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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Mike, 

First of all, thank you for all your work on the portal!

Today I installed the latest version of the portal (v1.6.0) on our forum (v4.1.15). Before we had v1.5.3.

However, I have encountered following issue:

Everything works fine until I set the portal as the default application. When I do this both the 'portal' and 'forum' links in the 'browse menu' lead back to the portal. I couldn't find a solution, so now I have put temporary the forum as the default application and then both links are behaving normal.

Do you have any idea what could be wrong? We didn't have this problem with v1.5.3 of the portal.

Edited by Bonaparte
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Extra info:

When the forums are set as the default application:

forum/index.php > forum index
forum/index.php?/forums/ > portal
forum/index.php?/portal/ > portal

When the portal is set as the default application, they all go to the portal. Problem therefore seems to be with how it handles the "forum/index.php/?/forums/" link. The fact that this redirects to the portal even when the forums are the default application, seems to cause the problem.

Edited by Bonaparte
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On 16/10/2016 at 0:18 AM, Bonaparte said:

Everything works fine until I set the portal as the default application. When I do this both the 'portal' and 'forum' links in the 'browse menu' lead back to the portal. I couldn't find a solution, so now I have put temporary the forum as the default application and then both links are behaving normal.

Do you have any other apps installed? Can you check if the same behavior occurs? Either this is an IPB4 bug or something unique to the Portal app itself. I'll check the later as soon as I get home.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Still can't update the portal app. It tells me:

1C133/9 The application you uploaded cannot be installed because it is not a valid application, the archive is corrupt or the file and directory permissions in /applications do not allow it.


Managed to update it by uninstalling it, then manually deleting applications/portal folder and then installing fresh. Not an ideal way to upgrade, but at least it worked. Thanks for keeping the Portal app going for free.


UPDATE: Topic sorting doesn't work. If I click to sort by topic start date, it's showing a topic from a month ago being the latest, when there is tons of new topics. If I unclick that so it'll sort by last post, again it shows out of order, the first being a topic that hasn't been responded to in a week.


Any fix for this?

Edited by Koby
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On 13/12/2016 at 0:43 AM, Jelly Belly™ said:

I've installed the portal on my test server but could you tell me how to have it display a left column - centre and right column please

Right now the only option is a right column sidebar. When IPB4 adds better support for other widget areas, I'll add a left column to the left side as well.

On 17/12/2016 at 4:48 PM, Koby said:

UPDATE: Topic sorting doesn't work. If I click to sort by topic start date, it's showing a topic from a month ago being the latest, when there is tons of new topics. If I unclick that so it'll sort by last post, again it shows out of order, the first being a topic that hasn't been responded to in a week.

Not seeing that on my end. What do you have set for the Portals "pinned topics" setting?

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11 hours ago, Mike John said:

Not seeing that on my end. What do you have set for the Portals "pinned topics" setting?

After some time, it seemed to magically sort itself out and started displaying the correct ones. I didn't change any other settings, so it was strange.

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  • 1 month later...

Also, should add this (or something similar to the same effect) to the post styling:

<div style="clear: both;"></div>

Before the line that says replies, views , and add reply.

Reason? If you float / right or left align stuff like images, then they overlap that line. Example:


The clear: both; line would stop this from being an issue and that 0 replies, 13 views, add reply and the line above it would remain at the bottom.

Edited by Koby
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  • 4 weeks later...

I have Portal running on IPB, seem to have a small bug.  One post included a full-width line of underscores:  in Portal view, that page did not resize to the browser width -- because the line of underscores did not get wrapped/broken.  The width correctly resizes elsewhere in IPB (e.g., the Topic view).

We fixed the problem by deleting the line of underscores -- but to prevent a recurrence in any future posts, is something in the Portal CSS that isn't quite the same as on the rest of the board?


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2 hours ago, BenefitsLink2 said:

I have Portal running on IPB, seem to have a small bug.  One post included a full-width line of underscores:  in Portal view, that page did not resize to the browser width -- because the line of underscores did not get wrapped/broken.  The width correctly resizes elsewhere in IPB (e.g., the Topic view).

Could you PM me a link to the affected topic or take a screenshot of it and your Portal settings? I'll then try and reproduce this and see what's happening.

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  • 1 month later...
On 28/03/2017 at 4:01 PM, Jaymez said:

I made a tracker app in pages and want to stick the latest 10 posts in side menu...is that possible with portal?

If it's using a database, I believe the Pages app would allow you to add a widget block with that database right? If so, the Portal will accept any widgets.

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On 3/30/2017 at 9:13 PM, Mike John said:

If it's using a database, I believe the Pages app would allow you to add a widget block with that database right? If so, the Portal will accept any widgets.

The drag and drop side menu option is there on a Pages page, but isn't there when on the portal page

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