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David N.

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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by David N.

  1. Does anyone know if there's a way to test this on a Mac, so that I can take screenshots for my users? My iPhone 7 is too old, and Safari's Developer menu only goes to iOS 14 on my Mac.
  2. Got it. Any idea why even with all plug-ins disabled, when I copy paste the same YouTube link to my forum it adds allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" allowfullscreen=" — which isn't added to @Nathan Explosion's forum?
  3. Actually "Trim Empty Lines" is just a CSS add-on that hides empty <p> tags, it doesn't manipulate the post content. Ok so I'll just fix the broken threads I can find manually... but this is a bummer.
  4. I have tested it and I can post videos as expected with or without 3rd party items enabled. The issue was with these two older topics (who knows if there aren't others). I haven't added new or removed old 3rd party plug-ins. I have only a minimum setup with 4 simple plug-ins: Enhanced Joined Date Enabled15.0.0 Marketplace By All Astronauts https://all-astronauts.com Trim Empty Lines in Posts Enabled1.0.3 Marketplace By Ahmed Zayed https://invisioncommunity.com/profile/189809-a-zayed/ Remove Pages from Search Enabled1.0.0 Marketplace By Adriano Faria https://invisioncommunity.com/profile/114025-adriano-faria/ Default Quick Search Option Enabled1.0.0 Marketplace By Ahmed Zayed https://invisioncommunity.com/profile/189809-a-zayed/
  5. I found another broken page: https://www.logicprohelp.com/forums/topic/140230-logic-pro-optimization-distribution-of-threads-on-cpu-cores-on-m1-mac/ - so something's wrong here. @Marc Stridgen if you can look into it that would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
  6. But no one (but me) can post HTML and I never use it to edit a post in the forum. I don't. I just copy pasted the video from YouTube.
  7. That worked!! Still scary though, how could the HTML break like that?
  8. Thanks for finding that out @Nathan Explosion. Now how did that happen? And how do I fix it?
  9. That's basically my question: why is the footer missing, and why is the page malfunctioning. In that last post, the following video should be embedded: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Tx6SRCwWug Can you access the db with cloud hosting?
  10. I created a default stock Invision theme. No ads. Disabled all plug-ins. That page is still broken.
  11. Someone replied to an older topic. When I try to see his reply, I can't access it: it takes me to the last page of the topic but I don't see his reply. There is no "Reply to this topic..." box at the bottom and clicking the green "Reply to this topic" doesn't do anything. Clicking the "..." icon at the top right of a post to edit it doesn't do anything. Clicking a checkbox to select a post to moderate it selects the checkbox but does not pop up the moderation control menu. I'm missing the footer at the bottom of that page. Other pages of the same topic work as expected, and other topics work as expected. Here's the broken page: https://www.logicprohelp.com/forums/topic/118846-logic-pro-x-compressor-circuit-type-cheat-sheet/page/3/
  12. Confirmed here too. Great! Thanks. 🙂 @Stuart Silvester I can't mark your answer as the solution here. Perhaps not enabled in this forum?
  13. I agree, all that white space can be annoying. I use the plug-in "Trim Empty Lines in Posts" but it's not perfect, some empty lines remain. I wish there was a native way to handle this (without the need for a 3rd party plug-in).
  14. When dragging some files to a post, users get the message "The application/zip file format(s) are not supported." I believe that it means a preview won't be created - but they can still be attached the file. The message annoys members as we regularly ask them to upload a .zip file. Members complain that we ask them to do something that does not work (when in fact it does). Even the wording of the message is confusing: application/zip is not a file format. Here's a recent comment I got: That's the more polite version of messages I'm getting. Some members are so annoyed they've sent me wordings I wouldn't dare sharing here. There are some angry people out there!
  15. These are all awesome news. I'm really looking forward to the Courses & Lessons app, as I will be using it right away. Can't wait! 🙂
  16. So he disabled that setting and then it worked however he then said: "Canvas fingerprinting is one of the sneakiest methods sites use these days to track visitors." I'm not sure exactly if Invision is using Canvas fingerprinting to track visitors? I can't imagine why it would do that?
  17. Great! Thanks so much for tracking this down @Makoto, really helpful. 🙂
  18. A member reported having problem uploading images, here's what he's saying: Here's the link to his comment with the garbled image: https://www.logicprohelp.com/forums/topic/121052-how-to-attach-files-to-your-post/#comment-858918
  19. Yes. It states 100% uptime for EU and before this incident, it was 99.99% uptime for US: https://status.invisioncommunity.com/ If it's for a serious amount of time, then yes. However as I said earlier I've never experienced anywhere near 7 hours of downtime in 20 years of using various hosting companies. That's great to hear @Matt.
  20. Mine were moved to the Feedback forum.
  21. I agree 100%. Same with video. Nowadays a lot of people don't bother taking a screen capture on their computer, they just take a photograph (or video) of their screen with their phone and upload that. They're huge files and I constantly have to convert them manually.
  22. I believe the topics from the old "Feature Requests" forum were moved to this "Feedback" forum.
  23. 6 hours of downtime is simply unacceptable. I'm a huge fan of Invision, love the amazing software they develop and maintain for us. But when I pay 150/month for a hosted service, I expect more. In 20 years of being self hosted on inexpensive shared hosting services, I've never had more than a few minutes of downtime at a time. The fact that Invision relies on AWS and that the issue may lie with AWS is irrelevant to us, the customers. As a professional, if I can't deliver a service to my customer because Invision is down, I can't charge my customers. If my forum is down, I can't earn revenue from ads. I can't just tell the customers (or the ad network) "it's not my fault, the software cloud service I'm using was down" and continue to charge them the same amount. I have no choice but to take responsibility and suffer the loss in revenue and reputation. Invision should take responsibility here, offer $ compensation to paying customers, and deal with whatever service providers they use on their own term. As Invision customers, that's not our problem.
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