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Posts posted by Ricsca

  1. @EmediatoIt's already a lot if I can pay for the license (vsito that the forums in 2021) hardly anyone uses them anymore...
    I cannot spend a hundred euros for Sendgrid.
    By the way there are many better email providers than Sendgrid but ipb only supports Sendgrid so it is essential that you implement both the ability to send emails by yourself and with other email providers.

  2. On 2/27/2022 at 11:10 AM, Sonya* said:

    I was very disappointed about the number of actions in Zapier for SendGrid: exactly one!

    To compare, Mailchimp has 21(!) actions and triggers. 

    But is there a way to connect mailcimp to ipb?

  3. The cost of the ipb license is very high so it is absolutely necessary to develop the email system.
    It is not possible that to contact users, it is necessary to use third-party servants such as sendgrid (otherwise very bad) which are very expensive!
    Having a forum and not being able to contact users is really ridiculous.
    It would also be necessary that the email recaptio be tracked to find out who no longer has the active email. This way you can only send emails to those who actually receive them and not send thousands of random emails.

  4. 22 hours ago, Daniel F said:

    Utilizza un servizio adeguato come SendGrid, Amazon SES o qualcosa di simile.


    Who a forum assumes has thousands of users ...
    SendGrid for 40,000 emails a month takes $ 14.95 which is not cheap ...
    Amazon SES is cheaper but you don't provide an official plugin.
    You should work on this to improve ipb

    7 hours ago, DSystem said:

    Un'opzione per aggirare questo problema è utilizzare questa applicazione ->   https://invisioncommunity.com/files/file/9000-sendmail-advanced/

    Naturalmente, se avessimo un sistema di posta elettronica nativo che non obbligasse gli amministratori del forum a utilizzare servizi a pagamento, sarebbe molto meglio. La SMF con un sistema molto semplice riesce a limitare le email al giorno senza danneggiare le email più importanti come cambio password o conferma email ed ecc...

    Ma fare cosa? Il team IPB ha sempre ragione.

    Does it work with the latest version of ipb?

  5. Priorities need to be set for email types.
    Each hosting has its own limits, there are specific email hosts that allow you to send a few thousand emails without ending up in spam. But certainly no one allows you to send 55,000 emails at the same time.
    For example, I migrated the forum from vb to ipb and I would like to send an email to all subscribers to tell them. Even if it takes me 100 days nothing happens, it's not an important email. At least I can send them for free without having to purchase an external email service.

    @Daniel Falternatively, what would you do now to contact 55,000 users? Without ending up in spam and without the hoster blocking my plan?

  6. This is a fundamental option also because in order not to end up in spam you cannot send thousands of emails a day.
    My forum has nearly 55,000 subscribers and I cannot contact them.
    I can't contact them because in order not to end up in spam I need to send less than 1000 emails a day (better if not more than 500 emails a day) and they can't be contacted because my hosting gives me 300 emails a day.
    For a forum that already has more than 5000 users, it is so impossible to contact them.
    I wonder how this option is not defoult since it is basic.

    Any plugin to send wordpress newsletters allows you to set the email limit every hour or every day. So I don't think it's difficult to program.

  7. 15 hours ago, Jim M said:

    Il mio consiglio è di segmentare la tua lista in base ai filtri per raggiungere l'importo che desideri ogni giorno. Sfortunatamente, non è un modo più semplice per aggirarlo in questo momento. 

    @Jim M It should be a default function

    For the admin of a forum it is very important to be able to contact its users ...


    14 hours ago, DSystem said:

    @ Risca

    Uso questa applicazione e invio a più di 500mila e-mail senza la necessità di abbonarsi a nessun servizio di trasmissione e-mail

    Nota: utilizzo il mio server e non invio più di mille e-mail al giorno per evitare di essere registrato ai servizi di spam




    @DSystem Great application, it should be by default.
    Now I try it

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