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Why has “Powered by…” suddenly appeared?

Go to solution Solved by Jim M,

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I would suggest changing to an unmodified theme and seeing if that helps. If it doesn't, please check in ACP -> System -> License Key to refresh your license key then test again.

We will need to investigate your installation if you continue to have issues past that so please add your access details in the Client Area:

We would need to look further into this for you, however the access details on file appear to be incorrect or missing. Could you please update these details by visiting your client area, selecting the relevant purchase, then clicking "Review/Update Access Information" under the "Stored Access Information" section. 

We look forward to further assisting you. 


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  • 4 months later...

This has happened again and this time "refresh licence key" is not actually refreshing the licence key.

Anyone else having a similar problem?

What causes this issue? It's only been in recent times.

Could contain: Plot, Chart, Text

Hitting "refresh" says it has been refreshed but it obviously hasn't...

Edited by PoC2
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7 minutes ago, PoC2 said:

This has happened again and this time "refresh licence key" is not actually refreshing the licence key.

Anyone else having a similar problem?

What causes this issue? It's only been in recent times.

Could contain: Plot, Chart, Text

Hitting "refresh" says it has been refreshed but it obviously hasn't...

Probably its linked to this.

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Thank you for the super speedy update Marc.

Very much appreciated. I'll leave you in peace for a bit then. 😉


... and now it's fixed (again). 🤔

Thank you for whatever you did to sort it! 👍

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