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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by TheJackal84

  1. There is a option to set it free If the file is a paid via commerce then the points will not come into play, they can not set it for real money and points it is one or the other The uploader will set the price, It is their file they can set the value of it , That's not available ( yet anyway )
  2. the forums & downloads it does, the downloads it will only award for uploading them not downloading ( this is only clubs not the normal downloads ) of course the uploader will be able to set a price for it and get points that way minus the commission you will set, I don't own gallery or blogs yet so I can not intregrate them to the points system, But I will be getting them all soon, as soon as I hear about them dev licenses or not
  3. I have also made it better for clubs, they can now receive points from topics and posts etc, but these points are set globally instead of per category as it will depend the size of the boards to how many settings for it there will be, Also the fact the admin will need to check constantly to see if there is any new forums to them etc
  4. They may be bringing dev licenses as well as client licenses
  5. Oh OK, na I only changed the ACP bits so I could write the code better, The icon on the front desktop got moved as requested and it made sense not to split the message and notification with that in the middle
  6. It has always been on the mobile along with the message and notification icons
  7. No nothing, Shouldn't be anyway, why is something wrong?
  8. Updated to 1.0.3 New Features Updated for 4.3 Moved permissions of who can use the features to the member group settings of the ACP Moved the settings to the members tab of the ACP ( This setting only has the font-awesome icon in ) Moved the font-awesome icon to be to the left of the notification icon NOTE. If you are updating from 1.0.2 you will need to uninstall the plugin, download 1.0.3 and install it as a application, Also if your members have already set their logins to be automatic they will need to do it again after the update
  9. I will look into this app with-in the next week or 2 and see what I can do with custom ones
  10. OK just to let you all know, once the update is released you will need to uninstall the plugin first then install it as a application, If any of your members have set automatic anonymous logins they will need to re-do it after the update, And the who can use it permissions will now be in with the group settings with all the other group permissions
  11. I actually messaged @InvisionHQ ages ago asking if I could add it to the plugin and after 1 reply asking what I meant, I never got another one back so took it as a No.
  12. No problem, Follow the file and you will get a notification when it gets updated.
  13. with-in the next couple of days it will be released mate.
  14. the content has to be uploaded to the media uploader application, It will only show the stuff uploaded there. I will be working on a update where it will also link their attachements to the embeds and also transfer the attachments to the uploader
  15. Should show like that above the editor
  16. In the settings there is a bit what allows groups to embed, Once you uploaded the file to media uploader and it is not private you will see some embed buttons on the topics at the top and above the editor
  17. The app uses all it's own codes, What you would do is disable all their permissions for anything you want to put in the shop, Like sticky notes go into the settings and remove the members permissions to send them, Now the only way they can send them is by using a item from the shop, If you go into the group settings and remove their ability to have a signature, the only way they can have a signature is by buying a item
  18. In the member group settings under the social tab there is a setting for "Maximum profile photo storage size" click the little "Do not allow photo uploads" next to it I am waiting to see what IPS do with the developers and licenses before I go down the blogs road etc, The calendar I can see what I can do with it, The rest is a big list so I will need to go through them and see what's what, It could be that we can ask some of them devs to add the codes as it needs to run their scripts with my code included. 1.0.9 is coming soon and will allow users to charge points for their downloads if you use the downloads app
  19. It has that, if you sign up to the link above you can upload stuff on there and then create some topics etc in the test bit with the embedding function
  20. depends how you look at it, it's basically a more private upload application where you can pick and choose to keep some private but give access to x/y/z member only, I am not sure about gallery etc but with this you can upload and crop images aswell and also pick and choose if you want to keep the original and the cropped one or just the cropped, I am starting a update on this soon so am not to sure what else it will bring, I have a few PM's with requests so need to go through them
  21. OK I will check it, I thought you meant it was just there in the section
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