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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by TheJackal84

  1. I will look into them both and check it out, I am working on 1.0.1 so have to go through the 1.0.0 files and check that way
  2. Run the support tool and clear the cache, if it still happens let me know
  3. re-download the app mate and update it, it should all be good now At the minute it is teams only, although the member could just create a one player team and join that way, I will be looking into member tournaments in the future though
  4. the icons is something clashing with it using font-awesome 5 where IPS uses 4, I will check it out along with the winnings not calculating correctly and see why
  5. When does this happen? what are you doing when it happens?
  6. Round robin rounds are coming along good, they can either be 1 or 2 match tournaments ( 2 matches is basically home & away, play each team twice, 1 match you play each team once ), you will award points for either a win / lose / draw and then it will add to a table for that tournament you can choose 4/6/8/10/12 team tournaments in the round robin ( at the minute ), but it will probably get limited at 20 teams as that will require 380 games to generate, if all goes the way it is now, update should be here quite quickly
  7. Currently working on round robin tournaments it will more than likely have a league table with it and the ability to add points per win / draw etc and it will calculate them all to display in order of most points the league table can go in another tab The team page has had a makeover too to make it more nicer to look at ( with a tab for the teams match history ) I am also thinking of changing the original tournament view to have tabs in with the tabs it will be a lot easier and nicer on the eyes for more teams to be entered in tournaments we can have them split into tabs if there is say 8 - 16 rounds etc it can be 2 - 4 tabs of 4 rows etc
  8. oh OK there is a setting in that app to choose to use any points I get you now.
  9. I was going to say no unless @Steph40 knows something I don't lol Do you lol if it does I can add it to the list of 3rd party stuff, maybe he added the bits to his application?
  10. you can't add images to them ( yet ) only font-awesome icons, you can add some images to the description of it
  11. I didn't think that don't worry , It does say on the files description that if you have ideas to post here, There is only so much I can think of then I get other ideas from the people using it / wanting it, and if they are good and in my ability then they will get added to the app.
  12. In the year and a half I have been releasing stuff, I have made over 145 updates to my apps and plugins ( I am sure more will come too lol )
  13. yeah that is easy enough to do, members shop already allows for points to be purchased etc so it will just be what I said basically with another setting for the sites % to take
  14. I will see what I can do with it all, I do have some ideas for other tournaments & leagues too Not charge a fee, you can award points for winning in each round though, I could add it to a update when you can charge points for tournaments etc and even have a pot where it costs say 100 points to enter then they go into a pot and the winner takes it all
  15. You could always change the name of categories to collections in the ACP then it would be basically the same thing, I could look into a widget to add on the page what will show all / a set amount of comics in the category / collection on that page
  16. Yeah that's what I was going to say, as your on cloud you will need to contact IPS and get them to remove the older tournaments files, make sure it is not installed for when they do it as well
  17. team_invitation is nothing on this app mate, that is a database error and there is not team_invitation in the database, Do you have that custom tournaments app installed still? if so they probably are both using the same name so when your suite is pulling in the data it is getting confused with them both
  18. The arrows work fine, it uses the IPS carousel feature to scroll through them, you can also swipe left & right if you are using mobile or touchscreen devices There is a pop up function for 1.0.2 what will change to the height of the screen for the device they are on Once I have finished the other updates I am working on I will look into this one again, the design this application has was designed for the person I made the application for, they wanted the 3 buttons to change the size of the comics etc, but if anything I can just copy the app and then divide it between the original for the user who paid me to create it, then I will have a different one for this website, then it won't matter what is added / changed. There will also be the ability to sell comics in a update ( maybe 1.0.2 ) don't know if that interests you or not
  19. This is the support topic for Tournaments
  20. nice update with a nice landing page and another style for the tables, check this comment I posted it has a couple of images
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