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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by TheJackal84

  1. I can look into them yeah, some are already there, like pin topic and feature file. send medal and trophy, they can buy & store it, then if they have the permission they can send it to another user, same as sticky notes mass add groups is already there ( same place in the Image I sent you in PM just now ) same as points to users Ajust points is already in it, Go to the members profile of the ACP and edit preferences, you will see a members shop tab, if they own a bank account that will show too mass apply points to files is there too, ( In pic I sent in PM too ) events sound quite good, I can look into that too
  2. Updated for bug fix ( I forgot to change the version number ) Bug Fixes Fixed the bug where it threw a error when redeeming stored items
  3. No mate, the points can only be bought via commerce, not use them to buy stuff on there Update will come today, ( Silly mistake on my part ) You need to make multiple items for the multiple unique codes
  4. I will check it out I will look into secondary group upgrades. the file on the downloads. the button will show the price, IF you are not the file submitter, If you are not the submitter the price will show on the button as well as the other places, Once you paid for the download the price will no longer show on the button as it sayd download now xxx points, people might think they need to pay again, so I made it when they purchased it, it's gone from there and just says download, Same really as nexus, you can not buy your own file so the buy now button is not on show to the submitter
  5. Quick update to 1.1.1 Bug Fixes Fixed the bug with saving the edited amount of points to charge for a file Fixed the bug with the upgrade item fields when editing @Cyboman
  6. if nexus is installed it will show in the list of free, paid, associate with product and then points, There is a little bug with it not saving when editing the file, I am fixing that inbetween these comments you have only 1 choice, if you set it to $ then you can not use points, if you set it to points then you can not sell it for $, if you set it for free, its free selecting one or the other will remove what is not selected, it would be greedy to charge $$ as well as points ?
  7. it shouldn't, run the support tool and see if it says anything is missing No I couldn't do bank points as I don't know the place they are stored, it should of deleted them and set them to 0 best thing to do is set the on hand evox_points to 0 ( if you done the transfer ), put a announcement up saying in 7 or 14 days time the points in the bank will all be set to 0, they need to withdraw it and add their points to the new members shop bank, offer them some more interest for the first month or something to give them more incentive to do it quicker I will check that error, it was a new column I was adding for a short and long description but I stuck with long only and kept the older names, they all should of been removed and not even run
  8. It's the longest any update has took me, and I done over 100 updates last year lol There is loads more I have got in mind,but if I had continued then it would of just knocked back the release back by longer, so thought I would release this and then start on 1.1.1, I am thinking maybe allow members who have stored items to list them for sale on say a members black market, they could wind up earning some nice points if they buy out the unique items to sell, unless the admin decides hmm here is 5 more, then their unique one is not worth so much, it's all about risk. ( This is just a idea though )
  9. Updated to 1.1.0 New Features Buy & Use You can now buy & use items straight away without storing it in the members my items page Members will have a choice to buy & use or buy & store Sell Item Back Members can now sell back their unwanted stored items ( this will not put the item back in the store as it could be very old and removed from the store, It will just delete the item ) You can set a % to charge users for selling their items back, Example.. If the item costs 500 points and you set the setting to 20%, the member will get 400 points back as 20% of 500 is 100, So 500 - 100 = 400 points and so on Moderator Permissions Select certain moderators to be allowed to buy items for free If anyone, who has the moderator permissions to buy items for free, Try to sell back any items, they will not receive any points for the item as they didn't pay for it Downloads You can now allow your members to charge points on their uploads in order for other users to download them Set a % in commission to take for each point paid download the upload author gets You can now award your members points for reviewing files ( The amount of points can be set on a per category basis ) You can now awars your members points for commenting on files ( The amount of points can be set on a per category basis ) Forums There is a new button in the forum category matrix allowing you to choose if you want to remove the points awarded for the topics / posts if said topic / post gets deleted ( this is a hard delete if they are still pending deletion then the points will remain until it is permanently deleted ) You can now award your members points for having their post marked as best answer in question forums Like the other forum points settings the points can be set on a per category basis via the forum matrix settings If the best answer gets changed to another post, it will remove the points awarded to the member with the original best answer and then award them to the member with the new best answer, it will also change the reward log of it to the new member If the best answer gets removed then the points will be removed from the member as well Shop Items Membership Upgrades You can now choose to set member group upgrades permanently as well as for set time periods Custom Code / Coupon You can now create custom code / coupon items, allowing you to add a code to the item what will automatically be sent to the user via PM on redemption, This can be used for any codes including vouchers / game codes etc Buy A Trophy ( Trophies & Medals must be installed for this item ) Pick a trophy from a list of your created trophies and allow your users to buy them Buy A Medal ( Trophies & Medals must be installed for this item ) Pick a medal from a list of your created medals and allow your users to buy them Reset Reputation Points Allow users to reset their reputation points to 0 ( useful if they get hit with lot's of stolen rep from other members and go into the negative ) Clubs You can now choose to award points to users for creating topics in clubs You can now choose to award points to users for replying to topics in clubs You can now choose to award points to users for uploading files in clubs All the club features are set globally and not per category like the forums & downloads matrix's because they are user built it could get out of hand Calendars You can now award members points for creating events in calendars You can now award members points for commenting on calendar events You can now award members points for reviewing calendar events The amount of points awarded can be set differently for different calendars Commerce You can now award members points for reviewing products Member Statuses You can now award members points for adding a status You can now award members points for replying to statuses Warning System When you warn a user you can now set it to penalize them by removing x amount of points ( You can set different points for different reasons ) ACP There is a new menu showing all the current & expired membership upgrades and showing if they are active / downgraded or pending downgrade via the tasks Added filters to the custom purchases page so you can select from 'Needs awarding', 'Awarded' & 'All' Added a new page to the ACP showing all custom item purchases not yet redeemed by the users along with the details of the purchase Added a new page to the ACP showing all of the custom code items bought and if they were redeemed along with the details of the purchase Added a new page to the ACP showing all of the items bought and if they are redeemed along with the details of the purchase Other Added a setting allowing to to transfer all your evox_points over to shop points, Once you do this all the members evox_points will be set to 0 3rd Party Application integration Automation Rules You can now set a action to award Members Shop points for any of your created conditions You can now set a action to remove Member Shop points for any of your created conditions These features fully expand the ways you can award / remove Member shop points I highly recommend buying this 3rd party application to take this app to the max Media Uploader Award points to users for uploading images Award points to users for uploading video files Award points to users for uploading audio files Award points to users for uploading documents Other Changed the item description to allow use of the editor and alot more text Moved the items description from below the item name replacing the purchases button, you can hover for the description or click for a pop up After updating go to the categories you created and re-save the names of them so it will sync with the new friendly urls
  10. Updated to 1.1.0 New Features Added the ability to embed your uploaded media into anything what uses the editor Click the insert other media button and Insert existing attachment then click the Media Uploader tab editorembed.mp4
  11. Download it again and do a update on it
  12. Not in the way where it is a members shop you can buy with points no. You could offer points when they buy the feature my club package via commerce though
  13. you can always change the language in the ACP, go to languages and search ProfileVideo_desc then change it to however you want it to display. and you gotta remember this is not a youtube profile video, it allows embedding any video via iframe
  14. what do you mean? do you mean can users sell media?
  15. I will send you a PM with the css code
  16. If it is your own upload, you will always be able to download your own media ( it's yours ), the setting of who can download will only be for media other people upload, if you wanted I could probably give you a code to place in the custom.css to hide the button
  17. for this version, you will see a button saying embed media above the editors on the forums, the next update what will be released soon will be in the insert other media button on the editors and that will be global
  18. go to your ACP and system then applications, you will see install, click install and select the downloaded .tar file you got, upload that, let it install then you will see a new tab in the ACP for the media uploader, go into that and enter the settings you want to enter, be sure to go to the member group settings of the ACP as well because there is setting in that too
  19. This is the support topic for Feature My Club
  20. Updated to 1.0.1 New Features Added some categories and the ability to add codes to them ( read below as to why ) You can now add multiple codes to 1 package ( add a category and then add lots of codes ( or the amount you have ) to it then select that category from the settings in the package and it will produce one of them codes on purchase ) If you add more stock than codes to the package a error will be thrown, You can only add the same amount of stock as codes you have in that category
  21. I will check it and see what I can come up with, But you should always read things, that could of said by adding a embed you argree to x/y/z ( lol just kidding but true )
  22. Look at the url you added and look at the way it says to add youtube url's. Use the embed url, not the pages url https://www.youtube.com/embed/0-EF60neguk is OK https://www.youtube.com/watch?=4&v=0-EF60neguk is not
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