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  1. We can add directly this precision 😉 : "With Invision Community 4.4 this plugin is ALMOST ENTIRELY no longer needed!"
  2. Babounet

    Cookie Notice

    Hello. I'm French and if I want to translate the message with apostrophes inside, it didn't works... It works only if there aren't apostrophes...
  3. Hello ! A new bug with the plugin. When there is a moved topic (the redirection), he is considered as a pinned topic. Thanks.
  4. Great plugin. It is possible to have an update for the "question forum" ? See that : http://puu.sh/jyRmW/e10a8c38f9.png (The Normal and Pinned questions are not separated)
  5. Hello. I would like to modify the field in topic profil view. Where I can do that ? Thanks.
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