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Everything posted by aXenDev

  1. I have code in topicRow: {{if \count( $row->reactBlurb() ) and theme.fluent_forums_reaction}} <div class="ipsDataItem_generic ipsReactOverview ipsReactOverview_small ipsType_light"> <ul> <li class="ipsReactOverview_repCount"> {expression="\count( $row->reactions() )"} </li> {{foreach $row->reactBlurb() AS $key => $count}} <li> {$key} {{$reaction = \IPS\Content\Reaction::load( $key );}} <a href='{$row->url('showReactions')->setQueryString( 'reaction', $reaction->id )}' data-ipsDialog data-ipsDialog-title='{lang="see_who_reacted"}' data-ipsTooltip title='{lang="see_who_reacted_x" sprintf="\IPS\Member::loggedIn()->language()->addToStack( 'reaction_title_' . $reaction->id )"}'> <img class='reactionIcon' src='{file="$reaction->_icon" extension="core_Reaction"}' alt='{lang="reaction_title_{$reaction->id}"}'> </a> </li> {{endforeach}} </ul> </div> {{endif}} Unfortunately, with this code all reactions in the topic are counted. I would like to include only the reactions of the author of the topic. I expect that in the foreach loop I need to add a condition, but I have no idea what it might be.
  2. Due to changes that will occur on the market in version 3.0.0 theme, I am withdrawing the modification "(aXen) Article System in Pages". People who purchased the theme can write to me in a private message to add them to the list of customers of this application. After adding people to the list you will be able to install the add-on. The condition is active support and the purchase of the theme before July 3, 2020.
  3. As soon as I finish work, I will release the beta version immediately.
  4. If you are still testing version 4.1, I suggest you start testing version 4.5 as soon as possible. The change between 4.1 and 4.5 is huge.
  5. @kims79 I think so. I'm currently creating version 3.0.0. https://1shot2kill.pl/release-notes/theme-fluent-design/ Here you can see the changes that will come in a future version. The list is updated on a regular basis.
  6. Great message! It will save me writing additional code. Thanks!
  7. Hi, I created my own test field to test the colors. I paste this value into CSS using: {theme='test_color'} Question: How do I change the value from HEX to RGB? I would like to put this value in a variable as it is done in the default IPS theme (:root) Instead: :root { --test-var-color: {theme='test_color'}; } Effect: :root { --test-var-color: #2193e6; } I want it to look like this: :root { --test-var-color: {theme='test_color'}; } Effect: :root { --test-var-color: 33, 147, 230; } Is there a ready way for this? Do I need to change this value using a function in php? If there is a ready solution, I suggest adding this to the documentation.
  8. aXenDev

    Font Awesome 6

    The topic is raised a million times...
  9. @ahc Do you mean the newspaper icon? You can restore it in the theme settings.
  10. What does this button look like in the default theme?
  11. In the application settings. The next time write in the appropriate topic.
  12. Do you use any application? This isn't a built-in option.
  13. In my forum shows up in less than a second. Here on the forum takes 5 seconds. It probably depends on the server distance. My page: From Poland to Poland - ~ less than 1s. Invisioncommunity: From USA to Poland ~ 4-5s.
  14. https://invisioncommunity.com/4bugtrack/alpha-and-beta-reports/
  15. The exit button covers the avatar piece.
  16. A topic was created to help staff update. The user menu is missing along with other menus on mobile. There is a white line next to the back button. After adding graphics from the phone Different color in menu https://invisioncommunity.com/developers/ The inscription is not equal. I suggest changing the color of the block after hovering. https://invisioncommunity.com/developers/ No margins. After publishing the topic, the images are not where the author wanted. Topic images disappear (There are only white gaps). (I had to add them to my forum first, because here in the subject they disappeared.) Adding spoilers does not work, Profile background is not correctly aligned If I still find any mistakes I will write here. I'm very happy that you are starting the upgrade process.
  17. Form Poland. It was the same here yesterday: https://invisioncommunity.com/developers/
  18. The current version has the ability to hide the copyright of the theme. Unfortunately, but in version 3.0.0, when IPS 4.5 appears, this feature will be removed. I'll probably introduce the option of removing it at a higher price. Yes, this settings allow it.
  19. It would make sense only if the reactions didn't add reputation. In my opinion, this is a strange concept.
  20. I see these topics probably several times a week. They wrote that they strive for the best performance, but no system is without flaws and are not able to draw those 100% compliance. Even on tests, google pages are not perfect.
  21. @VaBeach_Guy Create a support ticket. They will definitely help you in the update.
  22. Do you meet these requirements?
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