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(NE) Content limits for editor

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I have just spent the last 30 minutes testing this application's ACP side of things out and I see NO issues.

Here are the settings when "Apply to all groups" is enabled - working as intended, all the settings on that tab will be applied to all groups:


Here are the settings when 'Apply to all groups' is disabled, and you have chosen some groups in the 'Which group?' field. Each chosen group will have their own tab, with their own specific setttings:


If you are still having an actual issue, then please provide exact detail that provides more information than:

22 hours ago, livegames.co.il said:

Its still doesn't working @Nathan Explosion

I cant do any changes


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  • 1 month later...

I'm currently working on an update to this which, alongside some fixes I am putting in, will add the following functionality:

  1. Limitations on the number of videos has been explanded to allow limits on:
    • total number of videos (now a check of the content in the editor as well as any videos which have been uploaded but not yet added to the content in the editor)
    • number of attached video files (checks the uploaded files under the editor)
    • number of remotely linked video files (checks the content in the editor)
  2. Limitations on the number of images has been explanded to allow limits on:
    • total number of images (now a check of the content in the editor as well as any images which have been uploaded but not yet added to the content in the editor)
    • number of attached images files (checks the uploaded files under the editor)
    • number of remotely linked image files (checks the content in the editor)
  3. Limitations can now be placed on the number of attached audio files (checks the uploaded files under the editor)
  4. Limitations can now be placed on the number of other attachments (checks the uploaded files under the editor)

Now is the time to chime in if you have any other ideas for new features for this application.

Edited by Nathan Explosion
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Laugh Lol GIF by PG Tips

v2.1.0 is pending approval...

    • Fixed issue where the "The following limits are in place" notice would be displayed even if no limits were imposed
  • NEW
    • Limitations on the number of videos has been explanded to allow limits on:
      • total number of videos is now a check of the content in the editor as well as any videos which have been uploaded but not yet added to the content in the editor
      • number of attached video files (checks the uploaded files under the editor)
      • number of remotely linked video files (checks the content in the editor)
    • Limitations on the number of images has been explanded to allow limits on:
      • total number of images is now a check of the content in the editor as well as any images which have been uploaded but not yet added to the content in the editor
      • number of attached images files (checks the uploaded files under the editor)
      • number of remotely linked image files (checks the content in the editor)
    • Limitations can now be placed on the number of attached audio files (checks the uploaded files under the editor) (note: IPS 4.6.8 and higher only)
    • Limitations can now be placed on the number of other attachments (checks the uploaded files under the editor)
    • None
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  • 3 weeks later...

Provide screenshots of the settings you have in place, please.

And expand more on:


18 minutes ago, Brainy S. said:

this does not work with guests

What exactly is not working? Is the notice below the editor not appearing? Or it appears, but the limits aren't being applied? More information would be useful, if your settings are not being applied.



Edited by Nathan Explosion
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Nope, not seeing any "Guest" specifc issues in my testing - so anything extra you can provide will assist here.

Some different issues do exist which will be fixed in next version:

  • "Total attached audio files allowed" setting on 'General settings' tab doesn't hide when "Apply to all groups" setting is toggled off.
  • "Total attached audio files allowed" setting on group specific tabs doesn't reflect the correct saved value for the setting.
  • "Total other attachments allowed" setting on 'General settings' tab doesn't hide when "Apply to all groups" setting is toggled off.
  • "Total other attachments allowed" setting doesn't display on group specific tabs when "Apply to all groups" setting is toggled off.
  • _desc language strings for "Total videos allowed" & "Total images allowed" are not visible on group specific tabs when "Apply to all groups" setting is toggled off.
Edited by Nathan Explosion
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v2.1.1 was released the other day:

    • issue where "Total attached audio files allowed" setting on 'General settings' tab wasn't hidden when "Apply to all groups" setting was toggled off.
    • issue where "Total attached audio files allowed" setting on group specific tabs didn't reflect the correct saved value for the setting.
    • issue where "Total other attachments allowed" setting on 'General settings' tab wasn't hidden when "Apply to all groups" setting was toggled off.
    • issue where "Total other attachments allowed" setting wasn't displayed on group specific tabs when "Apply to all groups" setting was toggled off.
    • issue where _desc language strings for "Total videos allowed" & "Total images allowed" were not visible on group specific tabs when "Apply to all groups" setting was toggled off.

v2.1.2 is currently pending approval

    • "Character exclusions" & "Characters to exclude" settings were not hidden when "Enable word/character limits" setting was toggled off.
  • NEW
    • Added ability to limit number of quotes in the content
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  • 4 months later...
6 hours ago, Nathan Explosion said:

Could you elaborate on that, please?

Do you mean additional limits other than the ones already there?

Adding different limits for new topics and different limits for new posts.

For example when creating a new support topic, we want to add a 15 minimum word count so people hopefully add additional information so that we could better assist.

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OK, gotcha - at present, you can apply a set of limits to either the first post in a topic, to replies to a topic, or to both - but it's the same set of limitations.

Those limitations are applied at the group level - example:

  1. Set your 'Members' group to have limitations that are forced when they post either a topic, a reply or both.
  2. Set your own group to not have any limitations forced.
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On 9/16/2022 at 1:17 PM, Nathan Explosion said:

OK, gotcha - at present, you can apply a set of limits to either the first post in a topic, to replies to a topic, or to both - but it's the same set of limitations.

Those limitations are applied at the group level - example:

  1. Set your 'Members' group to have limitations that are forced when they post either a topic, a reply or both.
  2. Set your own group to not have any limitations forced.

Sounds good!

I would like to see the option to apply limitations to new topics and new posts to the same group.

Thank you for the awesome work.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello Nathan,

I'm interested in this plugin, I have two questions.

1. Does it work for reviews?
2. Is this alert bar visible all the time? If yes, would you be able to make the alert appear only if the user tried to send the message and didn't meet the criteria? It looks a little visually weird to me.

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So '...in Pages databases", correct? If so, the feature can be added to handle reviews, yes, and will be added next time I work on the application.

9 minutes ago, Hisashi said:

I don't know if you understand what I'm referring to

Are you sure about that?

49 minutes ago, Hisashi said:

Is this alert bar visible all the time?


35 minutes ago, Nathan Explosion said:

If yes, would you be able to make the alert appear...

Yes - it is probably achievable to not have it appear until it needs to appear (ie the user is in breach of the criteria)

35 minutes ago, Nathan Explosion said:

.. only if the user tried to send the message....

Nothing can be submitted until the criteria is met - that won't be changing.

35 minutes ago, Nathan Explosion said:

...and didn't meet the criteria?

.Yes - it is probably achievable to have it appear if they have breached the criteria.

Anything not clear about my response, please ask.

Edited by Nathan Explosion
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9 minutes ago, Nathan Explosion said:

So '...in Pages databases", correct?

Yes, my focus is only on reviews, because there are users who are making "bad" ratings like for example... "nice", "liked", "very good" I want to force users to make more detailed comments.

Edited by Hisashi
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