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Member Map

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just found out it has been disabled on all servers i use due to the script kiddies exploiting it to do DOS attacks :(

Thanks for the help anyway..i guess theres no way round this at he moment?

have you tried adding it to your .htaccess file?
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What is your new issue?, I can't access your map.

this is my newest issue i get the following error after i add a location, and the map is blank

Webpage error details

User Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 5.1; Trident/4.0; chromeframe; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.04506.648; .NET CLR 3.5.21022; InfoPath.2; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR 3.0.4506.2152; .NET CLR 3.5.30729)

Timestamp: Wed, 31 Mar 2010 01:33:00 UTC

Message: Expected ')'

Line: 396

Char: 636

Code: 0

URI: http://www.forums.wi...php?/membermap/

i also made the mp visble to guest but didnt give guest permission to add a location but if u need that to let me know
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srry retry, what i did was posted here then went and changed ther permission, you was fater then me :)

Right, got it. Simple fix.

change your group prefix <img> to use single-quotes, it's breaking the javascript.

<img src='http://www.forums.winxperts.net/public/style_images/admin.gif' />

I'll add a check for that in the next version

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The map installed fine for me, worked fine (few users added pins, etc.) but then when I checked it later, I get just a large gray square, no map - unless - I click "show friends" and then it shows just me and the person(s) who are my friends.

Any ideas? I'm thinking it might be a pin someone added that's causing it to bomb...

I turned Firebug on in Firefox, and here was the error it gave me:

And the resulting script that caused the error:

missing ) after argument list 

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The map installed fine for me, worked fine (few users added pins, etc.) but then when I checked it later, I get just a large gray square, no map - unless - I click "show friends" and then it shows just me and the person(s) who are my friends.

Any ideas? I'm thinking it might be a pin someone added that's causing it to bomb...

I turned Firebug on in Firefox, and here was the error it gave me:

And the resulting script that caused the error:

[code]missing ) after argument list

You've probably got some " in your group prefix or suffix, you can safely change them to ' and the map will work.
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You've probably got some " in your group prefix or suffix, you can safely change them to ' and the map will work.

It turned out to be a Flash avatar (that happens to be interactive) that caused the issue - I did check the group colors, and all the quotes were single quotes, so it wasn't that (as far as I can tell).

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This file will enable the application to function for people that are having issues communicating with Google (Adds another method for getting around your server configuration).

Upload this file to /admin/applications_addon/other/membermap/sources/classes/

Many thanks - its work very good
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I installed the Map and everthing is really fine thank you so much!

But i found one "Bug" now... If 2 Users enter the same Adress like "Austria Vienna" one pin is over the other Pin so you cant see the second Member?
Is there any way to show every Member with one Adress?

Kind regards,

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