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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by beats23

  1. The theme worked but show errors at the top of the forum, after installing beta 3 the error at the top of the forum page went. I now find that the mind theme won't install to a clean 4.4 beta3 install. A workaround is to make a copy of the Mind theme in IPS 4.3, using IPS's theme settings, then export the Mind copy theme and import it into the 4.4 installs. The only error I see is on the profile page below followers, which can be fixed by reverting to the default flowerer template.
  2. @Pete T I now noticed I get this error at the top of a full white background screen anytime I uninstall an application. [[Template core/admin/global/globalTemplate is throwing an error. This theme may be out of date. Run the support tool in the AdminCP to restore the default theme.]] In the theme templates settings, there is no core/admin Do you know where to find this template?
  3. I manually update to beta 3 and all of the errors that were showing at the top of the page is now gone except the error on the profile page. From your reference of inspecting the global template, I inspected and compared the default and custom profile template, then copy and paste the default profile template codes to the custom profile template, and now the error is gone. All is fixed now, (touch wood) Thanks for your help
  4. I'll update to beta 2 now and try your solution. Thanks
  5. Hi, no I did not fix it. Your help will be truly appreciated if you have a solution. Thanks
  6. Just saw this on the chocolate support thread. @Heosforo records show he is a member from 2010. He is very kind and supportive. He created the Nice Mind theme and offered it and his support for free to all. I hope all is well with him in health and he returns soon to offer the Orion theme and more. 🙏
  7. If you add this code in custom css it will hide it .ipsSpacer_half.ipsType_center { display: none; }
  8. Not sure. In mobile mode, the about me looks like this.
  9. Added info. Yes @zomBEE the About me profile top tab does not show. Add this CSS code to the Mind theme custom CSS file in the edit HTML and CSS editor. #elProfileTab_field_core_pfield_1 { display: block !important; }
  10. @zomBEE On my Mind theme install the profile About tab shows both on mobile and desktop. Keep in mind, if the user does not add data to their about on their profile this box won't show, same goes for the follower's tab if the user has no followers the tab won't show. The mind theme default settings hide the Follows tab with the word (Followers) and the number of followers. To show this tab, head to your admin CP to your Mind theme settings and click (edit HTML and CSS). Type ( #elFollowPref_menu ) in the search box. The template that needs to be edited is located at the core, front, profile, followers. Find this code <!--{lang="x_followers" pluralize="($followers !== NULL) ? $followers->count( TRUE ) : 0"}--> Change it to {lang="x_followers" pluralize="($followers !== NULL) ? $followers->count( TRUE ) : 0"} Check if you have the latest theme version installed v2.1.0.6. This edit should have the Followers tab showing. Regards Without the edit With the edit Edit location. .
  11. Yes' we all Know 4.4 is in Beta, That doesn't mean I should not be allowed to ask questions and learn new things along the way in a public forum. A word of advice, if you have nothing informative to offer please skip my post and jog on. Thank you very much and have a nice day.
  12. I Get some error after installing IPS 4.4 Does anyone know how to fix this? [[Template core/admin/plugins/pluginRowDescription is throwing an error. This theme may be out of date. Run the support tool in the AdminCP to restore the default theme.]] [[Template core/global/global/lkeyWarningdoes not exist. This theme may be out of date. Run the support tool in the AdminCPto restore the default theme.]] [[Template core/front/profile/followers is throwing an error. This theme may be out of date. Run the support tool in the AdminCP to restore the default theme.]] [[Template core/front/global/prefix is throwing an error. This theme may be out of date. Run the support tool in the AdminCP to restore the default theme.]] Thanks
  13. I copied and paste your code and also tried different pixel settings for ul[id^="elNavigation_"] { top: 36px !important; No change, I sill have the problem. I'll have to investigate some more. Thanks
  14. I was about to buy this app, then read I need to submit my site's URL to receive a licence key to us app. Don't really like this method, that's why I left Wordpress. If this change in the future I'll buy.
  15. I also have this problem with a clean install IPS, default theme, no apps nor plugin. I have had no response about a fix or when It will be fixed by IPS. I advise you to send in a support ticket as well about this bug.
  16. Here are two cool website link trick to use for discouraging members. Type whatever you want in the google box to create a search link, then ad the link to plugin settings. Let Me Google That For You An Example Also, this site. Let Me DuckDuckGo That For You
  17. @MIXOH Any chance you can add this feature to your plugin?
  18. Hi, Please add a feature in the hovercard settings to make fake members stay on for a set time. An example: I can set fake members to stay on for 30 minutes, 1 hour, 2 hours, 4 hours or permanent all day all night all year round. Thanks
  19. I'm interested in this app. I need to know, will the default Ips reply notification still work for topics and forums the Live topic app not activated on? when activated? Thanks
  20. @Magnus Lorvik This free plugin by @The Jimmo will show the member ID on the user post and in the profile page. You can also configure it to only show members ID to staff.
  21. Great App, A must have on a 2019 board, reminds me of the facebook save feature. Just one thing, is there a CSS code I can use to hide the bookmark tab on all message on the Private message page? I have both private and public activated in the permission settings. This kind of makes it confusing for users who might think adding a private message to their bookmark as public will actually show the PM to the public. If possible in later updates can you code it so the public option does not show when adding PM bookmarks? Thanks
  22. My Requested Idea was very straight forward and not a complex one which needs a debate. I basically would prefer to use the quick registration form over the full form which has to reload. It's recommended as in faster and more modern looking, better in my eyes over the full form. So I ask IPS to add a feature in later updates to include custom fields on the quick registration form. That's all. Thanks
  23. @Jennifer M I do not want to use the Full registration form (which is not recommended ) If such was the case I would not be posting this in feedback and ideas. Thanks
  24. Hi Jennifer, the reason for this is my site has an avatar and a cover photo generator which attaches a random facial avatar and cover photo to each user at sign up. A Gender custom field is set up on my signup page and is mandatory for the Avatar generator to issue gender specific avatars for the user's gender choice at signing up. The avatar generator only activates at signing up and not later in profile completion. plus the easy signup is more modern and faster. Please add this mini-feature in next update. Thanks
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