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  1. Past hour
  2. I can't find where to delete or edit the questions and answers for new registrations. Thanks!
  3. Hello, I've just install a fresh 4.7.19 install and make a migration from wordpress to invision. I've switch my website into production. I experience A LOT of issue regarding login/CSRF protection error. I've made a video (clearier than an explanation). More info : - background jobs are finished - clearing system caches does not help - I have nothing installed (plugins or something else) CSRF error : The CSRF protection key did not match. This may indicate a plugin or theme is out of date. Please contact technical support for more information. Enregistrement de l’écran 2025-01-04 à 19.12.36.mov
  4. Today
  5. Thank you for checking. Will you follow up on a fix or I should complete a bug report?
  6. Oh! You can put the table in the box wrapper and go bananas with the size and settings. 10/10
  7. I love the table feature! It is certainly very basic, but it is a working table! Is there anyway to align the entire table to center or right? I know you can do the text, but it seems stuck to a left alignment as a whole.
  8. it's setting the correct date (date is set to today -24h) but yeah, I have noticed that the record_publish_date column contains the current timestamp which is a bug.
  9. I am trying to update my menu and the changes I try to publish never take effect. And help would be appreciated. KS
  10. Hello, To reproduce the problem: Create an event: NOT "single day" - for example, event starts on 13th Jan and ends on 17th Jan All day Not recurring In event "day view" select 15th Jan - the event does not show even though it is actively running on that day. The event should show in event view on all days from 13th to 17th Jan inclusive. Click to show details of the event would then obviously state that it started on 13th and runs until 17th. Thanks. John
  11. I can't find where in v5 settings we can explode certain forums where ads will not run.
  12. @Daniel F can you please take a look into the code I posted? Thanks.
  13. Thanks for the clarification!
  14. Hello, To reproduce the problem: Create an event that repeats every Sunday. I created an event on 5th Jan 2025 for 10:00-12:00 and set it to repeat every Sunday. View the calendar (e.g. month view) and the event correctly shows as repeating. Hover over one of the repeats (19th or 26th or whatever) and the date of the event shows up correctly. OK so far! Click one of the repeats - for example, 26th Jan. The date of the event now incorrectly shows as 5th Jan. The above is the detail for the event on 26th Jan 2025. As you can see, the date is given as 5th Jan which is incorrect. 5th Jan is (of course) the start date for the repeating sequence - but we don't need that as it is repeating the information shown on the next line (underlined) where it states the start date and the details of the repeat. Our users complain about this behaviour. They expect the correct date to be displayed - that is the date of the calendar entry that they clicked. Thanks. John
  15. Another paradox - this only happens with version 5. Never with version 4.x and of course - the lowest level of performance
  16. I can imagine doing this event based circumvents the reason for caching. If you have a small forum and less traffic it doesn't matter. But on a large forum you would perhaps increase the number of queries more than without caching (depending on the block).
  17. You posted in the Classic self-hosting section, which the IPS support team may not see in time. As an IPS Cloud customer, I think you can send support messages to IPS in the Client area of your account. Hopefully, they'll respond soon.
  18. This is encouraging, Q1 of 2025 would be amazing!
  19. I didn’t setup the original back end of the site, but it all seems to be funneled through Invision when I look at the DNS tabs on my domain provider. The only current DNS infrastructure are Invision nameservers… Does that make sense?
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