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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by TheJackal84

  1. Let me know, It is something I can add a check to, to see if referrer exists do x if not do y, but the referrer should exist so it should redirect you properly
  2. that is what it should do, for example if you are on page4 of the category and buy a item it should redirect you back to page4
  3. For the time being change the settings of the shop to use small grids it will work then, I will throw a update out ASAP with a fix for that today at some point Have you set the permissions correctly? the permissions are set in the items edit page instead it uses the new IPS referrer feature meaning it should redirect you back to the page it is on when purchased
  4. Yes I can do that, this and a couple more are due make over updates anyway so they will be coming soon, also probably do featured ones too etc
  5. Not yet this was a update for 4.4 so no one had to wait to update thier board / app, it is something I am currently working on though Can you describe what you mean a little bit better? I don't fully understand, also when you say players so you mean teams or players? I will sort it for the next
  6. Updated to 1.0.4 Updated for IPS 4.4 New Features If a user now adds a direct youtube url it will automatically convert it to a embed link
  7. Updated for IPS 4.4 New Features Added a setting to either use a font-awesome icon or upload a image for each category Bug Fixes Added the missing language string for the club/s on the categories
  8. Coming today, just updating my live site with everything and making sure it's all OK then I will start releasing them all
  9. yes anything they buy will still be there is deleted from the ACP panel. If a user buys & stores a item too then you delete / disable that item from the ACP the user will still have that item there to redeem, so say you made 10 medal items and someone bought all 10, uses 1 then stores 9, if you choose to delete / disable that item the user will still have 9 of them in their myItems page ready to redeem or send, if it is from a 3rd party app like the medals will be, you just need to make sure the application itself is enabled
  10. looks like I only replied to 2 people on this page and it also answers your question so seeing that to me would look like the update is coming once 4.4 is released Maybe I have been busy and have not had time to rush to everybody who sends me a message / post to a topic and will reply when I can, maybe I have been updating over 25 apps and plugins for 4.4, maybe I took a holiday for the first time in the 2 years I have been doing this, there could be many reasons why
  11. I will look into this Fixed in 1.1.5, I need to wait for 4.4 to be released before I can release 1.1.5 though
  12. Coming in the next couple of days sorry for the delay, it will allow you to upload images or choose your own icon too, Sticky notes will be released with 4.4 as it uses code what only works in 4.4
  13. Send me a PM with your website url so I can check it out
  14. Sorry I missed this, it must of got muddled in with the downloads one as you posted not far apart from them Are you using 1.0.4?
  15. Commerce allows a price filter in 4.4, maybe IPS will add it to the downloads app?????
  16. It is updated for 4.4 with all that added already, I did let the person know once 4.4 is released by IPS I can update it, until then the newest update won't work with 4.3 as it has no \IPS\Request::i()->referrer()
  17. yeah it's not a big deal, it is only for the admins to view and keep track of the way points are being spent / earned etc
  18. yeah videobox, I don't know how that works with points etc, but members shop now logs all users spending and earnings in the ACP will a detailed list of how they earned points / spent points and so on, but it won't log 3rd party apps unless they are made to work with it properly
  19. core_members > shop_points although this will be changing soon as it will get it's own table Also the way the members will spend points via that app will not log to the new logging system in the ACP
  20. Updated to 1.0.4 New Features Added the ability to filter the 3d pie charts to select what to show Posts per forum ( filter by forum categories ) Topics per forum ( filter by forum categories ) Members per group ( filter by groups ) Reactions ( filter by reactions ) @Morrigan sorry for the delay, this one got away from me
  21. That is something I just noticed it don't have, I will add it to a update and throw it out before the week ends Yh that's possible, I was going to add a select box where you can select default / your own fa-icon / uploaded image anyway
  22. Have you tried zooming the screen out? or hidden that bar at the end? I don't have access to safari as I am a apple hater so will not be able to try to try and reproduce it, also try to click the top one then when it highlights either the medal or the overall select box and then click the down arrow see if it allows you to scroll it
  23. I been trying to reproduce it and can not, In your logs it should show what page it happens to, can you go to them pages and see if it throws that error?
  24. Are you on cloud hosting or self hosted? if you are self hosted I can give you a patch to upload to your server Can you send me a screenshot of what it looks like?
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