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  1. Haha
    Dprock reacted to Matt in Hump Day: Facebook name-change may be on the horizon   
    Data when he senses his evil brother Lore is up to no good again.

  2. Like
    Dprock reacted to Matt in Hump Day: Facebook name-change may be on the horizon   
    This is similar to when Google created Alphabet to enable them to expand into other markets. Clearly Facebook understand that it is past its peak and can now only decline so it makes sense for them to look at where they can go next.

    I'm not overly keen on living in a Facebook universe though.
  3. Like
    Dprock reacted to Jordan Miller in Hump Day: Facebook name-change may be on the horizon   
    Happy Hump Day, team. I wanted to kick off today's hump day post with a bit of news. Curious to know your thoughts.
    TL;DR: Facebook may re-brand.
    Facebook is, and has been, under intense scrutiny.
    They are considering a name-change, The Verge reports. It's rumored the re-branding encompasses Facebook's 'metaverse,' a mission to combine virtual and augmented reality technologies into one unified online world. 

    It is believed Facebook will hire 10,000 new employees for this endeavor. 
    We might know more information on the new name come Oct. 28 – the date of Facebook's annual Connect conference – CEO Mark Zuckerberg is expected to speak. 
    The rumored name is 'Horizon.'
    Horizon is "the name of the still-unreleased VR version of Facebook-meets-Roblox" company currently under development. A Facebook spokesperson said they won't comment on speculation.
    Facebook wants to restore faith with the public, which has steadily declined in recent years. They hope a new look and feel will help. 
    Earlier this month, Frances Haugen, who formerly worked at Facebook as a product manager, testified before congress claiming Facebook was fully aware its platform was used to spread hate and misinformation, yet did nothing to prevent it.
    Others believe Facebook intentionally chose profit over others' health and well-being.
    Invision Community has undergone a few evolutions over the years, but never as a response to controversy. 
    This a powerful lesson regarding the dire need for hands-on leadership in a community (and the need for communities in general). It's my opinion Facebook became too gargantuan too quickly; it couldn't properly scale while also keeping its integrity. 
    What do you think of the big news? Sound off in the comments below.
    OH, but before you do... if you haven't already, please give @Matt's new blog about SEO improvements a read; it's incredible 4.6.8 news!
    And of course, here are a list of updates/changes from the developers: 
    - Fixed the ACP-Follower Statistics Page which was returning an IN_DEV error if no followed content was present.
    - The ACP Member Profile Template will remove the left column if there are blocks to show.
    - Fixed orphan language phrases when deleting databases and custom fields.
    - Fixed a PHP 8 type error when upgrading between Commerce packages.
    - Fixed an issue with Activity Streams where the results may be incomplete when the 'Content I posted in' filter is used.
    - Fixed an issue where tag filtered content feeds would show incorrect results where a tag forms part of another tag.
    - Added some missing VAT territories to checkout form.
    - Fixed an issue where PNG images could not be resized in the browser when using Firefox.
    - Fixed an issue where adding a hook to the topic sidebar would shift the sidebar to underneath the topic.
     - Fixed an issue where adding a hook can cause CSS selectors with a colon (eg: ipsFlex:4) to be broken (eg: ipsFlex---cln---4)
    - The ACP Member Profile Template will remove the left column if there are no blocks to show.
    - Fixed an issue specific to Cloud where creating a ticket from the contact form may not work.
    - Added the option to compare with a theme's parent when editing templates.
    - Fixed an issue where purchases and subscriptions could move members to not existing groups.
    - Fixed an issue where achievements rewards were not given when a comment is approved for the first time.
     - Fixed an issue where Admin CP downloads (themes, etc) would download an 'admin.html' file when using Safari.
    - Fixed an issue where the "participated in topic" icon was incorrectly positioned on small devices when both Fluid Forum View and Expanded Topic List View were both enabled.
    - Fixed an instance of invalid HTML with member badges in Expanded Topic List View, where a ul was a direct child of another ul.
    - Member badges and topic stats on Expanded Topic List View pages now wrap correctly on small mobiles.
    - Fixed an issue where a business name form field would show during checkout when consumer was selected.
    - Fixed an issue where deleting a custom template would remove it from all themes.
    - Fixed an caching issue in `\IPS\Content\Statistics`.
    - Fixed an issue that can occur when sending a push notification for reviews needing approval.
    - Fixed an issue with PHP8 when checking profanity filters.
    - Fixed an issue where invoice warning emails may say the customer has an active PayPal Subscription when it has been cancelled.
    - Added a robots.txt generator, removed content redirect links for guests and added nofollow directives.
    - Cleaned up some defunct code relating to AdminCP default theme settings.
    - Fixed an issue in the search/filters template which would result in an error with IN_DEV being enabled.
    - Added AggregateRating Schema to record pages.
    - Fixed potential issue where duplicate notifications/digests are sent.
    Looking forward to hearing what you think.
  4. Like
    Dprock reacted to Jordan Miller in Hump Day: do's and don'ts of community moderation?   
    Happy Hump Day! 
    I've been working on a new blog post about the dos and don'ts when it comes to community moderation/guidance. Before I share it with you on Friday, I'd love to know your thoughts! 
    What is something you should do when moderating your community. How about something that you ought to avoid?
    Something that immediately came to mind for me is moderating on the offense versus the defense. Generally speaking, most view moderation as a restrictive tool that takes power away from the community. A member posts profanity? Moderate! A topic goes live in the wrong section? Moderate! A spam bot infiltrates the latest blog entry? Moderate, moderate, moderate! That facet of community building will always exist, but going on the offense by setting up automations will save you time and money (and energy!). More importantly, it creates an elevated user experience because your attention is spent engaging with your members instead of policing people. Fostering a sense of connection with the community in my opinion is essential. 
    PS - you may recall my blog post on shifting our mindset from moderation to guidance, but we love an SEO moment. 
    Share your two cents in the comments below please! Would love to feature some of your comments in the upcoming blog post. 🙂
    Check out a recent batch of platform updates since we released 4.6.7 into the wild. Shout-out to the support and dev team for all their hard work!
    - Fixed an issue where removing a currency can cause errors in search results.
    - Fixed an issue where reviews may not be correctly indexed with Elastic Search.
    - Fixed an issue where insert attachment links in dark mode may show in the wrong color.
    - Fixed an issue where importing the achievement rules xml file could fail during the upgrade.
    - Fixed an issue where insert attachment links in dark mode may show in the wrong color. 
     - Fixed an issue where custom meta tags/titles may not always show on the community homepage.
    - Fixed an incorrect registration stats admin restriction.
    - Fixed an issue where insert attachment links in dark mode may show in the wrong color.
    - Fixed an issue where the 'recently browsing' Javascript may not load properly.
    - Fixed a rare issue where you may see the Service Worker Javascript after login.
    - Fixed a database error shown if a user does not have permission to edit date fields.
    - Fixed an issue where a guest may see a CSRF error when trying to purchase a subscription.
    - Fixes incorrectly escaped node form helper titles.
    - Fixed an issue where it was not possible to toggle the anonymous state of content items.
    - Fixed admins not being able to ban or flag member as spammers via the ACP profile when warnings were disabled.  
    - Fixed incorrectly escaped node form helper titles.
    - Fixed an issue where task progress bars could show percent completion above 100%.
    - Fixed an error when moderators with permission to post anonymous content edit content of those that can't.
    - Fixed admins not being able to ban or flag member as spammers via the ACP profile when warnings were disabled.
    - Fixed an issue where multiple ACP notifications for the same item were visible.
    - Fixed the ACP-Follower Statistics Page which was returning an IN_DEV error if no followed content was present.
    - The ACP Member Profile Template will remove the left column if there are blocks to show.
    - Fixed orphan language phrases when deleting databases and custom fields.
    - Fixed a PHP 8 type error when upgrading between Commerce packages.
    - Fixed an issue with Activity Streams where the results may be incomplete when the 'Content I posted in' filter is used.
    - Added some missing VAT territories to checkout form.
    Appreciate you all! Thanks for participating in our community 🙂. Looking forward to hearing from you!
  5. Like
    Dprock reacted to Jordan Miller in Hump Day: humpless   
    Lmao. Hey team! I was at a #FreeBritney rally 😅
    It was an incredible day being at the courthouse with everyone when the judge decided to suspend Jamie Spears. Just an FYI my community is BreatheHeavy.

  6. Like
    Dprock reacted to Jordan Miller in Hump Day: (some of) the team is together, 4.6.7 Beta is out!   
    Happy Hump Day, fam! 
    I'm bringing this very special Hump Day post from our headquarters in Lynchburg, Virginia.
    @Ryan Ashbrook, @Matt Finger, @Marshall Slemp and myself flew in from all over the U.S. to join forces with @Charles, @Olivia Clark and @Rikki to A.) meet in person and B.) dream up some exciting new projects!
    Spoiler alert: we have some pretty exciting things in the works! Olivia is helping us channel our creative energies into effective workflows. Seeee?

    Speaking of projects, have you had a chance to check out our website refresh? I'd love to point you in the right direction 😏  namely our Innovate section. It's beautiful 🥲 . Curious, what are your thoughts? 
    Content Discovery Visitor Engagement Community Management Integration Achievements Mobile Customize
    Next up is 4.6.7 Beta 1... it's available now! It includes our new Activity Streams subscription feature, extended Closed Clubs functionality and Stock Replies!
    And if that wasn't enough Invision Community magic, check out a list of updates/fixes we've knocked out since we last spoke:
    - Fixed an issue where converted mentions may contain a static URL (breaking them if you change your domain).
    - Fixed an error that could occur if the Converter tried to delete a content link.
    - Fixed an issue with tag statistics immediately after a conversion.
    - Fixed a niche issue where an error could occur if a PayPal Subscription notification arrives after the Subscription is cancelled.
    - Fixed an issue where it wasn't possible to edit a subscription expiry date.
    - Fixed an issue that could cause a slow query to run when sending email if a large number of emails have previously failed.
    - Fixed an issue with the Frontend Theme Editor occurring with PHP8.  
    - Added Stream Subscriptions.
    - Fixed the broken "Buy" link inside file embeds.
    - Fixed an issue with some topics not being hidden (but their posts were) after converting from vB5.
    - Fixed a potential issue adding tags to content when using PHP 8.
    - Added the ability to quickly navigate between Node permissions and Group permissions in the AdminCP
    - Made Profile Completion steps non-copyable.
    - Fixed members REST endpoint responsible to award a badge. 
    Alright folks, that does it for now. If you have any comments, questions or concerns, drop us a line in the comments. We're here for you!! 
  7. Like
    Dprock reacted to Jordan Miller in Hump Day: check Invision Community's uptime 24/7   

    Happy Hump Day, team! I wanted to share our new uptime status checker.
    Those who've opted for one of our Cloud plans can now track up and downtime. If your community is experiencing downtime, feel free to check this page before submitting a ticket. 😃 
    You can also subscribe to receive updates via email as well so you're always in the know. 


    A link to this status checker will be included in the Client Area on our website refresh (launching in September). 
    There's a section that details a history of what's transpired. Check it out and let us know what you think.

    We recently launched a Health Club utilizing our clubs feature.
    Greatly appreciate everyone who's joined and contributed thus far. I know the content isn't necessarily related to our platform and it may feel like we're cluttering up your All Activity Stream, but I do firmly believe being healthier translates into bettering your community. It's cheesy, but being your best self offline helps your presence online and in your community. If you haven't already, please give the Club a visit and join. You may be surprised. 

    Shifting gears here. In the past week, the dev team slayed a number of fixes and updates to the platform.
    Sink your teeth into the latest and greatest: 
    - Fixed the group search flood control setting not showing the correct value.
    - Improved catching errors that 3rd party hook may throw.
    - Fixed issue where the AdminCP Search Activity statistics restriction wouldn't cause a corresponding in the menu to appear.
    - Fixed an issue where search pagination can lose quick search and node parameters.
    - Fixed some missing language strings in Member History when looking at badges/points.
    - Fixed an error being generated when viewing Member history.
    - Fixed a PHP 8 specific issue that could cause an exception when viewing a product with reviews.
    - Fixed an issue upgrading from a really old version of Gallery.
    - Fixed an issue where Stripe JS may be loaded more than once.
    - Fixed the group wait time setting not showing the correct value.

    Questions? Comments? Concerns? Drop us a line in the comments. We'd love to hear from you! Happy Hump Day, fam. 
  8. Like
    Dprock reacted to jaeitee in Hump Day: pages, pages, pages   
    With around 2000+ user contributed articles now in Pages this would really help us.
    ➡️ SEO Titles
    SEO needs a real look at, the fact that we create categories there should be a way to manage the SEO Title and structure within each category. Right now there's a lot of pointless words being added to the Record Title so it comes up in the Page Title for SEO results.
    IE: [Record Title] [Custom Field A-Z] [Category SEO Title] [Database SEO Title]
    The ability to customise SEO Titles for a whole database, with the ability to include Custom Fields in to the Title would be brilliant.  We use a lot of pre-defined select lists which would be useful to have those words in to the SEO title.
    ➡️ Table of Contents
    Similar to the way Atlassian Confluence achieves this, just an insertable Table of Contents either within writing the article via a Tag or pre-defined through pages.  Either way, we have some long entries that would really benefit from a Table of Contents.
    ➡️ Dependent Custom Fields
    Lack of a better way to describe this, however this really is a bit if a pain in some way so the best example I can give is Mobile Phones for example:
    Select Box: User Chooses their Manufacturer (ie: Apple)
    This brings up a Second Select Box: User chooses their Model: (ie: 12 Pro)
    This brings up a Third Select Box: User chooses their Size: (ie: Standard or Max)
    This brings up a Fourth Select Box: User chooses their Capacity: (ie: 256GB)
    The benefit of having all these select boxes pre-defined and dependent on each other is to be able to achieve the same in the Sort Filters and gradually filter the results from the frontend.
  9. Like
    Dprock reacted to Matt in 4.6: How to restore custom member titles   
    Invision Community 4.6 brings a brand new achievements system which overhauls the ranks system along with adding the ability to earn points which translates into a higher rank via rules.
    As part of the clean-up, we removed the custom member title from the author section of the post as there's a limit to how much information we can show comfortably!
    Of course, some communities used custom member titles and wish to continue using them. Fortunately it's easy enough to get them back.

    Step 1: Log into the ACP and navigate to Members > Profiles > Profile Fields
    Step 2: You will see a group called "Retained", inside is a new custom field called "Member Title". This profile field was used in the upgrade to save the custom member title data. Click on the pencil icon to edit.

    Step 3: Post upgrade, this field is effectively switched off, but it can easily be switched back on. For the "Display format for topics" choose custom and just use: {$content} as the value. This will remove the "Member Title:" prefix. Save the changes.

    You will now see the member title has been restored.

     Advanced tip:  Only do this if you are comfortable making theme edits! If it all goes wrong, don't panic. There is a revert button to undo your changes! Edit the template bit Forums > topics > postContainer in your active theme and move the block highlighted here up underneath the {{endif}} of the {{$comment->isAnonymous()}} block.

  10. Haha
    Dprock reacted to Charles in Hump Day: A Refresh Has Arrived!   
    He had an actual Polaroid camera for reasons I still do not understand. 
  11. Like
    Dprock reacted to Jordan Miller in Hump Day: gallery, blog and forum fixes for 4.6   
    Hey IC fam, is it just me or does it feel like every morning I wake up and it's Wednesday. No more Mondays or Fridays, just Wednesdays. The weeks are flying by 🤯 
    Maybe it's cause we're hard at work on 4.6 and the Achievements system.
    I personally had a chance to play around with Achievements and it's super powerful and sleek. Without giving away too much, it's seamless and intuitive. If you are even semi-familiar with the admin panel (which I imagine many of you are 😆) then you'll pick things up rather quick. 
    Below is a list of new fixes we made for 4.6 in the last few days:
    - Fixed sitemaps not generating properly.
    - Fixed an issue where font-sizes on mobiles weren't following the Font Scale setting. (FORUMS)
    - Fixed an issue where users may not see the correct page after checkout if email validation is in use. (GALLERY)
    - Subscriptions Grace Period setting will now allow a value of 0.
    - Fixed an issue where AdminCP theme resource may continuously be written to disk.
    - Improved performance of session handling.
    - Fixed the hardcoded "Change how the notification is sent" text with the notification. (BLOG)
    In case you missed last Wednesday's Hump Day post, tap here. Blink and it'll be Wednesday again! If we're lucky 🙂
    Have any questions? Comments? Drop us a line. 
  12. Like
    Dprock reacted to Jordan Miller in Hump Day: web push notifications support & new offline page   
    Happy Hump Day, fam! 
    Though we're only halfway through the week, so much has been done behind-the-scenes. We wanted to give you a little peek behind the curtain as we continue to better 4.6 (~coming soooooon~). 
     Below is a dump of fixes in the past week 🤯  
    The support for web push notifications and the new, simple offline page are of particular interest to me personally. How about you? Anything stand out? Questions?
    - Fixed an issue with the REST API where a GET request to records with a category parameter would result in a DB error.

    - Added support for web push notifications.

    - Added a simple offline page, displayed when users have no internet connection.

    - Added support for web push notifications. To support these kinds of notifications, you will need to add parse_mobile_* methods in your Notification extensions.

    - Added a `$count` parameter to `\IPS\Content::definiteArticle/_definiteArticle()`. If an integer is passed, a pluralized phrase will be used, if available. You should add pluralized strings for any `__defart_*` strings you've already created. The key should be in the format `__defart_*_plural`.

    - Fixed an inaccurate Redis log entry indicating read server used instead of write server.

    - Fixed an issue where you could not hook into `\IPS\Redis`.

    - Fixed an issue where font-awesome `<i>` tags submitted in source mode are stripped by CKEditor.

    - Fixed an issue where copying a donation goal would not copy the donation goal description.

    - Fixed an issue where copying a support department would not copy the support department submission screen text.

    - Fixed an issue where copying a support severity would not copy the support severity description.

    - Fixed an issue where deleting a support status would not remove the custom language strings in the database.

    - Fixed an issue where copying or deleting a shipping rate did not copy or delete the delivery estimate text.

    - Fixed an issue where copying or deleting a product filter did not copy or delete the public name.

    - Fixed an issue where copying or deleting a product did not copy or delete various translatable fields, such as the client area page content and email notification subjects.

    - Fixed an issue where you may be able to purchase more than the number of items in stock.

    - Improved email normalization for MaxMind fraud detection.

    - Fixed statistical charts not working in some locales.

    - Fixed sitemaps not generating properly.
    BTW, I've received a lot of messages about when we can expect 4.6. It's on our minds, too! 
    We're putting forth the extra effort into the new Achievements system so give us a sec if that's alright. Speaking of... stay tuned for Friday's post. We have a cool Achievements feature to share with ya. 😎 
    Check things out above then drop us a line in the comments below (even if it's just to say hi). 
  13. Like
    Dprock reacted to Daniel F in Get your apps ready for 4.6 - Part 1   
    we have published the first article of a series about upcoming 4.6 changes.
    We took the opportunity for some spring cleaning, so we have removed most of the deprecated methods!
    They were all marked as deprecated for a while, so you should already be aware of these methods, but here’s a full list of the methods and the new approaches to make your life easier, so if you haven’t already, now it’s the best time to review your code and make sure that none of these methods is used.
    Most of the changes can already be implemented while the 4.5.x lifecycle.
  14. Like
    Dprock reacted to Jordan Miller in Hump Day: Sneak Peek at Achievements   
    Happy Hump Day my Invision Community fam! 
    Invision Community Achievements:
    We wanted to kick off this special post with a preview of Achievements. It's Invision Community's take on gamification with our powerful platform. It's something we're really excited to rollout this year (which does not = December 31st lol). 
    We don't want to give away too much about it yet, but feel free to weigh in/ask questions 🙂 


    Fix dump:
    Here's what we accomplished in the past week (new changes since last Wednesday's Hump Day post):
    - Fixed broken 3rd party ACP permissions on Cloud.
    - Added a new Spam Defense option to allow registration but require moderator approval of all new posts.
    - Fixed an issue where HTML logic of a page may be stored in the search index.
    - Fixed chunk uploading when using Amazon S3 with some S3-compatible providers.
    - Renewal invoice warning emails will now show tax included, if applicable.
    - Fixed an issue with Member Filters happening when members where filtered by subscriptions and purchases.
    - Fixed messenger link still displaying on profiles on mobile devices if the user does not have permission to access the messenger module.
    - Fixed an issue converting some types of SMF profile photos.
    - Fixed an issue where the width of the layout would stretch, caused by long strings of content.
    - Fixed an issue where Member Sync onEmailChange may be called before validation when changing email via validating screen.
    - Fixed a typo when flagging a member as a spammer.
    - Fixed an issue where the DeleteImageProxyFiles task would never finish or not update its progress appropriately .
    - Fixed an issue with the REST API where a GET request to records with a category parameter would result in a DB error.
    Important Method Changes:
    - Added a `$seperator` parameter to `\IPS\CustomField::displayValues` which can be used to define a custom seperator when displaying multiple values .
    - Updated method signature for `\IPS\Node\Model::getLastCommentTime()`.
    - Added a `$count` parameter to `\IPS\Content::definiteArticle/_definiteArticle()`. If an integer is passed, a pluralized phrase will be used, if available. You should add pluralized strings for any `__defart_*` strings you've already created. The key should be in the format `__defart_*_plural`.
    Invision Community Live Streams
    We've also been discussing doing some live Q&As and webinars for you all to participate in. It would give you the opportunity to ask questions in a live setting and visibly see us respond. Does that sound like something you'd be interested in? Before we dive too far into that rabbit hole, we wanted to gauge your reaction and see if you'd like that. Please reply and let us know what you think and also what times would be good for you! 🙏 
    And in case you missed it...
  15. Like
    Dprock got a reaction from Adriano Faria in Usergroup icons that show next to usernames   
    Thank you so much @Adriano Faria
  16. Like
    Dprock reacted to AlexWebsites in Amazon SES API For Sending Mail   
    Would be great to have an option for using Amazon SES API like sendgrid or when sparkpost was available. I’m using Amazon SES over SMTP, but I believe using their API would be better.
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