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Randy Calvert

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Everything posted by Randy Calvert

  1. The forums are actually allowing much faster responses. You get the help of not just IPS staff, but also the community overall. In addition, you can learn from other issues as well. The search function can make it much more likely to resolve your problem by starting support issues here on the forums. 😄 I'm glad you were able to get squared away!
  2. Have you tried re-uploading the files from the client area to your website and then launching the updater manually? It's possible the files did not extract properly. I would just try uploading a full fresh set of files and then running yourdomain.com/admin/upgrade/.
  3. Step one.... is your cron even setup? If you have access to SSH, login to the server and type "crontab -e". You should (hopefully) see a line that has your IPB's task.php file called running every minute. If it's not, look in the cron log... something like "cat /var/log/cron | grep task.php" and see if there are entries being returned. If not... there is no automated task to run it via cron. If you don't have access to these, you can ask your host for assistance.
  4. Most likely it's a server issue. I would suggest checking with your hosting provider. Either your SSL version is incorrect, a firewall is blocking the request, or you don't have PHP curl installed on the server (which is what Marketplace uses to download files.)
  5. Your hosting provider would typically have to help you with those. Those are sever level issues. Out of curiosity, can you install other marketplace items? If not, it's most likely a server problem.
  6. TYPICALLY pinning something is only done by admins/moderators. It was simply meant to be a suggestion to help. If it does not meet your needs, no harm/no foul. 🙂 If you are wanting IPS to consider adding some sort of functionality in the base software, you would make the ask in the Feature Suggestions forum. It won't be seen otherwise as it would simply get lost in the mix of all the other break/fix issues. Regarding the plugin... you would have to ask the resource author that question. The author is literally the only one that can help with it. By default, you won't be able to install a resource if the author has not flagged it as being compatible with the major version. (4.4, 4.5, 4.6, 4.7, etc). If it's already installed and you upgrade... it may continue to work, or it might not. It depends on if the resource is changing anything that conflicts with a change in the new version.
  7. If you are unable to install marketplace content: Make sure you are signed into the Marketplace via the link in your ACP. Make sure your server is making requests to IPS using TLS 1.2 or above (old versions of TLS1.0 or 1.1 will be rejected by IPS servers). Make sure there are not any outbound firewall rule restrictions that would prohibit your site from reaching IPS servers.
  8. What I've done in the past was moved folders I suspected were no longer in use to another subfolder (like OLD). If something was broken on the site, it was easy to see what object was missing and I could simply move that folder back up a level back to the original place. After some period of time (a few weeks to a month), I knew I could safely delete the folder.
  9. Stu, If the auto updater is failing, have you tried downloading the files from the client center and then manually uploading them? After it’s uploaded, you can run the upgrader manually.
  10. Code would be difficult because you can’t control formatting. Things like spaces, tabs, etc all make parsing code almost impossible to do accurately. <b> This is a test </b> is different than <b>This is a test</b>
  11. Is there any documentation around the new Data Layer options within 4.7? This appears to be a great way to leverage Google Tag Manager to get data into Google Analytics including username and other activity such as login, search, creating content, etc. This would make for a really awwwwesome KB article. 😄
  12. I don't believe this is something directly supported. You would need to modify your theme manually to do this. As a result, that would be outside of the normal realm of support for IPB.
  13. I have a site with just about 2.5M posts and the reindex took about 2.5 hours. The time to reindex depends on a bunch of factors. Try just running the task list manually in the ACP and seeing how that goes after a few hours.
  14. @Jordan Miller one idea might be to restore the editor, but make any change done to CSS export to overrides within the custom.css. I find it helpful to understand what is there now so that I can see how/why you do something. In fact, I might use something you do as a basis for something else in one of my Pages databases for continuity. Overall power users hate having tools taken away... however there could be a way to allow power users what they're used to while still pushing the changes they make into the new system you want it to be without forcing them to just give up visibility in the first place. Essentially I'm suggesting restore the editor... when a change is submitted, parse it versus the original and send those changes to custom.css. When viewing the editor again, load the diff and show the updated version.
  15. You are most likely missing PHP modules in your PHP8.x installation. You might want to verify you meet the requirements for it using the following script: If you have the requirements in place, disable all 3rd party plugins and test with them disabled as it could be a compatibility issue with a plugin.
  16. There are other login handlers that have been created. I would suggest looking in the marketplace to see what others have been done. I would start in the Bridges and Integrations category https://invisioncommunity.com/files/category/171-bridges-and-integration/ For example:
  17. From Cloudflare’s KB: That’s your options if using Cloudflare and need to support uploading large attachments.
  18. If the site is hosted by IPS (meaning it's on the IPS cloud), Cloudfront is already setup by IPS and there is nothing you need to do. It literally is already done. If you're self-hosted, rather than do Cloudfront, I would suggest looking at Cloudflare. You'll find it a MUCH MUCH easier integration. Otherwise you're going to have to do a BUNCH of work, including potentially needing to setup SSL certificates, defending S3 buckets, configuring what content should be stored on S3, etc. That's even before you get to the Cloudfront setup and figuring out your CORS settings and how long each type of content should be cached for. If you need a CDN, integration of Cloudflare will be a 1000% easier. (Note... anything custom you do such as adding a CDN, be it Cloudfront or Cloudflare is not officially supported by IPS. So you might need to disable it for troubleshooting problems you might have as IPS does not troubleshoot your custom configurations.)
  19. The master container is globalTemplate. I would start there... follow the other templates it refers to until you find what you're looking for.
  20. IPS\Db\Exception: Duplicate entry '156355-IPS\forums\Topic' for key 'id_class' (1062) This seems to show there is a problem with your database when you restored it.
  21. Generally you would want to talk to the IPS accounts team for help with this. https://invisioncommunity.com/contact-us/ Choose "Accounts and Billing" as the department. (An IPS member could also create a ticket for you as well, but that lets you do it yourself.)
  22. robots.txt is not controlling the code above. It simply generates yourdomain.com/robots.txt If you want to control the robots.txt directives.... ACP > System > Site Promotion > Search Engine Optimization Click on Crawl Management and you can create your own robots.txt instead of using the one generated by IPS automatically. If you're trying to edit your raw HTML code on the page... ACP > Customization > Appearance > Themes. All HTML related related to IPB is found there. You would just need to find specifically where that section of code is called from based on what page is generating it and edit it. Given that it's a meta tag, I might begin by looking in the IncludeMeta spot, but it could be coming from somewhere else. This sort of change is not directly supported by IPS, so they're going to tell you this is outside of what they can provide support for.
  23. Anything outside of your uploads and datastore directory should be restored. To make it easier, you should just restore the entire home directory so that you don’t have to try and pick a backup apart. Personally I would just upgrade PHP rather than try to restore from backup. But that’s me. 🙂
  24. Why would you want Google trying to cache random search queries? There is no real “content” on those pages and causes your crawl budget to be spent on pages without real value. You would be intentionally hurting your SEO.
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