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Everything posted by Miss_B

  1. Yes, it is possible, but I am not planning on upgrading this app any further.
  2. This will require a custom plugin/app. You have posted this in the Help & Support section, but I am thinking that maybe you meant to suggest it as a feature instead? If that is the case, you can do so here: https://invisioncommunity.com/forums/forum/499-feature-suggestions/
  3. You can run a few sql queries, but the proper way to do this is through a custom app.
  4. Did you follow all the steps as outlined in this guide?
  5. Welcome to Ipb. It looks like you did not select the option to merge users with the same email address before you converted them. Anyways, personally I think that it would be easier to re-do the conversion again, but selecting the merge option for the same email addresses.
  6. Try this, click the content tab and then uncheck all. Then you will see the forums tab and from there you can select the forums. Hope it helps.
  7. I have developed a similiar app. Only it will not hide posts from blocked members, but it will block them from viewig their topics and profiles.
  8. If you have enetered all the database info correct, and the db user has full access/permissions to the db that it has been assigned to and you still get the error then it might be that it is not using localhost for server name. If you go to the phpmyadmin and click the db name that you are using to install Ipb, the server name it will be right after where it says Server: You can also ask your host about it.
  9. Did you run the upgrader as well after you restored the database to the new server? Because you say that you installed the new version, but your forum 's database is at version 4.4.6. i.e. running the upgrader will bring the database up to date with the files. Anyways, the correct way to do it is following the steps in guide provided above my @Marc Stridgen.
  10. It is part of the try{...} catch statement. It is used to avoid errors in the code by catching exceptions and continuing the process. You can read more about it here: https://www.php.net/manual/en/language.exceptions.php
  11. What tables are those? If you do not have any use for them anymore you can delete them.
  12. Glad to hear that the conversion went fine. Enjoy your newly Ipb forum, as it is truly an amazing software.
  13. The P should be in small letter. i.e. public_html What folder is xenforo installed at?
  14. Because that is the group that it is meant to force to read topics.
  15. Can you please elaborate a little as to what you mean by that?
  16. What are your settings set at Friendly Urls settings?
  17. I do not know how, or even if others do that, but the best way to do that imo is through a custom app. Deleting posts directly from the database at the phpmyadmin is not recommended.
  18. Not out of the box a.f.a.i.k. This will require a custom plugin/app.
  19. Hello, Yes, it works with the current version as of now of php 8 as well.
  20. That makes 2 of us. I am assuming that the OP perhaps means that he could delete topics that did not have a reply since x amount of days ?????? If that is the case @Stan Jensen, you will need a custom app for that with Ipb. If you meant something else, please be very clear and specific as to what you mean. Ipb support is great, but they are not mind readers 😄
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