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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by TheJackal84

  1. with pagination it would refresh the pages each time etc, the way it is now it don't need a page refresh / change, I could look into other ways to display them though I can check that out too yeah a description will be in the next update normally I wait to hear feedback and then go from there, most of my apps get updated with requests there is not but I could add something like that to it members can report comics etc so if they are signed in they will see a report comic link where they can send through a report to admins / mods and it will show up in the ModCP, also you can make it so all uploads require approval so if someone uploads a comic it will be hidden until approved by a moderator
  2. it will all depend your genre and so on, but there are thousands of sites / web archives what offer free comics etc
  3. This is the support topic for Comics
  4. I haven't started it yet but by the time I do it have / do a lot more and also look a lot better I will send you a PM with a easy fix, there is not a lot of mistakes there is only one bug where it did not add the usergroup column on installation ( but it is a easy fix as you will see in the pm, it takes about 5 seconds to do ), that list is every column in your usergroup database showing not errors
  5. how did you add your menu tab, was it URL or the actual tab? also try to clear your cache in the support tool
  6. Send me your site's URL and I will take a look, Send it via PM if you don't want to make it public
  7. yeah so you pick 3 teams 1st team is 2/1, 2nd team is 5/1, 3rd team is 10/1, you bet 10 points, the first one wins at 2/1 you now have 20 points going onto the 2nd team, now if they win at 5/1 you now have 100 points going on the 3rd team, if they win at 10/1 you won 1,000 points ( plus your 10 back depending what country and odds format you are using ), if any of them lose you will win nothing they all have to win in order of the payout, there is no cashout on them!!. It is something I do have in my notes but it is a lot of work to do and a lot more new code will need to be written
  8. maybe you will change your review to reflect that lol remind me what you mean by combos, do you mean like accumulators etc
  9. Updated to 1.0.5 New Features You can now choose to have a category listing or the betting selections as the landing page for the app Updated the category listing to make it look a lot nicer Added the ability to allow members to be able to request a bet Added a new block to the ACP dashboard so you can see how many pending requests for bets there is Added a new page to the ACP showing all requests with a quick function to add them Added the ability to allow moderators to mark bets won / lost via the ModCP Any moderator who marks a bet won / lost will log the information of the bet and the moderator who marked it in the moderator logs There is a new permission setting in the moderator permissions so you can choose what moderators can use this feature Updated the table view listings of the bets so it looks a lot nicer Added friendly urls to the whole application Removed the upload image setting in the ACP to show on the category / bet selection pages ( READ BELOW TO WHY ) You can use the editor to add any images you might want and you will have better placement of it Fixed a few bugs that were reported
  10. It did start of using notifications but people complained it was to much etc so the flash message came in, landing pages etc is a lot more work for a user to do and navigate to etc, I will look into something better and will use a setting to define what one to use etc I will be adding images soon but it is a lot to do , for now you could add the image to the description and it will show them there there is also this it is getting a new update wrote ( should be tonight if all goes OK ), you could use that for sports / gaming clans and so on you can check it here https://ipsdev.org/index.php?/bettingshop/ the version installed is the one I am working on but that is how it will look etc and there is also this
  11. just finishing it up making it look a bit nicer, I have added the mod panel bits you wanted where you can choose moderators to mark them won or lost, each time a moderator uses it, it will also log it in the moderator logs so you can see if there is any misuse by moderators and maybe them saying it weren't me etc, also you can request a bet as well if you go to a empty category it will say there are no bets etc etc click here to request one, there is also a widget what is just a request button, I was going to add it to the page but a widget looks as good and you can place it in multiple places, or no where if you didnt want it and a few more bits I can't actually remember lol but I will get it out before the premiership starts so you can get the bets up in time
  12. I will check it, but them values are correct, the time_date is the time & date they redeemed the item, 1533443661 Is equivalent to: 05/08/2018 @ 4:34am (UTC) , the expire_time_date sets to -1 when it does not expire, if there was unix values in there like the time_date it would be the time & date the upgrade expires, basically -1 is unlimited / does not expire, I will check it out anyway because obviously it should not put them back into the original_group
  13. OK I will look into it and get back to you, if I can not reproduce it I might need login to your site to check it out, I will get back to you as soon as I have checked it
  14. what page are you deleting them from? is it the my media page? I will sort that in the next update
  15. Updated to 1.1.1 Bug Fix Fixed the bug where it did not show the embed tab for some members
  16. OK it is the personal ones then lol, I just tested it on my site and it didn't drag, I will check it out and push out a update for it, the global ones are fine though
  17. yes mate, just do a global one where guests can view it
  18. create a test note for a minute and let me check it
  19. Did you enable Allow Dragging in the ACP settings?
  20. If anything I can probably give you a manual patch so you can have it how you would want it. I have been working on this update a bit longer then expected but there are good things coming, I rewrote the categories bit and you can now set the homepage of the betting shop to either be the tables with all the bet selections on like it is now, or you can choose for the betting shop homepage to be categories, it works the same once you get to a category with bets inside then the list will show of the available bet selections, you can choose to add images to the categories as well to make them look a bit better, if there are no subcatgories and just selections in the category then it will show like the tennis one, it will just link directly to all the tennis bets etc
  21. Updated to 2.0.7 New Features You can now choose to use javascript to toggle the members info Set the text to display for the toggle button Set the colour of the toggle button Minor Bug Fixes The javascript toggle is selectable on if you want to use it or not, if you do want to use the js toggle then just leave it disabled in the settings
  22. there are filters what you can set for them already so if they didn't want the mess as you call it they can click filter and narrow them down I won't remove them from the members logs of their bets, BUT I can maybe put a setting so you can select what will be the default one to show, I will check it out and see what I can do
  23. might also add a way to add bets from the front too, and I been thinking about a way to maybe allow members to request a bet, Someone might get over excited and want odd's on a donkey in a horse race etc
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