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  1. Like
    Tony reacted to teraßyte in Introducing Spam Monitoring Service   
    Since in the announcement nothing is mentioned about that I'll it here: is there any way for us forum admins with an active license to ask for the removal of an address/IP from the spam list if a certain data is marked wrongly as spam?

    I'm sure there is a way (maybe opening a ticket) but a fast way to report such things is needed when a lot of people will use this system after the release :)

    A good idea indeed :thumbsup:
  2. Like
    Tony reacted to Mark in Introducing Spam Monitoring Service   
    You were promised lifetime support and upgrades and that promise has been kept.
    This service is not support - it is new service that we never promised or announced or even mentioned before.
    There are of course costs involved with maintaining this service and so it has been made available only to holders of a current, active license.
    You are of course welcome to remain on the license you purchased, with the terms that were promised to you at the time, or pay for this new service :)

    Integrate how? :)
  3. Like
    Tony reacted to Charles in Introducing Spam Monitoring Service   
    Services like this did not exist several years ago when those old licenses were available. That is why we switched to the Standard license type so we could offer more than just "technical support" like we did before.

    We are not taking anything away from Perpetual or Lifetime license holders and are keeping our promises to them as they were made at purchase time.

    Yes we can certainly look into doing that too :)
  4. Like
    Tony reacted to Lewis P in Introducing Spam Monitoring Service   
    Is there a possible view to integrate this with Converge in the future? I could see that also being a good idea
  5. Like
    Tony reacted to Charles in Introducing Spam Monitoring Service   
    Keep in mind only admins/mods can report someone as spam and it takes more than just one or two manual reports to flag a user as a spam account.
  6. Like
    Tony reacted to Mark H. in I want to smell IPB   
    Jura, may I please have some of whatever you're smoking? :whistle:
  7. Like
    Tony got a reaction from Alex K. in Invision Power Board 3.0.0 and Applications Released   
    That's why Webarchive exists - http://web.archive.org/web/*/http://www.invisionpower.com
  8. Like
    Tony got a reaction from Mert in Invision Power Board 3.0.0 and Applications Released   
    That's why Webarchive exists - http://web.archive.org/web/*/http://www.invisionpower.com
  9. Like
    Tony got a reaction from Wareczek in Powered By IP.Board 3.0.0   
    After 3.0.0 final is out, can you guys put in the footer Powered By IP.Board 4.0.0 Milestone 1 © When is readyTM IPS, Inc., that will make us happy.
  10. Like
    Tony got a reaction from edivad in Powered By IP.Board 3.0.0   
    After 3.0.0 final is out, can you guys put in the footer Powered By IP.Board 4.0.0 Milestone 1 © When is readyTM IPS, Inc., that will make us happy.
  11. Like
    Tony reacted to Lindy in Site REALLY Slow!   
    I like instant gratification - the forums are moved. How does it seem now?

    Note: As this is a fresh server, we may need to make a few tweaks here or there. You should, however, notice an obvious and immediate improvement.
  12. Like
    Tony reacted to bfarber in Suggestion to improve Hooks Update Checker   
    Nice idea.

    Remember, this is a "1.0" release of the hooks system. We wanted to keep it mostly simple (but make it as powerful as possible) so that we could gauge what would be useful to both modders and users alike, before going on a rampage trying to incorporate a bunch of things no one would ever use.

    We'd also like to give modders a way to handle the updates through the resource site at some point, but haven't worked out details on that yet.
  13. Like
    Tony reacted to bfarber in IP.Board 3.0.0 RC 2   
    I'm not positive. All I know is that we are fully aware it's not likely to be included with 3.0.0 due to time constraints.
  14. Like
    Tony reacted to austinreefclub in Please bring back topic markers in the LoFi   
    In my opinion, the Lofi skin is useless without topis markers. Todays mobile devices can handel the images. Please consider putting them back.
  15. Like
    Tony reacted to TSP in IPB 3.X suggestion - Reported content should be a field on its own   
    Hi. I've started to test and take notes on how IPB 3 could be improved. I know this probarbly is something you can't add at the moment since IPB 3.0 is feature locked. But I think it should be changed to be this way in the feature. To me it seems that the reported content (inside the quote) and the report reason is stored in the same database field. This gives some limitations. You can't modify the skin so you easily can add the possibillity to hide the quotes. Hiding the quotes and only showing it when requested would be a good addition because then it wouldn't take forever to go down to the comment field. (Yes, I know I can click "page down", but I hope you get my point. If long posts gets reported it's good to have the possibillity to hide it, to make it easier to see the comments and the report reasons.)

    I wouldn't complain about the missing possibillity to hide it if the information was stored in two database fields, since I probarbly could've added it myself by editing the template, but since it's stored in the same databasefield, the only way to do it is by changing the php-files, and that is something I dont want to do too much.
  16. Like
    Tony reacted to teraßyte in Editing hook settigs requires IN_DEV   
    Well, the best thing (in my opinion) is to show only the dropdowns to change if/foreach cycle and the other dropdown to selected the hook point of course when IN_DEV is not enabled.

    When IN_DEV is enabled instead show everything as usual.
  17. Like
    Tony reacted to Martin A. in Editing hook settigs requires IN_DEV   
    What about a new constant? "HOOK_EDIT_MODE", or something. As with any other constants, place that in initdata.php, and setting that to 1, would enable those edit sections. Which would allow any administrators to edit the hooks, without facing any security risks by putting the whole board IN_DEV.
  18. Like
    Tony reacted to Michael in Editing hook settigs requires IN_DEV   
    Maybe you should show the options to Root Admins only then? I just can't help thinking that the current setup is not ideal. On at least two occasions already here on this site, I've had to tell someone that they had to enable IN_DEV just to change the positioning of a hook. Whenever they would do that, all users on the board could either get huge ugly errors or get info revealed to them that they shouldn't have.

    It would be one thing if a board admin could have a development board where they did have IN_DEV turned on so they could experiment with this, but even with that setup, once they figure out what needs changed there is still no way other than enabling IN_DEV on a production board to alter this (unless you want to edit serialized values directly in the database).
  19. Like
    Tony reacted to Michael in Editing hook settigs requires IN_DEV   
    Currently, in order to edit a hook to change something like which template it hooks into, you have to turn on IN_DEV mode. This is bad because it puts the whole site into developers mode. We should be able to edit a hook's properties without having to enable IN_DEV.
  20. Like
    Tony reacted to bfarber in I'd just like to say   
    Why yes, you're welcome. I do take all the credit of course.
  21. Like
    Tony reacted to teraßyte in CSS support for Hooks   
    Hooks already support templates but what about CSS files?

    Adding CSS files manually in the hook package won't add them in DB and so you can't edit those files from ACP using the built-in editor, and using an FTP program to edit them defeats the purpose of the new IPB3 editor.
  22. Like
    Tony reacted to Guest in Approximate date of 3.0 Final Release?   
    Take a break for a while, and come back when its ready
  23. Like
    Tony reacted to Matt in Powered By IP.Board 3.0.0 RC 1   
    Thanks guys, go nuts and test it out as much as you can. Please don't be alarmed if we seem to take a minor step back with some stuff, I've fiddled with a few things, mostly:

    Topic Marking CSS Caching Memory Debugging So let me know if you see anything odd with any of that.
  24. Like
    Tony reacted to Rοb in What's the status on the subscription manager   
    Off the topic slightly but I'm hoping that this will become a community project sooner rather than later (i.e perhaps with the first un-encoded release) as this module is one of the main reasons I use IP.Board.
  25. Like
    Tony reacted to Estranged in IPB3 Beta 4   
    Why are there so many times skinning issues sit there for a long time without being fixed? It's down to only 8 confirmed bugs in the coding, yet over 30 skin bugs and it seems like a week can go by without much done there. In one of the bug reports bfarber mentioned that the turnaround between beta 4 and beta 5 would be much quicker than between beta 3 and beta 4, but it's already been right around 2 weeks and still won't be RC.
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