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    Miss_B reacted to Martin A. in What 's wrong with this query?   
    Sorry about that, didn't realize that was your HAVING clause. 
    I don't see an easy way for us to add HAVING to that query. For @Daniel F & co on the other hand... 🙂
  2. Like
    Miss_B reacted to Martin A. in What 's wrong with this query?   
    What's your reason for adding all the entries to an array and then use that in a custom table, instead of 
    $table = new \IPS\Helpers\Table\Db( 'customtable_log', $url, $where ); $table->selects = [ 'customtable_log.device', 'MAX(customtable_log.user_id) AS user_id']; $table->joins = [ [ 'select' => 'GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT core_members.name SEPARATOR ", ") AS shared_by', 'from' => 'core_members', 'where' => 'customtable_log.user_id = core_members.member_id' ] ]; $table->groupBy = 'COUNT(customtable_log.user_id) > 1';  ?
    I haven't tested this, but you should be able to use the Db class even if you need to use a query out of the ordinary.
  3. Like
    Miss_B reacted to VaBeach_Guy in How to re-create/import a thread from a different (now defunct) Invision Board   
    Thanks, I may end up using both of them, if they will achieve the final results that I want. Which is being able to re-create those threads, giving each post the proper poster and date/time (which was actually a little over 3 years before our new board was created). 
  4. Like
    Miss_B reacted to WiCKeDxgg in OutOfRangeException::0   
    didnt install anything new but it happend to be disable renewals and ebr through names plugin causing issue. thank you.
  5. Like
    Miss_B reacted to Adriano Faria in What 's wrong with this query?   
    Yes. Create a setting to the admin choose the number of days and a task to delete records older than that number of days. There a lot that in the suite. See the log errors pruning setting and task, for example.
  6. Like
    Miss_B reacted to Adriano Faria in What 's wrong with this query?   
    From what I understand, you don’t have a prune routine to delete old entries from your table so it can get really huge, that’s why he suggested to use LIMIT in the query. The way it is it’s fetching all records from your table.
    Regarding pagination in custom tables, take a look in the public controller of the messenger.
  7. Like
    Miss_B reacted to Adriano Faria in What 's wrong with this query?   
    He’s talking about limiting the query and not use $table->limit, which by the way has no effect here as custom table has no pagination; you will have to make your manually if you want to paginate records.
  8. Like
    Miss_B reacted to Daniel F in What 's wrong with this query?   
    I mentioned it already in the ticket => there's no limit in the query. 
    You're literally fetching ALL the records from the table which can become really huge since you're not truncating it.
    foreach( \IPS\Db::i()->select( 'customtable_log.device, MAX(customtable_log.user_id) AS user_id, GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT core_members.name SEPARATOR ", ") AS shared_by', 'customtable_log', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'customtable_log.device', array( 'COUNT(customtable_log.user_id) > 1' ) )->join('core_members', 'customtable_log.user_id = core_members.member_id') as $row ) { It's a custom TableHelper and you're iterating over the DB Query results before the data get passed to the DB Helper.
  9. Like
    Miss_B reacted to Marc Stridgen in transfer topics and posts   
    You would upgrade in order to get your 3.4 posts. You would not transfer them as such. While we no longer support 3.4 upgrades, you can find instructions on how to do so here
    If this is not something you wish to take on yourself, there are a few 3rd party providers who offer this as a paid service. You can see a list of people who offer this here
  10. Like
    Miss_B reacted to Marc Stridgen in Downgrade back to 4.6   
    There is no way in which to downgrade the software. The only way in which to do that would be to restore your site to the backup taken before you did the upgrade
  11. Like
    Miss_B reacted to Jim M in TESTINSTALL   
    While I appreciate your feedback, it comes back to developing and making the product better as we move forward with version 4 and beyond. It simply is not feasible to continue developing and supporting past versions indefinitely. Discontinuing support is very much a common thing in software development lifecycles as versions age (we actually did kept support for quite some time after version 4 was launched and matured). With version 3, there is nothing stopping you from using an installation, however, you will hit many roadblocks as many of the server infrastructure, 3rd party integrations (such as CAPTCHA), etc... have been discontinued, sun-setted, etc... by their own developers. 
    Just a note here as we are getting into this information, PHP 5.6, which is the highest version of PHP which can run version 3 of IPB, is no longer supported by PHP themselves for 3+ years now and many hosting providers due to that choose not to run it or have it available to their customers. You may still find some that run it but as it is no longer supported by PHP, running 5.6 is a security concern 🙂 .
    @Tschieny, if you have any questions about switching or upgrading to version 4, we're happy to answer any questions. However, if you continue to run version 3 (which is completely fine if you want to), we will move this to our peer community support forum as version 3 is no longer supported.
  12. Like
    Miss_B got a reaction from Jim M in TESTINSTALL   
    You are not being forced at all to use the new Ipb version. The version that you are running though is very old and it has reached the end of life as far as support goes. 
    You can not expect that such old versions are supported indefinitely. What are you going to do btw, if php removes support for their old versions, which is supported by your old forum, and your host supports only the newer versions of php, on which your old forum will not work because it is not compatible? 
    That being said, may I ask why you do not want to upgrade to the newest version? Is there a particular reason, like a theme or mod that is very essential to your forum perhaps?
  13. Like
    Miss_B reacted to Elliot Marx in Tried to move my forum over to another web host. Having many problems!   
    Hello Miss_B
    Yes the final suggestion worked! Once I fixed the table prefix to the one that I had before "_ibf" and used the fresh installation, everything just worked. Thank you for your help!
  14. Like
    Miss_B got a reaction from Elliot Marx in Tried to move my forum over to another web host. Having many problems!   
    Broken how?
    Are you sure that you have overwritten your forum files correctly? To me this looks like a case of files not being uploaded in the right location.
    There is no need for a fresh install imo. When you run the installer you are presented with an option to enter the prefix. It looks like you did not enter one, hence why there were no prefixes added to the database.
    That being said, it looks like you have several tables in that database. You should check the sql_tbl_prefix vale at conf_global.php file. That holds the prefix for your Ipb forum. The tables prefecased with that prefix are the one that you need. Hope it helps.
  15. Like
    Miss_B reacted to Jim M in My admin control panel doesn't work since porting over my forum to another web service provider   
    Please ensure that your permissions and folders/files are owned by the correct user/group for your new environment. If you continue to have issues, please contact your hosting provider to verify what is set. Often during a move, things can get changed and moving to a new environment, things can be different. IE if your new host is running suPHP or suexec, folders would need to be 755 and files 644 to be executed/writable.
    If you want to provide us access via the Client Area we can take a quick peek if you’d like. 
    The high five is for thanking Terabyte, as that is the correct answer for the error shown 🙂.
  16. Like
    Miss_B reacted to Matt in 4.7.0 Beta available now   
    Hi all!
    I wanted to let you know that we've just released 4.7.0 Beta 1 and I wanted to run though some of the highlights on the release notes page.
    We recently released a cool little feature to enable you to consolidate a forum and all sub-forums into a single list of topics, much like the global fluid view mode. We took onboard some feedback and made it a little more efficient and also reversed the checkboxes so they are ticked by default as some reached out to let us know it was confusing loading a page with content and unchecked boxes. We also added the new URL parameters into the default robots.txt to avoid Google and friends adding faceted pages into its index.

    This week, @Daniel Fadded hCaptcha as a new CAPTCHA method to be used on the contact us form, guest posting and other areas a captcha is used. hCaptcha seems to be a more robust method to keep those pesky bots out. You will need to sign up to hCaptcha, but it's a short registration process and they have a free tier which should be all you need.

    One of our enterprise clients mentioned that bots and guests are searching for random things which makes analysing the search trends difficult, so we've added a feature to allow you to omit member groups from adding to the anonymised search logs.
    Another popular piece of feedback was to add 'solved' and 'unsolved' filters to the activity stream, and @Andy Millne did just that for 4.7.0.

    Elsewhere, @Stuart Silvester improved the speed at which Elastic Search re-indexes the site (useful as 4.7.0 needs a re-index due to the new solved filters).
    Our master API person @Daniel F made some improvements to the Zapier integration for this release.
    We have raised the minimum PHP version to 7.4, but we do recommend 8.0. We are still working through 8.1 compatibility.
    Our cloud platform has new architecture to remove a lot of existing if( \IPS\CIC ) code that you may have seen in our codebase. Moving all cloud functionality into its own area means that those on the self hosted platform won't have to run these checks constantly in the code.

    We chose to name this release 4.7.0 because of the PHP minimum version changes and the cloud platform code consolidation.

    Let me know if you have any questions on this next release.

  17. Like
    Miss_B got a reaction from brfcs in Hide users from each other.   
    Thank you for your purchase and suggestions. For the first suggestion I do not see an easy way of implementing it. The second suggestion is doeable and I have made a note of it.
  18. Thanks
    Miss_B got a reaction from Claudia999 in How to find only topics with polls?   
    You can run a sql query for that.
    SELECT tid, title FROM `forums_topics` WHERE poll_state = 1;
    That will list the topic id and title of all topics with polls. Hope it helps.
  19. Like
    Miss_B reacted to Marc Stridgen in Please help me clean up my database   
    While we cannot assist with cleanup tasks, on a very quick comparison, these are the ones I come up with. Note however, you need to make sure you take a full backup of your site before you continue. 
    It may be worth just renaming them to begin with, then leave them for a period of time you feel comfortable it has caused no issues.
  20. Thanks
    Miss_B got a reaction from Axel Wers in Please help me clean up my database   
    You can compare all the tables with the default tables added by the Ipb 4.6 and remove the ones that are extra. But be careful to not remove any tables added by apps or plugins that you are currently using though. 
  21. Like
    Miss_B got a reaction from Thomas P in [Mad] Multiple Accounts Detector   
    I just replied back to your pm.
  22. Like
    Miss_B reacted to Thomas P in [Mad] Multiple Accounts Detector   
    You got PN.
    I tried to enter the names with comma without and with spaces in between.
  23. Like
    Miss_B reacted to Matt in Scheduled Posts   
    There’s definitely more gears than cheers here.
    Ok, so we don’t “ignore” feature requests. We have thousands of customers that use their communities in diverse ways. We can’t add every single feature that is requested, but over the years we have added hundreds.

    We look for trends, and feature requests that are asked for from multiple sources many times. Things like better stats, more robust spam management, better mod tools, improvements to SEO come up often and as such are regularly featured in new releases.
    Features like this one find little support among other customers so we are less likely to include it. It’s also worth mentioning that we have a vision for our product and sometimes good feature suggestions don’t fit it. It’s the same with any piece of software. 

    Gaps in our functionality are often filled by our marketplace authors.
    As for trying to link what our marketing department are doing to being less able to develop code, that’s just not what happens internally. There’s more to Invision Community than just me. I probably do the least amount of coding here now.

    I appreciate your input nonetheless. 
  24. Like
    Miss_B reacted to MythonPonty in Force Members to Make First Post in Topics   
    Thank you... Will try it later. 👍
  25. Like
    Miss_B got a reaction from MythonPonty in Force Members to Make First Post in Topics   
    The new version has been approved @MythonPonty.
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