/import it, you can use the converter application after upgrading to 4.7. As for the steps to upgrade to 4.7, what you're doing won't work because you also need to change the PHP version as I mentioned before. You need to proceed with a manual upgrade. If you follow the instructions in the IPS guide I linked, you'll be okay and the data will be retained. If you're still uncomfortable doing the manual upgrade yourself, there's also the option of hiring a 3rd party Provider to do the upgrade for you: https://invisioncommunity.com/third-party/providers-directory/ I'm also on that list if you want to send me a PM.
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