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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by TheJackal84

  1. what do you mean? they are marked as won / lost in their bets already
  2. Support comes when I am available, I have been working and have just sat down then this notification popped up, I checked the PM and it was sent 17 hours ago not days etc and support is given on these topics unless stated to contact me via PM, the support links on the download page point to this ( I do not check my PM's as soon as they come unless I am waiting for one to come from someone ), so anyway for now send me a PM with login details and I will look into it and see why you are getting a error
  3. let me know, if not send me a PM with your site and your profile on your site etc, ( make sure a video link is added to your profile, don't remove it etc )
  4. are you using a youtube video? if so you need to add the embed code not the url, example, Normal youtube video link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qeMFqkcPYcg link you would use will be https://www.youtube.com/embed/qeMFqkcPYcg I did write a update what tranfsers the url so if it was the top one you added it will automatically change the url to the embed one, but I have not got round to uploading it yet, I will get it out this week at some point
  5. Can you send me login and I will check it out?
  6. Updated to 1.0.6 New Features Added the gallery app to the stats Shows the images uploaded per day stats of your board in a graph view Shows the images count per album in a nice 3D pie chart Shows a block list of the members who have uploaded the most images Shows a block list of the members who have the most albums Shows a block list of the most viewed images These blocks can be filtered by a date range and also to show between 5 and 100
  7. football is my game too, Nothing better than the start of a season ( except the stupid international friendlys they make them play ), I have also been looking into adding widgets what will pull all the league tables / live scores etc through, it will be simple ones what you will add say a iframe code to, something like from this site https://www.fctables.com/widgets/
  8. you offer way to much odd's lol, if it was real I would put my house on Celtic to win the scottish league as 5/1 lol, they have only lost 14 games in the last 5 seasons ( 190 games )
  9. they shouldn't, only the actual categories should show up, I will check it out that is up to you if you want to delete them from the ACP ( I would otherwise it will get to much in your face and lots to browse through ), if you do delete them from the ACP members will not lose their history, once they place a bet it stores that bet in a seperate table keeping them all safe and displayed in their betting logs, As I say though, I will check that out anyway and see what's what.
  10. I can probably add something to the next update what will show them all their donations
  11. You can't now as you only have a month to change a review, not sure if staff will help or not though
  12. yeah, I can probably add it to a update so that it will do it automatic, but I think that the way it is now, makes people more active on the betting shop, ie having to check their tickets / claim their winnings etc
  13. once you click won, the users will need to go to their bets and click to collect their winnings, as in the image, the collected bit is blank meaning they have not collected their winnings yet
  14. it has it's own settings to show a users clubs in the panel
  15. In the ACP it has a full list of all donations and info from it go to your language in the ACP and search donations and change the one linked to the members shop app
  16. if you go to the ACP and go to their profile click edit preferences then go to the members shop tab
  17. I will see what I can do to transfer will be basically donating them, if you wanted to remove the donate feature then just put it so only admins can donate points, then it will be disabled for everyone else
  18. glad you like it I can look into the secondary groups but the individual members will be massive, depending your members will depend the amount shown there, imagine having 50k members in that block, the lines will be tiny and it would make it impossible to navigate through there is no prefix atm but again it is something I can look into for the next update yeah that is part of another plugin I wrote I will send you a pm with a quick fix, ( only takes 5 seconds )
  19. yes mate it works fine on mobile / tablets, you can browse the demo via mobile and check it out https://ipsdev.org/index.php?/membersshop/
  20. Members Shop Goals updated to 1.0.1 New Features Added widgets showing all available goals from your selected categories with a pop up showing the details of the goal
  21. send me login mate and let me check it out for you
  22. Sorry just see your PM too, it does show their points on the profiles but to edit them you will need to do it via the ACP in the members page of it no but it is something I can look into not via the app, I could make a plugin what will allow the transfer of them but you will need to find where they are stored in the database I have re-uploaded these images about 20 times, they keep disappearing and it don't seem like it is going to be fixed in a while as it has been reported loads for over a year by lots of devs, I currently don't have them stored anywhere so will need to re-do them all
  23. @Ivo Pereira had a similar issue after he tried the reply to this topic it was resolved, it has something to do with the language packs
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