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Bug in Pages 4.7.7


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2 hours ago, Afrodude said:

This tab is for messages access on all categories or the one you are going to select not reported contents.

Believe this is where the misunderstanding lies. It does both. If you do not present them with moderation permissions to these categories, they will also not have view report permissions because they cannot take action on those reports.

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@Jim M 

Could contain: Computer Hardware, Electronics, Hardware, Monitor, Screen

If you disable those three settings, new tabs will show up for each database you have in order to give this restricted moderator group access to add, edit, and delete messages either on "All' categories or the one you select. Those three settings have nothing to do with the visibility of the reported contents from this database. It's literally saying add, edit, and delete messages do not show/ unshown reported contents. 

Could contain: File, Computer Hardware, Electronics, Hardware, Monitor, Screen


57 minutes ago, Jim M said:

It does both.

First on 4.6.7 all my 7 restricted staff groups were able to see all reported contents from anywhere. Now you are saying "It does both" How come a setting called add, edit, and delete messages can be for both? What "Messages" has to do with the visibility of the reported contents?

1 hour ago, Jim M said:

If you do not present them with moderation permissions to these categories, they will also not have view report permissions because they cannot take action on those reports.

I didn't really get what you mention here, but if you mean this

Could contain: Computer Hardware, Electronics, Hardware, Computer, Laptop, Pc, Computer Keyboard, Text

They do have full permissions to the database and its categories, yet only once you deselect "All" from the database tab for add, edit, and delete messages in here

Could contain: File, Text, Page

They will not see the reported contents from this database. 



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Moderation permissions are done in ACP -> Members -> Staff -> Moderators. You are effectively not giving your moderators permissions under the Articles tab or Support tab to moderate the content there as you have unchecked it. Therefore, they will not see reports.

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@Jim M First, any database tab shows only whenever you disable those option.

Could contain: Computer Hardware, Electronics, Hardware, Monitor, Screen

Once the database tab shows it has only. 

Could contain: Page, Text, File, Computer, Electronics, Pc

55 minutes ago, Jim M said:

not giving your moderators permissions under the Articles tab or Support tab to moderate the content there as you have unchecked it. Therefore, they will not see reports.

There are no permissions under any database tab for reported contents. The ONLY solo options are to give permissions to add, edit, and delete messages on "All" or selected categories because they are disabled under "Content" tab. If enable them back, the tabs for all databases won't be exist.

Could contain: File, Computer Hardware, Electronics, Hardware, Monitor, Screen


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11 hours ago, Afrodude said:

Those three settings have nothing to do with the visibility of the reported contents from this database. It's literally saying add, edit, and delete messages do not show/ unshown reported contents. 

This is incorrect. If you have no permissions to delete, edit or otherwise interact with an item, you will see no reports on it.

10 hours ago, Afrodude said:

There are no permissions under any database tab for reported contents. The ONLY solo options are to give permissions to add, edit, and delete messages

Yes, that is correct. Again without being able to add, edit, or delete items, you would not be able to view reports. Because there is no point at all in being able to view a report if you cannot add, edit, or delete it. Unfortunately there is nothing else we are able to say on this, as what you are reporting is intentional.

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20 minutes ago, PatrickRQ said:

I got lost in this topic. So what is already determined issue here? As I am thinking whether to upgrade to 4.7.7 or not - as my community is highly based on pages app.

The only thing at present determined to be an issue at present, is inconsistent behaviour when there are no actions checked a moderator can use to action a report. If you check all, they see no reports, if they uncheck all, they see reports (incorrectly) but cannot action them. 

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7 hours ago, Marc Stridgen said:

This is incorrect. If you have no permissions to delete, edit or otherwise interact with an item


7 hours ago, Marc Stridgen said:

Again without being able to add, edit, or delete items,

My friend what items you are talking about? These settings are only for this add, edit, and delete "Messages." 

Could contain: Page, Text, FileCould contain: Page, TextCould contain: File, Page, Text, Webpage


It doesn't have anything to do nor connected with reported contents.


Again, selecting "All" or deselecting it under any database tab because you disabled add, edit, and delete messages under "Content" tab for any restricted moderation groups 

Could contain: Page, Text, File, Computer, Electronics, Pc

its solo job is to select all categories to give this group access on all categories to add, edit, and delete "Messages", and not if you select "All" and deselecting, affect the visibility of the reported contents under any database.

Edited by Afrodude
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Ah ok, yes, I get its messages there now and have gone through trying to replicate this in many ways, however I cant seem to do so. If I select "All" I see the reports, no matter what I have selected on those items. So this seems to be something specific to your own installation. I can take a look, but would need the name of a moderator to test this with

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4 hours ago, Marc Stridgen said:

If I select "All" I see the reports,

and if you deselect "All", click save you won't be able to see the reports from the database you are testing on.

This is where the issue Marc. Selecting "All" and deselecting it affecting the visibility of the reported contents from the database you are testing, and "All" 's ONLY job is to set access to entire categories under the database where restricted moderation groups can add, edit, and delete messages.

Edited by Afrodude
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@Marc Stridgen it took me many replies and screenshots till you guys really see what "messages" means even though it was very clear from the screenshots what it means.

I know you guys busy, but no one has responded to this bug in here or even understood the bug I am reporting in here. 


I will explain it one more time. 

Once you disable those settings under "Content"

  • Can add item messages.
  • Can edit item messages.
  • Can delete item messages.

Could contain: File, Computer Hardware, Electronics, Hardware, Monitor, Screen


Tabs for all databases you have will show. In my case I have Articles and Support databases tabs. 

Could contain: Page, Text, File, Computer, Electronics, Pc

In this tab you will be seeing above settings. 

  • Categories. Where you can select which category you want to give this group access to add, edit, and delete messages.
  • or "All". Selecting entire categories under the database despite how many categories under this database or even if I add new ones in the future where restricted moderation groups can add, edit, and delete messages.
  • Can add. ON/OFF
  • Can edit. ON/OFF
  • Can delete. ON/OFF

The bug exists with this option:

or "All". Selecting entire categories under the database despite how many categories under this database or even if I add new ones in the future where restricted moderation groups can add, edit, and delete messages.

Could contain: File, Text, Page

Now if you select and deselect "All" working as show/hide switch for the reported contents from this database, and its solo job to do is to select entire categories where this restricted moderation groups can add, edit, and delete messages.

Selected "All" = Show reported contents.

Deselecting "All" = Hide reported contents.



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3 minutes ago, Marc Stridgen said:

I have this on my list to look further into today, however Ive been unable to replicate when testing this previously

Have you read this reply?

As I mentioned here. option or "All" it shouldn't work as switch to show and hide the reported contents from the database tab because its only job is to select/include all categories.

Edited by Afrodude
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