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    Grafidea reacted to Randy Calvert in Invision Community Insight: Happy Friday and Happy St. Patrick's Day   
    The monthly price is the monthly price, but they do have a one-time credit that is available if after you move to the cloud that you give up your self-hosted license. 
  2. Like
    Grafidea got a reaction from SeNioR- in Invision Community Insight: Happy Friday and Happy St. Patrick's Day   
    Is it a bazaar, a market that you want to negotiate prices? - sorry but it is a subjective point of view. 
  3. Like
    Grafidea reacted to Amy Pond in Invision Community Insight: Happy Friday and Happy St. Patrick's Day   
    I was just asking a question. 
  4. Like
    Grafidea reacted to Amy Pond in Invision Community Insight: Happy Friday and Happy St. Patrick's Day   
    The updates are released also for the selfhosted version, then I thought that the new features would apply to it to. 
  5. Like
    Grafidea reacted to Charles in Invision Community Insight: Deprecation Communication, March Release and more.   
    Totally understand many do. It's why we will continue to offer the Classic edition in v5 🙂 
    Always open to hear from people on what is holding them back though even if we cannot change your mind it's good to chat and learn. Always open for PMs 🙂 
  6. Like
    Grafidea reacted to Olivia Clark in Invision Community Insight: Happy Friday and Happy St. Patrick's Day   
    🍀 Welcome to this week's Invision Community Insight!🍀 
    Thank you for checking out this weekly round up post. I hope you have had a wonderful week! To those who celebrate, Happy St. Patrick's day to you. I hope you are wearing green 😉 In the comments below, feel free to say hello and let us know how this week is treating you. 
    From the Invision Community team...
    Current Happenings
    Changes for Gallery, Events and Clubs in the upcoming April release has been shared in a recent blog. Feel welcome to join that discussion. 
    Enhanced Services Add-on
    We are now selling our new Enhanced Services Add-on for our cloud plans. If this interests you, or perhaps you are looking for other additional services, reach out to us at sales@invisionpower.com so we can determine what will work best for you. If you have been thinking about switching to cloud and would like some help determining if that is a fit for you, let us know. I am happy to work alongside you for both of these services. 🙂
    On Deck
    In case you have totally missed it, Live Topics is set for beta release in April. We will share a blog soon.
    Our next scheduled event (which will use our Live Topics feature) is our April Release Chat. Follow and add that event to your calendar so you can join us. 
    Peeking Ahead 
    Our statistics and reporting improvements are nearing completion as well. A blog entry will be shared soon.
    We are developing our Courses and Lessons application. If you want to help shape this feature, join in that discussion to share your ideas and use cases with us.  https://invisioncommunity.com/forums/topic/472307-courses-and-lessons/#comment-2934996

    Finally, for those that like to see what we are up to line by line, here is the changelog for the week.
  7. Like
    Grafidea reacted to The Old Man in Invision Community Insight: Deprecation Communication, March Release and more.   
    Thanks for the reply and the invitation Charles. I know it's good for many but I prefer and need to stay with IPS Legacy for now! 😍
  8. Like
    Grafidea reacted to Charles in Invision Community Insight: Deprecation Communication, March Release and more.   
    We may bring Courses to Classic in the future. For the moment, Courses is a value addition to those on our cloud platform.
    The statistics improvements are mostly available for both cloud and classic editions other than a few extras that are cloud only.
    Feel free to PM me or we can do a Zoom call to discuss options about switching to cloud to take advantage of new technologies. 
  9. Like
    Grafidea reacted to SeNioR- in Pages UI Polish   
    They may be small things, but for a perfectionist who pays attention to detail, they are quite important 😛 
    And speaking of small things, is this padding needed here (for non-logged in users)?
    #elUserNav_mobile { padding: 15px 0; } https://forum.invisionize.pl/

    From what I noticed the #elUserNav_mobile identifier is dynamically added if we have the Commerce module, and the padding is for the cart icon (correct me if I'm wrong), but I think you can use row-gap here and eliminate this unnecessary space.
    .elMobileDrawer__user { row-gap: 15px; }
  10. Like
    Grafidea reacted to Afrodude in Pages UI Polish   
    @Ehren has done a great job recently, but this is area has been missed. This is just to point at it as hopefully it gets polished in the future.

  11. Like
    Grafidea reacted to Olivia Clark in Invision Community Insight: Deprecation Communication, March Release and more.   
    🌸 Welcome to this week's Invision Community Insight! 🌸
    Thank you for checking out this weekly round up post. I hope you have had a wonderful week! In the comments below, feel free to say hello and let us know what you are working on. As for us, let’s dive into that below.
    Current Happenings
    We are beginning some spring cleaning in Our Community. I hope you enjoy this first round of changes and those that will appear in the coming weeks. 🧹 
    Deprecation Communication
    Deprecations are important to keeping our software clean and modern as needs change and the software evolves. We want you to know when deprecations are happening and how to prepare for those. When a new deprecation is announced or a removal is completed, we will communicate those in four ways:
    Release notes: This is a simple description with a link to our new Deprecation Tracker. Deprecation Tracker: This will give a bit more information and any actions or advice from us regarding the change. Topic: To allow for a place to ask your questions, we will share in a topic. AdminCP notification: This will appear as a banner in your AdminCP. We recommend that you follow these areas in Our Community so you are notified of changes. There are new announcements and removals in the March release so check those out.
    New Version
    Our March release is out and ready for your community. As you know, we recommend that you keep your community up to date each month to keep it running smoothly and so you can enjoy the latest updates.
    As a reminder, here is what is included in this March release, version 4.7.8. 🍀
    On Deck
    Live Topics is set for beta release in … April! 🤩 🎉 We are looking forward to hearing how you use live topics and how it evolves in its future versions.
    If you want to see Live Topics in action and like to hear Charles and I talk about the release (or just talk in general 😉) follow and add the April Release Chat to your calendar. Hope to see you then.
    Also in the upcoming April release, Commerce, Clubs, Gallery and Events will all get some attention. 
    Peeking Ahead 
    Progressing along nicely are our statistics and reporting improvements. A blog entry will be posted soon.
    We are in the beginning stages of development for our Courses and Lessons application. If you want to help shape this feature, share your ideas and use cases with us. https://invisioncommunity.com/forums/topic/472307-courses-and-lessons/#comment-2934996
    Lastly, for those that like to see what we are up to line by line, here is the changelog for the week.
    Hope you enjoyed this week's Invision Insight round up. See you next week. 🙂
  12. Like
    Grafidea reacted to Adriano Faria in Error when entering the invision community website.   
    Every page you access redirects to the admin. I had this problem for a couple of hours. Back now. 
    And yes, I was trying to access Invision forums, downloads, etc. Any page redirected me to admin/install here.
  13. Agree
    Grafidea got a reaction from Tripp★ in Error when entering the invision community website.   
  14. Agree
    Grafidea reacted to Daniel F in Error when entering the invision community website.   
    Thx, I thought you were trying to access our admin directory 🤨
    Sorry for this. It should be resolved now. 
  15. Like
    Grafidea reacted to Miss Vendetta in Error when entering the invision community website.   
    I also saw the error a few minutes ago while trying to access the upgrade notes but it has since resolved.
  16. Thanks
    Grafidea got a reaction from Tracy Perry in WHM & cPanel CentOS7 and AlmaLinux 8   
    Yes, cloudlinux is paid and is one of the main founders/sponsors of Almalinux. When I was setting up my server, I tested both ubuntu 20.04 and AlmaLinux 8 and ubuntu started faster, additionally it caused less problems when installing the PLESK panel than AlmaLinux. On newer machines, in my opinion, Ubuntu performs much better due to the fact that it has newer packages and core.
  17. Like
    Grafidea got a reaction from SeNioR- in WHM & cPanel CentOS7 and AlmaLinux 8   
    Oddly enough, most hosting companies are moving their services to Ubuntu. Most hosting panels also have first-class support for ubuntu/debian and only in the second round AlmaLinux. Which proves that there are fewer AlmaLinux users.
  18. Like
    Grafidea reacted to Charles in Coming soon: Statistic Updates   
    We will soon be announcing some statistics and reporting improvements that will be available to both Cloud Platform and Classic self-hosted editions of Invision Community. Look out for a blog entry on that soon!
    I did want to talk about one addition to reporting and statistics that will not be available on Classic and do a quick preview: per-item reports.
    You will be able to see a view of the popularity of a section (specific forum, gallery album, download category, etc.) or item (forum topic, gallery image, file, etc.) over a time period. For example, you could see a graph showing which hour/day/week/month had the most views in an individual topic. Right now, stats only show total views and has no count for by hour or otherwise when that view was made.
    Cloud's backend systems handle the tracking, counting, and logging of views. This data is stored centrally outside of your master database so if you ever wish to go from Cloud to Classic, this data would not convey. Report data can include possibly millions of data points so, for performance, some larger reports may be queued. This means that Cloud will calculate the report and deliver it to you in a few minutes. This ensure that intensive data reporting does not cause timeouts for you.
    This is the first step in several other reporting and statistics improvements we have planned. We are also working to tie statistics into actions in the future. Think things like: stats discovers a previously dormant member has become active again and initiates a process to welcome them back. Or maybe stats discovers a member who previously only posted in Product A forum is now looking at Product B forum so stats tells your CRM to flag a possible sales lead.
    We are excited to be able to offer these enhanced services by leveraging the backend power of the Cloud platform!
  19. Like
    Grafidea reacted to Haim Rafael in Advanced Tags & Prefixes is built into the system   
    There used to be this app that is no longer supported:

    Will it be possible in the future to add tags to topics such as "publication|" "Question" and so'?
  20. Like
    Grafidea got a reaction from konon in Upgrade to CKEditor 5   
    Updating CKEditor to version 5. Are there any plans for this?
  21. Like
    Grafidea reacted to SeNioR- in guestCommentTeaser - too much padding.   
    Referring to the new changes in 4.7.8 (UI Polish in Invision Community 4.7.8), it's also worth taking a look at:

    This section has far too much padding, the buttons on the mobile version are not next to each other, but below each other, which take up half the phone screen.
    I suggest to use ipsFlex instead of old ipsGrid.
    After a slight modification, I got this look: 

    Clearer right?
  22. Like
    Grafidea reacted to wegorz23 in Optimal php memory limit settings   
    so settings would be like 10 processes of PHP and max_memory_limit like 1024 MB 
    10*1gb = 10 GB + system and other stuff.
  23. Like
    Grafidea reacted to SeNioR- in Redirection to the login page after clicking attachment   
    My sugestion for Today: Redirection to the login page after clicking on the unavailable attachment instead of displaying an error page.
    I'd love to see this feature built in.

  24. Like
    Grafidea reacted to SeNioR- in Time for an IPS4 performance review/update?   
    Yes, it has been stuck for several years.
  25. Agree
    Grafidea reacted to The Old Man in Time for an IPS4 performance review/update?   
    I don't know about you, but I'm wondering if it's perhaps overdue that IPS got stuck into a huge performance and speed based review and implement it in the next medium sized update! I think a lot has changed in recent years in relation to site performance. Core Vitals in Lighthouse as many admins will be aware are now much more important in terms of SEO ranking, performance isn't just for the obsessed enthusiasts any longer!
    Google Search Console tells me that on one of my IPS Communities, my Mobile Pagespeed test result sucks, just 28%-30% at present, so I started checking a few things under the hood. I like to keep my sites high performing, so I was quite surprised it was so low. 
    One thing I found out in minutes looking at the optimisation list and then checking my IPS configuration is that if you have the IPS Lazy Loading feature enabled, it doesn't apply to your uploaded images in Advertisements or Post Author Member Group Icons. Both are shown in my topic view so I get scored down on mobile in particular.
    I think it's now time that Native Lazy Loading was offered, either as a choice or as the default if enabled.
    Also where possible IPS should support Local WebP conversion via the Task Manager.
    I know some of us sometimes bash IPS for not delivering more obvious updates like Gallery, Blog, Pages and Commerce improvements for the sake of instead quick things like disabling features but IPS4 is quite a huge behemoth these days, no matter your pricey VPS, CiC, use of Redis pools etc.
    More performance improvements I'd like to see considered include...
    (Now admittedly I'm basing this list on a similar big audit that another website framework I invested in conducted and implemented last year. These are the options you can now simply toggle off/on as a result in their Dashboard. They can make a huge difference to bloat.)
    Dynamic Modular Framework
    Enable this to allow the IPS Framework to only load code that are actually used on the page, and process the logic for the features in actual use.
    Dynamic CSS
    Dynamic CSS could greatly reduce CSS file size by dynamically generating only the styles and assets necessary for the features and modules you actually use. This eliminates most if not all CSS file bloat and greatly improves load times.
    Dynamic Icons
    Font Awesome is 2 generations behind. The FA4 icon font could be broken up into various subsets. These subsets are loaded only when needed based on the modules and features used on each page. If you need access to the entire icon font on all pages (for example, if you are using lots of FA icons in a custom theme or want to allow members to insert them via the post editor), then you could disable this option and load the entire icon font library on all pages.
    Load Dynamic Stylesheet In-line
    This option dequeues the IPS style.css file and prints the needed contents in-line. This removes a render blocking request and improves the PageSpeed scores of individual pages. However, it also prevents the style.css file from being cached. Since the stylesheet is often smaller when dynamic or critical, it could be recommended to keep this option enabled. Accepted there are some potential CSP-related security concerns with inline CSS an or JS.
    Critical CSS
    Critical CSS greatly improves website load times and Google PageSpeed scores by deferring non-critical styles and eliminating render-blocking CSS requests. Critical CSS often covers what most users see when first loading the page, so called 'above the fold' content.
    Critical Threshold Height
    When Critical CSS is enabled, IPS would determine an "above the fold threshold" and defer all styles for elements below the fold. However, this threshold is just a estimate and can vary on different devices. Increasing threshold height will deffer fewer styles, resulting in slightly slower load times but less of a chance for Cumulative Layout Shifts to occur. If you are experiencing CLS issues you can then increase or lower the threshold 'height' via a drop-down low, medium, high setting.
    Dynamic JavaScript Libraries
    When enabled, IPS would only load external JavaScript libraries when they are needed by a specific sections or modules on the page. This removes unused JavaScript from the main scripts bundle and improves load times.
    Improve Google Fonts Loading
    Enable caching of Google Fonts and load them inline. This reduces render-blocking requests and improves page load times. Also presents an opportunity to switch to the Google Fonts API, to offer a dynamic dropdown list to allow admin to choose from all available GFonts. The Task Manager could check for and cache new versions of selected fonts in use weekly.
    Limit Google Fonts Support For Legacy Browsers
    Enabling this option will lower the size of Google Fonts and improve load times, however it will limit Google Fonts support in some very old browsers. You can turn this off to increase support for losers insisting on their older insecure browsers at a slight cost to performance.
    Defer jQuery And jQuery Migrate
    When possible, jQuery and jQuery Migrate could be moved to the body to speed up load times. If a third party plugin registers jQuery as a dependency, it would be moved back to the head.
    Enqueue jQuery Compatibility Script
    Some third party scripts may be incorrectly enqueued without declaring jQuery as dependency. If jQuery is deferred, these scripts could break. If you are experiencing console errors after enabling the "Defer jQuery And jQuery Migrate" option, you can enable this option, which will load an additional compatibility script that will attempt to solve the issue. (You can turn this feature off if everything is working fine without it).
    Defer Additional Third Party Scripts
    Warning: This can cause JavaScript errors in some cases and should be used with care. When enabled, scripts registered by plugins and themes will be deferred to improve performance and jQuery will always be loaded in the body.
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