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Joey_M last won the day on December 24 2021

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  1. When I logged into my site ACP, I received this message "The last 4 emails the system attempted to send failed. This indicates there is probably an error with your email settings." My method of email delivery is PHP. Emails have been sending just fine, at least I thought. I have also come across this message checking the settings. I ran a test email to see if I received it, but I didn't.
  2. Then, I suppose I can't ask if NGINX needs to be a full root control server or not? 😇 Thanks.
  3. @Jim M: Are there any recommendations by IPS on the setup of NGINX to have the best performance? I was just asked by a friend who's helping me.
  4. @Jim M: Can using litespeed cause performance issues? I am currently running it, I am not sure if I should be switching to nginx. I know this is a hosting related question, however, I wasn't aware until now about litespeed. I would appreciate a bit of insight if you would be able to share it.
  5. Hello, I have had two of my sites members receive duplicate charges on their subscriptions due to my dev site. @Terabyte has added this to the constraints before to prevent this: However its not working. Payments are being duplicated.
  6. Yes, Zapier has integration with the service I am thinking. I just wasn't sure if that would bring it in fully with IPS. I didn't mean just Zapier, but Zapier + another third party company which would handle the emails.
  7. Hello, I am currently using SendGrid, however, I only send out automated emails via my IPS site, and I am looking at ways to cost-save. I have seen an alternative option, which has Zapier integration but they also offer an API service. I'm curious, would zapier integrate their service to my community, or should I look for a developer to connect their API?
  8. I am not sure about the front end, but it's there within the ACP.
  9. Thank you, I've confirmed the details are what Redis states. Could CloudFlare be the reason?
  10. I keep seeing an error stating that the cache method isn't working correctly, in the support part of the ACP - it says the configuration is incorrect. Redis Server: Password: 6379
  11. Yeah, that's the thing and it's now been sorted. The PHP version had also been upgraded, I can now configure it. Thanks, Jim.
  12. Sorry I should note, last night DirectAdmin wanted me to update Redis which I did. I believe this is the second time of doing that though.
  13. I had it working fine, but today I woke up to a message saying Redis is not configured. I have since lost the option to use it. I am using DirectAdmin (not cPanel). The commend to see if Redis is work, said that it wasn't found and further below mentioned it was running. I have since managed to get it to report as it's running, but I still have no options to use it.
  14. Thanks, Marc for confirming and updating this. Fingers crossed.
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