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Release Notes v5
Posts posted by DawPi
12 minutes ago, riko said:
And an other question where do I drop my digital product, a zip file, so people can download it after purchase?
To allow the purchase of these files, you need to use the Downloads app. Then, users will be able to buy them!
@Mariusz12345, it's built in as you see!
Try the test tool in the e-mail settings and use any of your other e-mail accounts to receive testing message.
You need to use my mod for that. You can find more details on my page, and if you like it, you can also purchase it there.
I remember there was a way with a upgradeFinish/ folder to re-set the settings cache. As I have it and there is indeed such information:
This script completes the upgrade from modules onwards
Move the 'upgradeFinish' folder into your 'admin' directory
and access via your web browser
*/I can share it if you like and it's allowed by IPS of course.
For this particular plugin, you need to visit the author's site, here -
FYI - the Marketplace was closed and now to obtain any new plugins or upgrades you need to find the author's site and download it from here.
All available provider's pages:
- Adriano Faria and Marc
- 2
Import from where to where? 🧐
They are blocking too. I can add setting to exclude them if needed.
4 hours ago, My Sharona said:
... you'll need to be signed in to view...
All my apps/mods are fully translatable by the board owners. 🙂
board view:
Error: Class "RedisException" not found in /MYBOARD/system/Node/DelayedCount.php:110 Stack trace: #0 /MYBOARD/system/Node/Model.php(1908): IPS\forums\_Forum->checkUpdateTime() #1 /MYBOARD/system/Node/Model.php(1153): IPS\Node\_Model::load() #2 /MYBOARD/system/Node/Model.php(1170): IPS\Node\_Model->parent() #3 /MYBOARD/system/Content/ClubContainer.php(421): IPS\Node\_Model->parents() #4 /MYBOARD/system/Node/Model.php(2455): IPS\forums\_Forum->parents() #5 /MYBOARD/applications/forums/sources/Forum/Forum.php(777): IPS\Node\_Model->can() #6 /MYBOARD/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()'d code(939): IPS\forums\_Forum->can() #7 /MYBOARD/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php(61): IPS\Theme\class_forums_front_index->forumRow() #8 /MYBOARD/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()'d code(1920): IPS\Theme\_SandboxedTemplate->__call() #9 /MYBOARD/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php(61): IPS\Theme\class_forums_front_index->index() #10 /MYBOARD/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/index.php(225): IPS\Theme\_SandboxedTemplate->__call() #11 /MYBOARD/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php(118): IPS\forums\modules\front\forums\_index->manage() #12 /MYBOARD/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/index.php(52): IPS\Dispatcher\_Controller->execute() #13 /MYBOARD/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php(153): IPS\forums\modules\front\forums\_index->execute() #14 /MYBOARD/index.php(13): IPS\_Dispatcher->run() #15 {main}
What kind of the theme you are looking for? Premade or custom which fits your all requirements?
Try this url 😉
Works. Thanks.
it is a known issue? 🙂
Here you are the error when I trying upload (any) file:
There were a mod named "(MIX) Advanced Reaction Settings" with this option:
QuoteSettings of the "weight" of reputation include:
- The ability to specify an extended range of reputation points from -100 to +100 (compared to the standard + 1 / -1).
More info -
19 hours ago, Joe12345 said:
web app
What you mean? It would be for Android/iOS, right?
5 hours ago, PipeAd said:
The problem with that is then those people could still send the link to other people, essentially distributing the content to people who did not pay for the access, right?
So, what is your idea? I may be able to help but I need to know how do you want to handle it.
14 hours ago, Andreas Grace said:
May I ask why that is? My concern is that I missed something.
See for yourself. Distinguish the sections and topics devoted to modifications/skins from the rest and write how you did. 🙂
How to sell digital content?
in General Questions
It is, but you won't be able to track who downloaded the file, provide new versions of the file, notify the purchasers etc. I suggest use the Downloads app still! 😉