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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by TheJackal84

  1. are you using any other plugins for the postbit or profiles?
  2. Updated to 2.0.0 New Features Re-wrote the application so that it uses the full moderator permissions to the Q&A's from the front end, it will now also use the ModCP to approve pending member submitted Q&A's Added widgets allowing you to place certain Q&A's from your selected categories across your board, you can add multiple of these You will now only add Q&A's from the front end instead of the ACP, they are fully moderated from there too You can now create sub categories for the categories Added group permissions to each category for who can view, read and add Q&A's Bug fixes If you are updating this app from 1.0.7 or below you will notice a category has been made and all your other categories are sub categories of the one created, you will need to go into each category and select the permissions for members groups otherwise the value will be NULL giving no one permissions to view them
  3. the next update is going to be 2.0, redesigned and better moderator permissions, the only way you will able to add the Q&A'a are on the front end, there will be no more adding from the ACP, the only thing you do via the ACP is add categories what can have sub categories etc, The front end landing page will show a list of the FAQ categories and you will also be able to add F.A.Q's to clubs, it is 90% finished so hopefully if all goes well it will be released today, and it also has widgets what you can place all over the site, example if you have a forums category, you can place a block in the forums with all the Q&A's from that
  4. what way would you want it to work with members shop?
  5. Just see your other message too, I can see what I can do in the way of making it work with the tournaments app For a answer to the quote above, what theme are you using?
  6. I will check it out, there should be a update to this in a day or two with a lot more front end permissisons for moderators etc plus it will use the ModCP and so on, if you can bare with me for that update to come
  7. it will need to be font-awesome 4, if you have font awesome 5 it will not work, that is not just this app but the whole IPS suite, it is made for font-awesome 4, the reason why is that the fa fa- is now fas fa- and so on, so IPS will need to rewrite lots to make it work with 5, as soon as IPS support font awesome 5 I will add it all to this app and all my other apps, you will need to post in the feedback forums requesting font-awersome 5 in IPS 4.4 or something and hope it gets a lot of yes pleases on there, then IPS might look to doing it, I have not heard of any 5 coming soon though
  8. That is a error with the RULES application you have installed, hence IPS\rules\extensions\core\Profile\_ProfileLogs->showTab() You will need to speak to the developer of the RULES app, Members Shop has not had a update in about 2 months, it only says updated yesterday because I added the black friday sale and the downloads make it look like a new version got uploaded when in fact it did not , I have been working on a big update to members shop what is getting released soon, but as for the error you will need to speak to the dev of that app
  9. I don't know if you can read topic titles but this is called TOURNAMENTS not Members Shop each file has it's own support topic, if you maybe posted there I would of checked the purchases and BANG your name may appear, while your on this topic saying this app don't work, I check this apps purchases and BANG your not there
  10. Updated to 1.0.3 New Features Added the ability for tournament creators to send notifications to team leaders requesting them to join the tournament ( You can only send these ones one at a time ) Added the ability for team leaders to send notifications to other members requesting they join their team ( These can be sent 5 at a time ) Redesigned the round robin league table so it looks better on mobile devices Redesigned the team tables so it looks better on mobile devices Added most active tournaments box to the tournament index page ( Most active is basically the ones with most comments ) Added the ability for tournament creators to be able to mark the tournament as completed ( Read below to why ) Redesigned the tournament tables to look nicer and also added badges before the names showing if the tournament has started or completed Re-wrote ( absolute killer but will be better and easier for updates ) lots of the coding to make the overall file size smaller for new updates to come Bug fixes
  11. I realised you meant the league table not the tournament brackets, yeah mobile looked a bit rough on the eyes so wrote it differently will be in 1.0.2
  12. Yeah I can look into that I will add that to the 1.0.2 version, the team amount will be allowed to be edited, if the tournament has not started etc etc They shouldn't I will look into it I will look into that, not sure if it will be in 1.0.2 as it will require a lot of changes to the database not just the game played as it saves the stats elsewhere it shouldn't, on mobile it just collapses the brackets making them sit on top of each other there is no way to have it look like desktop as there is too many rounds on some etc, 1.0.2 will allow you to invite teams to the tournaments and members to your teams by the ways of sending notifications as well
  13. I can probably create a item what you can sell reputation points for, i.e buy 2 rep for 20 points etc, I doubt a lot of people will use that feature so a new item would be best as if they don't use to they don't need to No it's got no pages hooks in it Not yet, I have had a lot to do lately so had to put it on hold until I finished the other Sent you a PM
  14. if you check the rewards & logs it will show them for the rules application, you can filter the table to only show them ones too, @SerialNoob answered the other questions for me What do you mean by XP points? you want the points earned via the members shop app to be converted to rep points? sorry just got on the answer these questions but @SerialNoob had my back
  15. Updated to 1.0.2 New Features Added a ajax pop up module to view the comics
  16. If anyone wants to maximize this application you can use it along with and you can award the winning teams points to either the team leader or the whole teams players, now to make it more intresting you can use to create bets for the tournaments and or matches, then the members can gamble their points on the games too
  17. Updated to 1.0.1 New Features Round Robin tournaments added with 2 Team, 4 Team, 6 Team, 8 Team, 10 Team, 12 Team, 16 Team, 20 Team tournaments Choose either one or two match round robin tournaments ( 2 matches is home & away games ) Round robin tournaments have their own league table to display the stats from that tournament Members will choose the amount of points to award for a win and a draw in these tournaments ( This is the points to award for the league table not members shop points ) Redesigned the tournaments page to add tabs Redesigned the teams page to add tabs Added user locations to the application Bug Fixes
  18. 1. I will check it out, I am sorting the other bugs reported now so will check that out too, It will probably be released as 1.0.1 as that is nearly done, I just need to do the 20 team round robin tournament and a couple more bits. 2. The tournaments are different for the stats side of it, the ones now are only single elimination so the stats you see for the teams in the tournament are their overall stats, the update will have round robin what shows the teams like now plus a league table for the tournament itself with stats for that tournament, the single eliminations don't require tournament stats as it is winner goes through where as the round robin winner is calculated by the games played and their points in the league, you will choose what points to award for a win or draw for each tournament as well, in football they use 3 points for a win 1 point for a draw but depending the match played will depend what you will award them so they can be choosen for each round robin tournament, if you delete the tournaments it will remove the stats from that tournament as it don't exist no more but their overall stats will always be there until that team is deleted etc
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