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Posting of remote or linked images function ?


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Posted in feedback and been requesting since start of V3 for the posting of remote/ linked images function to be improved or reverted to how it used to work in v2.3.6
Obviously still being over looked as there is no improvement, i may be one voice in thousands but this is a vital part of my forum and widely used by my members.

the resize function in v2.3.6 worked perfectly well but the developers changed the function with out any thought for customers who have in place active forums and have used there system for many years.
in V2.3.6 i could have 3 or 4 images that fitted quite easily in the post message area and could adjust image size globally to suit my requirements.

The image function in V3 has no options to adjust the size of the image in the post message area, the posted image fills the whole of the message area and resizes in the message area its self.
The images filling the whole of the post message area, and take up to much room with the way the function works at present.
If I upgraded i cannot change thousands of posted images i have in my forum to allow for this change in the resize function, it would take for ever and defeats the object of an upgrade.

I am all for improvements and moving with the development of IPB and would not have minded if the function change would have been an improvement but as it is now, there is no control over remote/linked images posted on the forum.
So i am stuck in limbo until this function is improved and cannot upgrade my forum, gallery or blog.

Please take another look at the image function and improve it in some way or give me a way to revert it to the old V2 setup.

Lastly i am talking about posted remote or linked images not image attachments

Thank you

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Perhaps many of us don't use / don't allow remote image hosting?

I agree however that using images in forums needs improvement and even with image attachments like I use at my site, version 2 was superior to version 3. In version 2 clicking on an image attachment opened the image in a new window. If you had multiple image attachments then you could open them all for comparison if you wanted to. Now it's either using Lightbox or Lightbox disabled. With Lightbox disabled image attachments open in the same window so doing image comparisons is no longer possible. Then if you do use Lightbox you can't save images and you can't do image comparisons.

Then of course there's the issue of no image size restrictions either for remote hosted images or image attachments.

IPS needs to tidy up the use of images in posts before adding fancy new enhancements.


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[quote name='3DKiwi' date='25 November 2009 - 04:50 PM' timestamp='1259167819' post='1882378']
Perhaps many of us don't use / don't allow remote image hosting?

I agree however that using images in forums needs improvement and even with image attachments like I use at my site, version 2 was superior to version 3. In version 2 clicking on an image attachment opened the image in a new window. If you had multiple image attachments then you could open them all for comparison if you wanted to. Now it's either using Lightbox or Lightbox disabled. With Lightbox disabled image attachments open in the same window so doing image comparisons is no longer possible. Then if you do use Lightbox you can't save images and you can't do image comparisons.

Then of course there's the issue of no image size restrictions either for remote hosted images or image attachments.

IPS needs to tidy up the use of images in posts before adding fancy new enhancements.


The image attachment function is no use to me either then if thats how it works, i hadn't looked at that function fully.
my members need to be able to save the images that are posted.

looks like i am stuck on 2.3.6 then as theres no point in upgrading due to these image issues,

Thank you for your reply, appreciated

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You can now set a fixed size for resizing images. So, if you wanted images to be no bigger than 600px wide or 600px tall, you can now do that.

I have also added a "save" button into the lightbox which opens the original image in a new window

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excellent news, thank you
will multi posted images in the same post require a separate lightbox for each image or can the llightbox be disabled to contained multi images in the same post message box.?

example of V2.3.6 posted images

multi image attachments


multi linked images


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[quote name='Matt' date='26 November 2009 - 02:20 PM' timestamp='1259245212' post='1882622']
The thumbs will display similar to the images you posted. Clicking on remotely linked images will simply expand them. Clicking on attached images will launch the lightbox.

that great, look forward to the next release
thank you

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Matt, any chance of making the file name at the bottom left of the lightbox window a link directly to the raw image file?

The problem I have with lightbox at the moment is I can't link someone directly to an image now if I want to share it with someone via MSN or AIM. However, if I could click on the filename in the lightbox window to view just the image, then I could do that.

Thanks :)


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From what I understand you have added a "save image" to the lightbox for attached uploaded images (which is great)? I don't see that here on the company forums and thought you had recently updated the forums here or is it just in the company build so far?

EDIT: My mistake it is there only it is a "SAVE" button in the lower right corner instead of the normal right click! Great work!

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[quote name='Nuclear General' date='09 December 2009 - 12:40 PM' timestamp='1260387648' post='1886694']
Where exactly is the new setting for the auto resize? I can't seem to find it. I've looked in "Topics, Posts, & Polls" but don't see it. I think I'm going blind! :lol:

Manari mou go in ACP and type in - Live Search in ACP:resize :thumbsup:

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