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Everything posted by Miss_B

  1. Can you send me the url to your forum 's admin panel with an account log in info and I will look into this.
  2. What happens if you switch the forum language to english?
  3. What do you mean by trying to restore the backup? You do not need to restore a backup at all. All you have to do is move the forum files to a different folder and then straighten out the urls and paths.
  4. You have to 2 options imo. Either install Ipb to a different folder, say forum. So its url will be yoursite.com/forum Then you can do the conversion and then move Ipb to the root. Or you can move your xf to a different folder, install Ipb directly in the root and then do the conversion. Personally I will go with the latter option. Hope it helps.
  5. They should be on separate folders. What is the url to your xf forum? Do you have installed it in the root or in subdomain or other folder?
  6. Of course. Modifying of files is not advisable. What I meant to say above is that a template edit only was not enough, as the OP asked, but other stuff was required too.
  7. There is no built in option for that a.f.a.i.k. That will require custom coding. A template edit only is not enough. The whosOnline.php file located at applications/core/widgets will have to be modified too.
  8. You will have to check the install code of the plugins/apps and see what stuff they add in the database. The reason that I suggested the upgrade in steps btw, is that if that field is a standard ipb one, it might have been changed or even renamed at a later version for example. So by upgrading first to the latest 3.4x version, the changes will be done/added properly and you can upgrade to 4.6.9 without issues. Something to think about.
  9. That column that it is mentioned in your error, status_author _id, is not part of default 4.6.9 database a.f.a.i.k. So it must be either from a third plugin/app or from the 3.1.x versions. Can you check the database and see if it is added by a custom third party or it is part of Ipb 3.1.x. If the former, disable all your third party plugins/apps and give the upgrader another go. If the latter, I would recommend to do the upgrade in steps. Menaing upgrade first to the very latest version of 3.x version and then upgrade to 4.6.9.
  10. What version of Ipb are you upgrading from?
  11. Have you purchased it because your name does not appear in the purchase list?
  12. It should work with 4.4.x as well. If it does not, I will make it compatible with it for you.
  13. If the OP does not have a vps/dedicated box, he can not do that. Only the host can do it.
  14. You must contact your host and ask them to disable those functions. Or are you running your own vps/dedicated box? If so, you can disable them yourself.
  15. I just took a look now and the link to the topic was not added. You had entered instead the topic text instead of its url. I corrected it and now it works fine. I have sent you a detailed pm with screenshots as well. Please let me know if you will have any additional questions.
  16. Can you please send me in private the url to your admin panel with a log in account info and I will look into this later on today.
  17. Can you please post a screenshot of the settings how you have filled them? P.s. Topic starter of the topic set as must read will not get that error message btw.
  18. Yes, the must read topic field should be filled. That is the topic that you will set as a must read for members. All you have to do is type the name of the topic. The second field is optional. It holds the error that will be displayed to members inforimg them that they must read a certain topic before browsing the forums. Please let me know if you will have any additional questions.
  19. Unless it is hard coded, you can change its value at the Languages section at your Admin Panel.
  20. Hello Ron, Can you please tell me what exactly what do you have a rough time with? Did you enable and set the settings accordingly at the App 's settings page? It can be found under the Members tab and then Read This Topic. Did you have a look at the screenshots at the app download page btw? I have explained everything there in details.
  21. Did it happen out of nowhere or did you do some sort of changes to the forum, like upgrade for example?
  22. Which theme is that? I think it will be better if you posted at its own support topic about this so its designer can look into it.
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