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My Sharona

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Everything posted by My Sharona

  1. Clicking the box at the top of the replies will check every post on that page. I know it is probably not the solution you are looking for but it will reduce the "1 by 1" option by a factor of 19. If it were me and I had to do it that way, I would do the last 10/20 (20 clicks will move 400 posts) pages or so first just to get the split thread started and the discussion can continue, in context. When you move the rest, it will update as the move progresses. Additionally, by working backwards, it enables you to select all posts on the page, until you get to that cutoff point. You're probably locking the thread with the first 7500 posts anyways so, you could do it at your leisure after you get the secondary thread started.
  2. Currently, when a record is created, you have the option of posting that record as a thread within a specified forum. If you utilize that option, both creations come with a canonical tag that gives the 'thread' preference. It would be nice if there was an option to give the 'Record' prominence over the 'Thread.' Having Google being directed to not rank the database page in tis manner kind of defeats the whole underlying purpose of a CMS system.TYIA
  3. Thank you. IMO, having Google being directed to not rank the database pages kind of defeats the whole underlying purpose of a CMS system.
  4. Good Day! I don't know if it is possible but... When a record is created, you have the option of posting that record as a thread within a specified forum. If you utilize that option, both creations come with a canonical tag that gives the 'thread' preference. I have a want for it to be the opposite, I would like the "Record" to have the canonical link direction. Any way to achieve this? TYIA
  5. That is my problem, I was looking for it in the admin panel on my Google Analytics account (where it keeps prompting me to switch to GA4), which was where I found the 'head snippet'. Thank Matt for the explicit explanation!
  6. I did Marc, thank you. Unfortunately, I don't believe that tells me where to find the "Body Snippet" that is required to set up the Tag Manager Integration. As mentioned, I have found the 'Head Snippet" but can't save the integration to get it up and running till I find the body snippet.
  7. Having a bit of trouble getting GTM within 'Integrations' up and running here. I have found the code from Google for the 'Head Snippet' but I'll be danged if I can find where they give you the code for the 'Body Snippet.' I can't enable and 'Save' the GTM without it. Any help is appreciated.
  8. Having read the up on the background_size, I tried the following code, to no avail. .SG_record_image { background-size: contain; !important; background-repeat: no-repeat; !important; } I did go with: .SG_record_image { background-position:top !important; } which seems to be helping the issue somewhat.
  9. If this is what you are saying: .SG_record_image { background-size:contain !important; } That indeed contains the image to the display window but it also adds the image again to both sides of the image. For lack of a better description, something like; side of imageimageside of image I don't know if this is due to the height of the image and that I would then need to adjust the 'aspect ratio'(?).
  10. Thank you good sir. I think the 'contain' will work. If I'm understanding you correctly here, the following would work in the custom css file(?). Simply liking this post will suffice for a reply. .SG_record_image { background-position: contain !important; }
  11. Good day @opentype I hope all is well. I have a question about the Hero Image. Currently, it is set so that there is the ability to set the 'aspect ratio'. What this does for the 'Record View', is to increase the overall vertical size of the image display within the article. While not as critical as the record view, this is equally true for the 'Listing View'. Ideally, one does not want to set the ratio too high as it makes the image quite large and sets the record text far below the fold. The issue I am perceiving, is that there are portions of the image that are cut off that is not optimal for the desired display within the record view. Again, while it is not a big deal for the listing view, it does make a difference for the record view. My question is how feasible would it be to incorporate some type of image manipulator that allows for the movement of the display area so one could customize the display a bit better than having essential parts of an image cut off. For clarity, say I want the left-hand corner of the image to be included, having the ability to select that complete portion of the image would be great. In an ideal world, this would also include the image aspect ratio that would adjust within the manipulator so that you would see the size of the rendering of that particular ratio. I hope my explanation of the issue is somewhat clearer than mud. As always, thank you for the consideration.
  12. @InvisionHQ I'm not sure if it is possible or if you think it is worth the effort, but on the off chance it is and you do... I have this plugin listed as a redirect in the sub-forum listing. As it stands now, the listing is there but then to the right of it, where the other sub-forum listings have a display of the last post made to it, is simply blank. It would be nice if there was a hook to display the last posting to the Classifieds. Thank you for your consideration here.
  13. Thanks! Will look at this after I get some coffee in me.
  14. Since no responses, I am going to guess that this is not possible with IPS?
  15. I have been meaning to post this thread for over a month. @kmk's Voice message feature thread and @Chris027's Listen To This Article thread that @Nathan Explosion is working on, has told me this needs to be done now. Under attorney council, I was told that I should look into making the websites ADA (Americans With Disabilities Act) compliant. The subject of which this thread is about is, an auditory reader. As far as my understanding goes, the Americans With Disabilities Act requires anyone maintaining a website to make that site accessible to people with disabilities. Just like it requires a restaurant to be accessible, or a laundromat, or a bar, etc, etc. It is directed at the business’ availability to be accessed by it’s customers or patrons. The definition of a business establishment was expanded to include websites a few years ago. A research brief of the Digital Access and Title III of the ADA, by the ADA National Network is found here. Caselaw was decided in the 9th Circuit. Certiorari was denied by the Supreme Court. Robles vs. Domino’s Pizza (2019) — blind customer couldn’t order online. A summary of the case by the ADA Southeast Center is found here. I would love to see an auditory reader incorporated into the software. Not just the forums but any and all applications thereof. I would like one specifically for my Pages application so visitors there have the option to listen to articles written. I think it would also put you guys on the cutting edge (not that your not there already). TYIA for your consideration.
  16. I can see where this is desirable, but for a different reason altogether. Occasionally, there is a post within a thread that, for whatever reason (maybe the post inspires a tangential discussion that you would not want to take the current thread off the rails, (amongst many other reasons)), is deemed to be a good thread starter in and of itself. Sometimes the member in question does not want their name on a thread as being the Author. Having the ability to change authorship would make doing this easier than trying to find a post that can be substituted for that authorship.
  17. No worries, I understand how that can be. I appreciate your work!
  18. Thank you, much appreciated!
  19. I have been able to resolve all of the above except for the Web Version display of, "*|member_name|*."
  20. I have tried it from the front end and the back end and they seem to post just fine here. You might want to disable all other plugins and see if maybe that affects the posting. If so, re-enable one at a time to find the culprit.
  21. I have discovered that, within the "Web Version" only, by adding a second test newsletter, that it opens up the 'unsubscribe' page and gives you a toggle as for which article you want to unsubscribe from and that indeed when there was just one newsletter, you were unsubscribed when you clicked that button in the web version. You still get a "No Permission" page when clicking from an email. I can live with the above but really could use some help with the spacing aspect of the different "Content Types." Again, your consideration is appreciated.
  22. I'm pretty much a noob when it comes to code, but I was able to successfully understand and implement the ips.ui.sticky as it was pretty straight forward. As part of my build, I would like for it to also be 'dismissible'. How would I go about inducing that element? TYIA
  23. Hi @HeadStand, thank you for this wonderful plugin. Working on getting it set up. I have read through the entire 28 pages of this thread and plan on reading through the previous thread at some point soon but a few items if you don't mind. Utilizing the *|unsubscribe|* tag, within an email, I get directed to "No Permission" page with a url of, https://www.domain.tld/newsletters/unsubscribe/?key=setofnumbers. This is whether thorough an email or the 'web version'. Now, If I click the 'Unsubscribe' link from the "Web Version", I am directed to a page that says "unsubscribed from 'title of Newsletter.'" I am taken to a url of, https://www.domian.tld/newsletters/newsletter number and title/?do=unsubscribe However, it doesn't actually unsubscribe. One more minor item with regard is that (and I'm not sure it makes any real difference other than non-uniformity), within an email, the *|unsubscribe|* displays as, "Unsubscribe." Whereas within the web version, it displays as, "Unsubscribe here." Again, for the *|member_name|*, there seems to be an issue between an email display and the "Web Version" display. Where as the email displays the actual members name and the Web Version displays, "*|member_name|*." Second item here is spacing of different Content Types within the content area. While I certainly have not tested them all, I have come across a number of them that have this condition. records2_1659981189 does not return a line return break before the first actual record is displayed, nor do the subsequent records. It is all a wall of images and texts with no line return breaks between listed content. In my set up, the next Content Type would be, topic_1659981276 . There is no line break between this Content Type and the previous Content Type (last record snippet then Topic title). There is also no, I would think there should be a double line, return here(?). There is also no line return break after the "Topic" title and the listing of actual topics returned. However, this Content Type does have line return breaks between listed content. It also has a line return break before the next Content Type. It goes something like this; the data limit for each is 5: records Type Content Title Image Article Title Article Snippet Image Article Title Article Snippet Image Article Title Article Snippet Image Article Title Article Snippet Image Article Title Article Snippet topic Type Content Title Topic Title Topic Snippet <br> Topic Title Topic Snippet <br> Topic Title Topic Snippet <br> Topic Title Topic Snippet <br> Topic Title Topic Snippet <br> If it could be displayed something this, I think it would look much better. records Type Content Title <br> Image Article Title Article Snippet <br> Image Article Title Article Snippet <br> Image Article Title Article Snippet <br> Image Article Title Article Snippet <br> Image Article Title Article Snippet <br> <br> topic Type Content Title <br> Topic Title Topic Snippet <br> Topic Title Topic Snippet <br> Topic Title Topic Snippet <br> Topic Title Topic Snippet <br> Topic Title Topic Snippet <br> <br> Of course, the above is only a suggestion, there may be a bit of different formatting that would be more appealing. If you could have a look at all the Content Types and make sure there is uniformity across all, that would be great. It would seem that <h> html headers are not honored either. This would quite possibly make a difference in the display as well. I hope the above is somewhat clearer than mud. TYIA for your consideration here.
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