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Everything posted by Miss_B

  1. What does not display? Do you see the page but there is no content, or you do not see the page at all? Do you have a recent database backup from before you deleted the forum? P.s. Talking to you here is like is like pulling teeth btw. You are not at the dentist office here you know 😄
  2. Really? I am curious to know in what way it is much better than Ipb 's.
  3. What do you mean by forum customisations? Changes to the templates, css, added a third party app perhaps? The best wat to go about it imo is to make a backup of the whole database?
  4. No, this works with the forum only as shown in the description and/or attached screenshots. There are no refunds for digital goods once you download them I am afraid. I wish you had asked a presale questions about this before you purchased it.
  5. Thank you for bringing this to my attention. The error has been fixed and the new version has been uploaded.
  6. I think that you are adding the template in the wrong location. At your widget php file, uncomment the following line inside the init function: $this->template( array( \IPS\Theme::i()->getTemplate( 'widgets', $this->app, 'front' ), $this->key ) ); Then inside the /dev/html folder, create a new folder called: front and inside that folder create another folder called: widgets and inside that folder create your template file ending in extension phtml. Hope it helps.
  7. You can edit the relevant language string. I can not remember it off the top of my head but you can search for it in the Languages section of your Admin Panel. Hope it helps.
  8. I have changed the compatibility field and it is currently waiting approval. But you can download it from here and install it manually if you want.
  9. Is there a detailed error logged in the logs? That will shed more light to the issue as the error being displayed on the front end is too general. What was the latest modification you did to your forum prior to that happening? Regarding the shoutbox, I think it would be better if you posted about the issue you are having on its own support topic.
  10. There is no such option in the current version. That is correct, because it works with the forum module only.
  11. What error do you get? You can download and install it manually. It works with 4.6. as well btw. I changed the version compatibility to include 4.6. version.
  12. @Marc Stridgen is not ignoring you at all, he is giving you a very solid/useful advice, I would listen to him if I were you. I would advice you against doing that as well and give an advice if I may do so. Before you touch the database, make first a backup for just in case you will have something to revert back to. P.s. In your first post you say you made a few test users which you deleted again, is this a freshly installed forum btw?
  13. I had missed your pm @TDBF, just read it and replied back Anyways, I have placed this at the top of my to do list and look into this a.s.a.p.
  14. When going to that user 's profile, click the Account Action drop down menu and select the very first option that says: Sign in as...
  15. Yes, the messenger has not been disabled, otherwise it would have said: Enable Messenger. But you can log in as that user to double check. Another reason/case that you get that error message when trying to send a pm to someone is if they have placed you on their ignore list and selected the messages option.
  16. I am sorry to say this, but your post does not make sense to me at all. They do not have the same use. My other app that you are reffering to, forces members to read topics, whereas this one forces members to visit forums. Are they similiar, yes. Are they the same thing? Nope, they are 2 completely different/separate things. And no one asked you to buy this one btw.
  17. Have a look at my app: https://invisioncommunity.com/files/file/9940-new-topic-placeholdersprefilled-custom-fields/
  18. I can't view the image. Can you pm me the link to that topic with a test account and I will take a look.
  19. I see what you mean, a total denial of the site until they read the topic set as must read as opposed to what it is now. I have made a note of it.
  20. I do not plan to as I do not use those other apps that you mention.
  21. No, once an user reads the topic set as must read, he/she will not need to re-read the same topic again, unless the read topic log is deleted for that user or for all users.
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