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Logging in Error

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So my members including myself are having logging-in errors, logging out works fine however logging in fails and yet I have no errors or logs stating that.

  1. So, I log myself out
  2. Then I log myself in again, click a page and see that I have not been logged in but says I need to log in.. 
  3. The only way to get myself back in is to clear Cloudflare or from ACP the cache

Could contain: Page, Text


MAybe needs a update @aXenDev






Edited by EmpireKicking
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3 minutes ago, teraßyte said:

If clearing the CloudFlare cache works, it might be caching things wrong. 🤔

Have you tried temporarily disabling CF completely to see if the error goes away?

It's on Standard with no cache rules and yeah still does it when it's off

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1 minute ago, Marc Stridgen said:

Do you have any other caching on your server at all?

Nope, I was running PHP 8.2 and now on PHP 8.3

I have disabled everything other than the system and forum under Applications, 

- If it was Cloudflare, what settings would affect it? even if it is paused....

I still have a feeling it's Cloudflare but I can't confirm  

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19 minutes ago, Nathan Explosion said:

Well, the software isn't supported on those so maybe pop back to PHP 8.1.x which is supported, and start investigation again?

^ start here

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Back on 8.1 I left it for 24 hours and so far I have not noticed much difference, but seems that the login error has been gone. I mean I did have Cloudflare disabled so it might be PHP or Cloudflare,

Also noted that Clubs are disabled as I have found a problem, it's making the user's Hover card not working 🤔

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1 hour ago, Marc Stridgen said:

Hovercard isnt working only when clubs are enabled? Or did I understand that incorrectly?

Yeah, after playing around, it has nothing to do with Clubs itself it's an addon that's affecting it, appears to only happen to selected groups where the Hovercard appears with an error.

I can't even get hold of the Dev on his site to add the plugin to my account, (Improved Clubs Enhancements)  It seems that I have to rebuy it again. 


From the Last patch notes:


Fixed custom home page issue with php8.0

 So, it's not PHP 8 supported the file that I have... 

Edited by EmpireKicking
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