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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by TheJackal84

  1. Like I said, I will need to make the description not required for that though as a description that way will be pointless, If you have any other ideas send them my way I always look for customer ideas to make them better, There will also be a modcp menu to mark won or lost in the next update too, I started messing with it today
  2. thinking of this, it can be done like so, Create a category called football or premier league etc, then a sub category called Arsenal vs Man City, now in that subcategory create the bets naming them like Man City 2-1, Arsenal 1-0 etc etc, or another sub category called Man City to win with the bets for City to win in there naming them 2-1, 3-0 etc etc, The description is required at the minute but I can make it not required, let me know your thoughts on that or did you mean something else
  3. I will be starting a update to this with-in the next week or two, I will see what I can do with your requests Sorry for the laste reply, some posts fly past me
  4. to be honest, I don't know, it is not something I have checked, I do need to sort out better permissions for secondary groups etc so if you don't mind testing it and letting me know, Then I can add it to my notes etc
  5. go to the member group settings and disable can use signatures
  6. TheJackal84

    Quote Bug?

    not just mobiles, touch screen pc and laptop do the same, A page refresh is needed to do it sometimes
  7. Updated to 2.0.5 New Features Added tags to global sticky notes to allow you engage your members more personally in the sticky notes ( Try not to use these when allowing guests to view the notes as they don't have stats ) This application now requires a license key to work, Send me a PM and I will generate you a license key, Your board url is also required Bug Fix Fixed the bug on mobiles when the drag and drop collided with the dismiss button
  8. Yes it is because of the javescript allowing you to drag, it is fixed in the next update shouldn't be too long till it's release just doing all the final checks to it, Maybe adding a license key to it as well as I am thinking of adding license keys to all my apps & plugins
  9. I will release a update to it soon with the ability to do that, this is a test and not the final version, I will look into themeing it better toggleinfopanel.mp4
  10. Hey, sorry I will sort them in the next day or 2 and throw out the updates, The language always seems to slips my mind on some things lol
  11. your friend will need to ask for support etc, I do not give support to anyone but the license holders them selfs, IPS allow sub accounts to contact them for support because they have all details of the websites and all the linked accounts etc but we don't, all we get is a username so that username is the only one who can contact me for support
  12. why did you buy the app? or the members shop app in fact? I do not see your name anywhere in the list of who has a license for it
  13. I actually use a android application for this site and my own one, it send notifications for new files and so on
  14. Go to the ACP and then the Members Shop tab, now go to the points / settings bit and you will see a tab near the top saying award points, click that and you can award them there I will be releasing a update soon for that with either a widget or another page showing all current goals so the members can see them all
  15. I have never seen this before, did you download it OK? maybe there was a connection problem downloading what corrupted the file?, I love the way the IPS support say ask me, Did they even check anything? I have downloaded it and installed it on a test site and it was fine, so it is not the file itself, ( plus all the other people uploaded it OK )
  16. Only if you have a back up of the SQL, if you uninstall the app it will remove every table and column
  17. Sorry thought it was in there, you can check it out here https://ipsdev.org/index.php?/membersshop/ I don't know why they are using a 3rd party hosting provider, they own their own cloud service ( unless it is not that good then lol )
  18. hope so, but it was reported over 6 months ago ( by me maybe eairler by someone else ) so we will see
  19. Until IPS fix their bug where they keep getting deleted, I won't be uploading any more screenshots, there is more than 1 bug with their downloads and screenshots and it wastes my time taking screenshots, cropping them and then spending about 10 minutes just to upload them at a few at a time otherwise there is hits another bug, there is always the demo for it for now, sorry but its very annoying for me to keep doing this
  20. This happened to a couple of my apps, for some reason the install bit disappeared for one column, I will send you a PM with what to do, I have fixed this for the next update ( Coming very soon ) but it won't matter to you then
  21. they get awarded for staying engaged to their own topics by replying yes, not for replying and being the topic starter Cool, I will sort it out yeah I can do that too, I am sure I have this in my notes already from another request for it
  22. If you create a topic you get awarded points per topic ( starting a topic ) If you reply to a topic you will get points per reply ( replying to a topic ) If you are not the topic starter and you reply you will get the points per reply, the topic starter will get Points For Topic Starter Per Reply If you are the topic starter and you reply to your own topic you only get the points per reply, Not the Points For Topic Starter Per Reply, you should not get 2 awards for one post etc I did that at first but thought if someone uploaded lots in one time, they could be awarded lots of points, I will add a setting so you can pick if you want to award it per upload or per item in the same upload form yeah I can look into them too, They will probably need a seperate database table so members can not keep uploading / deleting etc, this way they will only receive the award once for the avatars and 2FA etc
  23. Are you replying to your own topic? it will only give you the topic reply points and not topic starter points if it is your own topic Yeah it gives it once per use not per item to the upload Ok?, Not OK?
  24. there is a top spacer division in there, I will remove it in the next update
  25. Sorry, I missed this post, Yeah that's OK I will sort it for the next update
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