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  1. Thanks
    tnn reacted to CheersnGears in PHP 8.2 Thread   
    None with IPS itself. I did get template issues with my marketplace template, so I dropped it back to 8.1. 
  2. Thanks
    tnn reacted to Randy Calvert in Error when pasting Google Analytics code   
    Your GA code should look like:
    <!-- Google tag (gtag.js) --> <script async src="https://www.googletagmanager.com/gtag/js?id=G-XXXXXXXXX"></script> <script> window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || []; function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);} gtag('js', new Date()); gtag('config', 'G-XXXXXXXXX'); </script> This code would be inserted into: 
    ACP > System > Site Features > Integrations > Google Analytics
    After adding the code, you MAY need to clear your system cache.  
    ACP > System > Support > Get Support
    Click on "Clear System Caches".
  3. Thanks
    tnn reacted to Janyour in Call to undefined function IPS\downloads\modules\front\downloads\ignore_user_abort()   
    Thanks, resolved by enabling this on my php !
  4. Like
    tnn reacted to Adlago in 500 Error. Community off / Admin CP working... HELP!!   
    Try - disable 3rd party plugins
  5. Agree
    tnn reacted to Frank S. Hagan in "Truncated decimal value" in ../upg_107640/upgrade.php::50   
    I've been using the software for 12 years, since January 2011, so I've been around a while too.  Removing the ticket system for self hosted folks, but not for cloud customers, is obviously a reduction of support. At least in my opinion, having spent 40 years in support myself.
    Thanks for letting me know that 5.0 will be for self hosted folks. That was helpful.
  6. Thanks
    tnn reacted to Tracy Perry in Error while upgrading to 4.7.8   
    So, it was a coding issue that took developer intervention (with indicators it was a bug)?  Even that would be good to know other than "it was fixed".  😉
    Not trying to razz anyone...but more detail is always handy if a company is providing support via the forums and no longer via tickets as the primary avenue.
  7. Agree
    tnn reacted to Tracy Perry in Error while upgrading to 4.7.8   
    Can I make a simple mention... for others that have this issue (or similar), it is REALLY beneficial for COMMUNITY support to detail in some form what was done to resolve the issue other than saying "it's fixed".  It may eliminate others from contacting for support if it is something that they can do on their end.
  8. Like
    tnn reacted to Marc Stridgen in Pages, comment data type in DB too small   
    Thank you for bringing this issue to our attention! I can confirm this should be further reviewed and I have logged an internal bug report for our development team to investigate and address as necessary, in a future maintenance release.
  9. Thanks
    tnn reacted to Adlago in How can I turn it off "Cache sidebar, header and footer blocks"?   
    I am using configuration - main server apache, cache server nginx.
    What is observed - (of course with the help of my host support)
    - When Redis recache data - the first byte of my site increases sharply over a second and a half.
    In the rest of the time, the first byte is within 150 - 450 milliseconds.
    Well, I turned off Redis - switched to file system.....data storage method.
    Oh wonder - first byte is now : 14- to 50 milliseconds...?!!?
    Tried different times with the other cache too - same crap - when sidebar cache is refreshed - first byte bounce again, over a second...
    There is no option to sync with nginx cache server, but tell me please how to turn off your cache sidebar blocks?
  10. Like
    tnn reacted to Adlago in issue edittor Pages   
    Fixed issue. In my database that had this issue, the "Allow searching" option was disable. Now I enable it on and it's already OK - no issue.
    But, I think this is a BUG - when "Allow searching" is disable, the div class
    <div data-role="fileList" class="ipsComposeArea_attachmentsInner ">
    is hidden, which is incorrect
  11. Like
    tnn reacted to Marc Stridgen in Upgrade & Configuration Error   
    Feel free to try this. Note, this is outside the scope of support.
    -- -- Table structure for table `core_achievements_log_milestones` -- CREATE TABLE `core_achievements_log_milestones` ( `milestone_id` bigint(20) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, `milestone_member_id` bigint(20) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, `milestone_rule` int(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, `milestone_log_id` bigint(20) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, `milestone_type` varchar(100) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci DEFAULT 'subject' ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_unicode_ci; -- -------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Table structure for table `core_alerts_seen` -- CREATE TABLE `core_alerts_seen` ( `seen_alert_id` int(11) NOT NULL, `seen_member_id` int(11) NOT NULL, `seen_date` int(11) NOT NULL ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_unicode_ci; -- -------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Table structure for table `core_content_featured` -- CREATE TABLE `core_content_featured` ( `feature_id` int(11) NOT NULL, `feature_content_id` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `feature_content_class` varchar(50) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `feature_content_author` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `feature_date` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_unicode_ci; -- -------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Table structure for table `core_editor_stored_replies` -- CREATE TABLE `core_editor_stored_replies` ( `reply_id` int(11) NOT NULL, `reply_title` varchar(255) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci NOT NULL, `reply_text` mediumtext COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci NOT NULL, `reply_added_by` int(11) NOT NULL, `reply_enabled` tinyint(3) UNSIGNED DEFAULT 0, `reply_position` int(10) UNSIGNED DEFAULT 0 ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_unicode_ci; -- -------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Table structure for table `core_follow_count_cache` -- CREATE TABLE `core_follow_count_cache` ( `id` bigint(20) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `class` varchar(255) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `count` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `added` int(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_unicode_ci; -- -------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Table structure for table `core_item_member_map` -- CREATE TABLE `core_item_member_map` ( `map_class` varchar(200) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci NOT NULL, `map_item_id` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `map_member_id` int(11) DEFAULT 0, `map_latest_date` int(10) UNSIGNED DEFAULT NULL ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_unicode_ci; -- -------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Table structure for table `core_item_redirect` -- CREATE TABLE `core_item_redirect` ( `redirect_id` int(11) NOT NULL, `redirect_class` varchar(200) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci NOT NULL, `redirect_item_id` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `redirect_new_item_id` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_unicode_ci; -- -------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Table structure for table `core_item_statistics_cache` -- CREATE TABLE `core_item_statistics_cache` ( `cache_id` int(11) NOT NULL, `cache_class` varchar(150) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `cache_item_id` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `cache_added` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `cache_contents` mediumtext COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci NOT NULL ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_unicode_ci; -- -------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Table structure for table `core_members_logins` -- CREATE TABLE `core_members_logins` ( `member_id` int(11) NOT NULL, `member_date` varchar(10) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci DEFAULT NULL, `member_timestamp` int(11) DEFAULT NULL ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_unicode_ci; -- -------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Table structure for table `core_member_recognize` -- CREATE TABLE `core_member_recognize` ( `r_id` int(11) NOT NULL, `r_member_id` int(11) NOT NULL, `r_content_class` varchar(150) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci NOT NULL, `r_content_id` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `r_message` text COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci DEFAULT NULL, `r_added` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `r_badge` int(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `r_points` int(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `r_given_by` int(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `r_public` tinyint(3) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'Show this message publicly?' ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_unicode_ci; -- -- Indexes for dumped tables -- -- -- Indexes for table `core_achievements_log_milestones` -- ALTER TABLE `core_achievements_log_milestones` ADD PRIMARY KEY (`milestone_id`), ADD UNIQUE KEY `lookup` (`milestone_member_id`,`milestone_rule`,`milestone_type`); -- -- Indexes for table `core_alerts_seen` -- ALTER TABLE `core_alerts_seen` ADD UNIQUE KEY `alert_member` (`seen_alert_id`,`seen_member_id`); -- -- Indexes for table `core_content_featured` -- ALTER TABLE `core_content_featured` ADD PRIMARY KEY (`feature_id`), ADD KEY `feature_lookup` (`feature_content_id`,`feature_content_class`,`feature_content_author`); -- -- Indexes for table `core_editor_stored_replies` -- ALTER TABLE `core_editor_stored_replies` ADD PRIMARY KEY (`reply_id`); -- -- Indexes for table `core_follow_count_cache` -- ALTER TABLE `core_follow_count_cache` ADD UNIQUE KEY `id_class` (`id`,`class`(171)), ADD KEY `added` (`added`); -- -- Indexes for table `core_item_member_map` -- ALTER TABLE `core_item_member_map` ADD UNIQUE KEY `map_unique` (`map_class`(171),`map_item_id`,`map_member_id`), ADD KEY `map_lookup` (`map_item_id`,`map_member_id`), ADD KEY `map_member_id` (`map_member_id`); -- -- Indexes for table `core_item_redirect` -- ALTER TABLE `core_item_redirect` ADD PRIMARY KEY (`redirect_id`), ADD KEY `redirect_lookup` (`redirect_class`(181),`redirect_item_id`), ADD KEY `redirect_delete` (`redirect_class`(181),`redirect_new_item_id`); -- -- Indexes for table `core_item_statistics_cache` -- ALTER TABLE `core_item_statistics_cache` ADD PRIMARY KEY (`cache_id`), ADD UNIQUE KEY `cache_lookup` (`cache_class`,`cache_item_id`), ADD KEY `cache_added` (`cache_added`); -- -- Indexes for table `core_members_logins` -- ALTER TABLE `core_members_logins` ADD UNIQUE KEY `lookup` (`member_id`,`member_date`); -- -- Indexes for table `core_member_recognize` -- ALTER TABLE `core_member_recognize` ADD PRIMARY KEY (`r_id`), ADD KEY `r_member_id` (`r_member_id`), ADD KEY `r_content` (`r_content_class`,`r_content_id`); -- -- AUTO_INCREMENT for dumped tables -- -- -- AUTO_INCREMENT for table `core_achievements_log_milestones` -- ALTER TABLE `core_achievements_log_milestones` MODIFY `milestone_id` bigint(20) UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT; -- -- AUTO_INCREMENT for table `core_content_featured` -- ALTER TABLE `core_content_featured` MODIFY `feature_id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT; -- -- AUTO_INCREMENT for table `core_editor_stored_replies` -- ALTER TABLE `core_editor_stored_replies` MODIFY `reply_id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT; -- -- AUTO_INCREMENT for table `core_item_redirect` -- ALTER TABLE `core_item_redirect` MODIFY `redirect_id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT; -- -- AUTO_INCREMENT for table `core_item_statistics_cache` -- ALTER TABLE `core_item_statistics_cache` MODIFY `cache_id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT; -- -- AUTO_INCREMENT for table `core_member_recognize` -- ALTER TABLE `core_member_recognize` MODIFY `r_id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT; COMMIT;  
  12. Thanks
    tnn reacted to Marc Stridgen in Sidebar moved from right to bottom out of no where   
    It's the announcements block you have placed at the top of your site. That is what is breaking your layout. 
  13. Like
    tnn reacted to Marc Stridgen in CRITICAL BUG (Datatime) - Records   
    There has been a patch posted for this. If you go to the support area in your admin CP, you will see "Optional patch" showing in the top left of that page
  14. Like
    tnn reacted to Marc Stridgen in CRITICAL BUG (Datatime) - Records   
    Thank you for bringing this issue to our attention! I can confirm this should be further reviewed and I have logged an internal bug report for our development team to investigate and address as necessary.
  15. Like
    tnn reacted to Marc Stridgen in A problem with dates?   
    There has been a patch posted for this. If you go to the support area in your admin CP, you will see "Optional patch" showing in the top left of that page
  16. Thanks
    tnn reacted to Marc Stridgen in A problem with dates?   
    Thank you for bringing this issue to our attention! I can confirm this should be further reviewed and I have logged an internal bug report for our development team to investigate and address as necessary.
  17. Agree
    tnn reacted to BradSmith in Dark Default Theme   
    Maybe a theme that adhered to the device night mode like Windows and Android do for apps and webpages?
  18. Thanks
    tnn reacted to Marc Stridgen in How to get more ranks and badges icon?   
    Glad to hear you like the achievements system. You can indeed re-add the defaults if you wish, even after upgrading. If you look in the following folder on your server, you will see the 3 xml files which are used to add these. You can use these files with the import button in the relevant areas. Of course, import ranks and badges before you import the rules
    Once you have done that and made any adjustments you would like to make, you can then use the rebuild button to rebuild for all members on your site
    Hope that answers your question, but please feel free to shout up if you have any further questions on these
  19. Like
    tnn reacted to Veritas Roleplay in Issues with mailing settings   
    Done and working. Bless you.
  20. Like
    tnn reacted to Nathan Explosion in Issues with mailing settings   
    OK, then Google is likely to be stopping you from logging in because it is considered to be insecure - they no longer allow the use of the "Less secure app access" setting to avoid this, they disabled it recently.
    Do the following:
    Login to the account in a browser Go to https://myaccount.google.com/u/3/security Go to the 'Signing in with Google' section and enable 2FA Once enabled, you will then have an entry titled 'App passwords' - click it Change the 'Select app' entry to 'Mail Change the 'Select device' entry to 'Other (custom name') Click 'Generate' Use that password in your IPS email configuration instead of the main account password    
  21. Thanks
    tnn reacted to Mark H in List of removed ips files?   
    We don't have a list of deprecated files, though if you are cleaning up from an install of 3.x which was upgraded to 4.x there are folders which can usually be deleted. (Note that you need to make certain that you didn't use those folders in some customized way.)
    For v4.x the following folders are the default, and must be present:

    Any other folders you'd need to check manually to see what is there.
    I'll also include a screenshot of a normal "version 3.x upgraded to version 4.x" folder structure before any old files/folders have been removed:

    Between those two screenshots you should be able to figure out what can be removed.
    (It should be noted as well that any left-over php files would be a very small total for disk space, but removing them is still a good security precaution.)
  22. Like
    tnn reacted to Randy Calvert in List of removed ips files?   
    What I've done in the past was moved folders I suspected were no longer in use to another subfolder (like OLD).  If something was broken on the site, it was easy to see what object was missing and I could simply move that folder back up a level back to the original place.  
    After some period of time (a few weeks to a month), I knew I could safely delete the folder.  
  23. Thanks
    tnn reacted to Adlago in Accessibility improvement   
    Please in the template Core_Front_Global/siteSocialProfiles
    editing code
    <li class='cUserNav_icon'> <a href='{$profile['key']}' target='_blank' class='cShareLink cShareLink_{$profile['value']}' rel='noopener noreferrer'><i class='fa fa-{$profile['value']}'></i></a> </li> replace with
    <li class='cUserNav_icon'> <a href='{$profile['key']}' target='_blank' class='cShareLink cShareLink_{$profile['value']}' rel='noopener noreferrer' title="{$profile['value']}" ><i class='fa fa-{$profile['value']}'></i></a> </li> this is an improvement for link social.
  24. Like
    tnn got a reaction from SeNioR- in Reducing & Optimizing Support Requests   
    I wonder if it would help reduce and/ or optimize support requests if we had an "Instructional Thread" that gave users some tips that should be done before, or as they contact support. It could even be done in categories if it got too large such as third party, software updates, etc.
    I see support constantly repeating themselves on requests so it might help reduce the load unless it is out there already. So basically, those items that are constantly repeated.
    A nice good blurb on how, a person seeking support, can help move forward...
    Then the instructions/ tips:
    Ensure your logon credentials are up-to-date in your client area  Download your database Disable any addons  Ensure requirements are met for any updates (i.e. correct PHP version, MySQL) Contact third party addons for any conflicts See if there is a related post to your issue Etc. (or words to that effect.)
  25. Thanks
    tnn reacted to Nathan Explosion in Reducing & Optimizing Support Requests   
    Preaching to the choir, mate...I have been in IT support since the mid-90s, and the amount of times I have written something up over those years, to help people report issues better, or to reduce support calls ..whatever...is on a level to the number of beers I have had today.
    Here's the problem - it relies on the person reporting the problem being directed to the right place (you're posting in 'Community Support' not the official 'Help and support' forum that IPS use, by the way...probably not your fault, last time I checked the language used in the software guides you to the 'Community' for 'Support' so there is the confusion), but it also relies on them searching for the answer, or for ways to figure things out themselves (which relies on effort on that person's part) or to read something that tells them how to report something (Example: "I just upgraded TO version X" doesn't tell you what they upgraded FROM, which is quite useful to understand in a lot of software cases)
    Good luck, sorry to be a bummer on this one.
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