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Randy Calvert

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Everything posted by Randy Calvert

  1. It's a limitation of mySQL. It's a global change that needs to be made to your mySQL server. Specifically you need to edit (or create) the ft_min_word_len variable with the minimum character limit and then restart mySQL. [mysqld] ft_min_word_len=N This can have a BIIIIIIIG impact on mySQL's performance and could cause stability/reliability issues. Changing the minimum word length will cause many queries to have to do much more work and cause much higher system resource usage. So you should understand the risks and challenges associated with the request. Also it goes without saying this is not an IPS issue and something that support can assist with. 🙂
  2. What actions do you have configured when an account is marked as a spammer? If you are not banning them, they would still be allowed to change a profile picture.
  3. I’m assuming you did run the compatibility checker script to make sure your new host has all of the required modules when you changed the php version also.
  4. It’s honestly not worth the time/effort to try and support them anymore. They have made it WAY to complex and burdensome to continue with.
  5. Convert is the converters. When you download the IPB files you need to choose to include the converters. I believe for the cloud app, just delete the existing folder in the applications folder.
  6. You will want to make sure you have a self-hosted license. Once you have made sure your new self-hosted server meets the IBP requirements, you would import your database and make sure all of the IPB files are uploaded to your site. You would also make sure all of the variables in conf_global.php are correct. If your cloud instance was not the latest version you might also need to run yourdomain.com/admin/upgrade.
  7. Similar to the one done for XF… sounds like this would be a great third party resource. 🙂
  8. If you search for "Status Update" in the ACP you should find it. Also there is the following guide:
  9. Just an fyi… this feature is slated to be removed in IPB 5 whenever it comes out. As a result, you should consider if you want to offer something that will later be removed or force you to use some sort of third party modification to continue offering.
  10. That screenshot does not show all of the memory being used. MySQL is only actively using 10 percent in fact. The Apache and MySQL usage combined memory usage at that moment was less than 5 percent.
  11. If it’s with the advanced support team, typically I would not expect a response until Monday as they are not on weekends.
  12. Even though apps are disabled, there are times they still load stuff. Try fully uninstalling it and then clearing the system cache.
  13. You can give it a shot through Zapier!
  14. But why do it though? These are supposed to be recommendations to help you improve your user experience. I don’t see how doing that does anything like this. The tool clearly has a bug. If it’s not actually helping improve the UX, the fix is a placebo.
  15. This is not a default IPB feature. It would require some sort of third party modification to do it.
  16. You most likely have your board's Reply-To address set to an email address that sends an auto-reply. So if IPB sends an email which bounces, the bounce comes back to your inbox which gets the auto-reply, which then triggers a separate bounce.
  17. The default value for SES is 14 a second… if you extrapolate that, it is 840 per minute. But if someone’s sending needs are higher, it’s possible to request a higher limit from AWS.
  18. You most likely have multiple login methods… for example do you also have a converter installed? Check those other methods if you could.
  19. As the feed view is an IPB5 feature, it won’t be available until IPB5 is available As the feed view is an IPB5 feature, it won’t be available until IPB5 is available.
  20. Just to toss it out there… you can work with AWS to request higher sending limits. The default values are not the only ones possible. 🙂
  21. One other thing to point out… IPS has numerous large global brands who have to deal with not just GDPR but other requirements in other jurisdictions. Those brands have been able to meet their audit requirements and satisfied compliance auditors who have specific training and does this as their full time job and work with teams of lawyers who have spent thousands of hours understanding those laws. I would be willing to give them a bit of credence versus commentary from random online posts (of which many cases can even be clickbait) or a civilian trying to interpret very complex legalese that does not understand which components are actually applied in each specific scenario.
  22. The only way to do that would be to have two different dns records … one going through CF and one not. Then manually editing your theme code to hard code the non-CF address. Even then I’m not sure it would work because the IP addresses would not match or could trigger a CSRF error. This will most likely be more of a use it and deal with it or turn it off entirely if uploads are that important (or pay for an enterprise plan).
  23. I believe this due to how CF handles file uploads. Turning off features won’t matter. For example, CF WAF would not inspect uploads outside of the headers. It does not inspect the body of the request. (Typically something like the first 15k of a file.) Their enterprise plans have better handling for uploads such as streaming the request to origin, but I don’t believe those features are available on their free/business plans.
  24. What are you meaning with interfering with uploads? Need more detail. For example CF does not allow uploads more than 100MB no matter what you turn off if you have free plan. If that’s not the issue, is WAF denying something? Typically the path would be whatever the POST action is going to.
  25. But how is the SEO?!?
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