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Cookie Notice


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I'm adding on top of this plugin so I thought a topic for it would be nice for some testing and feedback.

Added an option to block the _ga cookie by Google Analytics until the consent message is dismissed.

I've been testing this, and while the analytics.js file will still be loaded, no tracking information is sent to Google.

After enabling the option in the ACP, delete your existing _ga cookie before testing.

Edited by -FP
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No, the requirement for (Dutch) law is that the cookie may not be set until explicit content has been given.

The same goes for facebook, twitter etc.

My website is targeting Dutch visitors, so I am in clear violation of Dutch (and partly European) law.


On this page of my site the following cookies are written:


Facebook Connect
Google Adsense
Google Analytics
Google+ Platform

As far as I know the top 5 are tracking cookies and should not be written without explicit consent of the (Dutch) visitor. Analytics and Adsense have been configured by me using the IPS functionality (Ad Code Integration and Search Engine Optimization), Facebook connect is due to the functionality within IP board (Social Media and Sharing) which I can not prevent without switching it off entirely.

That Is why I think it is IPS responsibility, or call it moral duty to at least help solve this problem.

Edited by Michel_72
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I'll take a look, but even if I manage to make it happen, apps like GHOSTERY will still list Google Analytics for instance, because analytics.js is called, but the _ga cookie is not set thus no tracking information is collected, at least so far in my plugin.

Or that's what they say in the information for the code I implemented: https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/collection/analyticsjs/advanced#optout

Edited by -FP
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  • 2 weeks later...

Well since this runs on the JS file by silktide... right now you'd have to grab this: http://s3.amazonaws.com/cc.silktide.com/cookieconsent.latest.min.js

Find this code:

<a data-cc-if="options.link" class="cc_more_info" href="{{options.link || "#null"}}">{{options.learnMore}}</a>

Add the target property to the link, save the JS file, upload it somewhere, and modify the xml file to call your edited JS file instead of the original one.

I'll see If I can add a setting for it.

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Well since this runs on the JS file by silktide... right now you'd have to grab this: http://s3.amazonaws.com/cc.silktide.com/cookieconsent.latest.min.js

Find this code:

<a data-cc-if="options.link" class="cc_more_info" href="{{options.link || "#null"}}">{{options.learnMore}}</a>

Add the target property to the link, save the JS file, upload it somewhere, and modify the xml file to call your edited JS file instead of the original one.

I'll see If I can add a setting for it.

Aha, I get it.
Thought I could modify the xml and it would be finished just liked that.

I will wait for updates then :)  Thnks for the plugin btw, it's great!

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  • 4 weeks later...

There are language strings for the More Info link text and for the Got it button, in fact I translated it to Spanish for my site.

Yes, but the main message text is only available in one language, it isn't available in the translation manager. Which should be a more convenient place for it.

And also, after upgrading to the latest version, the translated text in the translation manager is deleted by the upgrade proces, making it an extra work to re-translate the strings to the previous state. 

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Yes, but the main message text is only available in one language, it isn't available in the translation manager.

Yep, that's the problem on my site too. It's not translating that's the problem but the fact that my site is bilingual and it's only possible to have message text in one language. Users using language 2 should ideally see a message in language 2 too, especially for something like this where you're asking them to consent to something.
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I'm using it on my multilingual site - thanks, @-FP!

I don't think there's anything you can do about this but ideally if the cookie message changes, then the box should appear again to ask for consent. I know that was a feature of Mark's tutorial on how to create a plugin, but I accept that in this case we're translating language strings rather than creating a new message, the creation of which causes a reset in the database.

It's probably not important anyway - there's not likely to be a need to change the message.

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Well I'll look into it, it may be possible to do something comparing the date of the current cookie set to hide the message, and the date of the last time the message was modified, supplied by another setting field for instance, I would also have to mess with the JS file provided by silktide... well, we'll see.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Uploaded a new version.

Option to load the JS from the developer site, or use a local version.

Using the local version decreased my site load time by roughly 300ms, and this should also address the security concerns some users had.

(Translations are still lost, sorry!)

Edited by -FP
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