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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Matt

  1. They are, yes. It’s so the service workers can run.
  2. Yes, we just had to tweak some our our JS code to allow iPhone to register as supported to the rest of our normal notification system. We'll update our docs, but to get iPhone notifications working you must complete the manifest in the ACP and use the 'add to home screen' feature. It won't work just with mobile safari in a tab, for example.
  3. Huge thanks to @Daniel F for risking his iPhone by installing the latest iOS beta to get this feature working for us!
  4. The longest awaited iPhone feature is almost here, native iOS notifications, and we couldn't wait to ensure it is enabled for your Invision Community. Invision Community 4.7.9 is iPhone push notification ready for when Apple release their latest iOS update later this month. This means you'll finally get notifications on your phone, even when you do not have your browser open, to alert you of new content on followed items and more. A feature Android owners have enjoyed for a while. With notifications, you can have an authentic native app experience with built-in Invision Community features such as the manifest editor. The manifest editor allows you to edit your theme icons, colours and URL for when your members add your community to their phone's homepage. This manifest file helps mobile devices understand how to display your community site when launched from the home screen. Your members can add your community to their home screen with the share button. Once it has been added, it looks and feels like a native app downloaded from the App Store. With Apple finally allowing native notifications and Invision Community's mobile-ready UI coupled with the manifest editor, you can have a real app experience without needing a mobile app. iPhone PWA.mp4 We intend to bring more functionality and ease of use to mobile devices over the coming releases. We hope you're looking forward to iOS native push notifications as much as we are! The features discussed in this announcement are available in both Invision Community and Invision Community Classic. View full blog entry
  5. The longest awaited iPhone feature is almost here, native iOS notifications, and we couldn't wait to ensure it is enabled for your Invision Community. Invision Community 4.7.9 is iPhone push notification ready for when Apple release their latest iOS update later this month. This means you'll finally get notifications on your phone, even when you do not have your browser open, to alert you of new content on followed items and more. A feature Android owners have enjoyed for a while. With notifications, you can have an authentic native app experience with built-in Invision Community features such as the manifest editor. The manifest editor allows you to edit your theme icons, colours and URL for when your members add your community to their phone's homepage. This manifest file helps mobile devices understand how to display your community site when launched from the home screen. Your members can add your community to their home screen with the share button. Once it has been added, it looks and feels like a native app downloaded from the App Store. With Apple finally allowing native notifications and Invision Community's mobile-ready UI coupled with the manifest editor, you can have a real app experience without needing a mobile app. iPhone PWA.mp4 We intend to bring more functionality and ease of use to mobile devices over the coming releases. We hope you're looking forward to iOS native push notifications as much as we are! The features discussed in this announcement are available in both Invision Community and Invision Community Classic.
  6. Thanks Randy, We're taking this very seriously. More information will follow.
  7. We did experience an outage, however it was 6 hours, not 12 hours. Our status page monitors this forum (which was down for 6 hours) and the US cloud platform (also down for 6 hours). Your screenshot adds them together. This doesn't make it right, any extended outage is not ideal, but I just wanted to fact check the 12 hours claim which is double the downtime that occurred. As Charles said, it is very unusual for us to experience this, so we are incredibly frustrated. Our uptime for 2022 was 100%, and so far this year including this event, it's 99.68% so it really is a very rare occurrence. It doesn't mean we're being complacent, but it illustrates that this isn't the usual experience.
  8. Pre-checking isn't really how email works. We are however adding bounce management tools to our cloud platform to help prevent multiple bounces and to manage blocked emails.
  9. @Matt Finger did all the hard work (JS, node, React, etc). I got the easier jobs.
  10. We plan on bringing more video platforms to Live Topics, but as of its first release, Zoom is not directly embeddable. You can do an unlisted Youtube Live video too if you wished.
  11. I can actually reproduce, I think it's a Cloudflare issue. We rely on the new Image() javascript method to tell us if the image is valid or not. It appears in this case, Chrome is reporting that those links are valid images, while Safari is not. I'll do some digging but it might be beyond our ability to fix if Cloudflare is manipulating the response.
  12. I really can’t reproduce it on any browser. The link shouldn’t attempt to embed as it’s not a whitelisted URL.
  13. Do you have any chrome plugins that may affect the editor?
  14. I cannot reproduce this issue, can you record a video so we can see what is happening please?
  15. Yes, then we'll remove it and put it back, then remove it again then put it back. It's now a tradition.
  16. We expect this limitation to be removed in our April release. We have merged two different concepts into one. We previously had "Publish Date" in pages, but "Future Publish Date" everywhere else. Merging them did cause some issues which we've been resolving. The final one was when you have Pages records (any publish date) synchronised with a forum (only future publish date).
  17. Mark the forum as read and it should track correctly from now on.
  18. We can cancel licenses, and we can send notices to the host, but with a self hosted product, we have no direct way to shut the site down. We always follow up on piracy but it is a long a difficult path with most people using a nulled site who tend to find refuge with hosts that are either very slow to follow up on DMCAs or positively ignore them. The most likely outcome is they get kicked from one host and set up on another. That is the risk we take by offering a downloadable product.
  19. I took a quick look at your site, and my best guess is that the there is an issue with the database import where it looks like it has converted whitespace into a character. It may be as simple as editing the footer template and saving it to correct the issue.
  20. Hi Marco, thanks for bringing this to our attention. It looks like the nulled version you found is Invision Community from January 2020. It does not contain any of the cloud exclusive features. We do not ship any of the cloud application, and even if they had the files they could not connect to our network that powers those features as none of that functionality is exposed to the outside internet. You would just get a connection error. I understand your frustration but this person has effectively stolen our work. This is a criminal act. You would not observe someone stealing a car and think "wow, they got a car for free, why am I still leasing?" and then pick up a brick and stroll towards the nearest car. 😆 Piracy is an unfortunate side effect of offering a downloadable product. Most of the time a person uses a stolen credit card to get the files and then re-distributes them. This costs us twice, in the stolen download and then in chargeback and payment processing fees. We have learned over the years that it is pointless to try and sign any downloads. We used to store hidden data in JPG EXIF but most warez sites take 2 or 3 copies from different people and then use diff to see what looks different between versions and then simply remove any signed files or data. We do follow up piracy but it's a long slog as most hosts are uninterested or the person using the nulled version jumps from low cost host to low cost host.
  21. Matt


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