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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by TheJackal84

  1. Yeah a ACP setting where we can set them all to private instead of the members selecting it private on posting
  2. Same, It don't require any updates to work on 4.3
  3. it don't need updating for 4.3, install / update it and it works
  4. I was thinking to make a edit to it but if you want to add it, It's up to you. The ability to only view your own support topics on the downloads, Everyone can read the first post but the replies can be locked to the submitter and admins only
  5. I will send you a PM with a fix for it, It seems there is something missing from the database No nothing is needed for 4.3
  6. Must be some devices, On touch laptop I can swipe them, But when I rotate the screen and set it to mobile view the swipe don't work
  7. not on 4.3, touch screen desktop you can scroll but on mobile it don't allow it, if you use desktop touch too and zoom in 300% it goes to mobile and drag to scroll don't work
  8. What do you mean? I just checked and there are options to mark them once the start time is passed
  9. @CodingJungle you didn't add the new divisions to the carousel's they are all broke, ( The screenshot and the other user's files ones ) under the <div class='ipsCarousel ipsClearfix' data-ipsCarousel data-ipsCarousel-showDots> you need to add <div class='ipsCarousel_inner'>
  10. Updated to 1.0.4 New Features Updated for the release of IPS 4.3 Added a new menu to the ACP showing all the bets what have not been marked as won / lost so you can mark them more quickly
  11. Updated to 1.0.8 New Features Updated for the release of IPS 4.3
  12. Send me a PM with your website URL and I will look at it m8
  13. if you can send me ACP login via PM, I can look into it for you
  14. Custom items are logged in the ACP. Normal items are only logged when they are redeemed and that's in the logs tab
  15. No there is no mystery box for the items them self Yes sorry, That is near the top of my notes to do for the updates Not yet, Once I am finished most of the updates I have planned then I will start working on extensions for other devs / members to start adding their own to it, but for now my priorities are in the update requests I got for the app
  16. Updated to 2.2.2 Bug Fix Fixed the bug with the personal sticky notes editor where it might remove attachments uploaded Thanks to @Stuart Silvester for pointing this out
  17. Try running the support tool and clearing the cache Yes that will be in a update for the enhanced user info panel. To be honest I forgot about that request, I will look into it for 1.0.8 What way do you want the negative points to work?
  18. Thats because your theme had links set to be coloured white, I will send you a PM with a custom.css code so it will replace the links colour in the sticky note to your selected colour
  19. Hi mate, what theme are you using? I just see default... Is there anything edited in it?
  20. My fault, it was the evox_points re-download it Just noticed there is now a Compatibility check on the downloads ? updated the info to say 4.2 ( For now anyway )
  21. Updated to 1.0.7 Bug Fixes Fixed the bug when saving the members points profiles on the ACP Fixed the bug on the navigation menu the only problem on 4.3 I have came across is the carousel grid bits, IPS have changed the way it works ( I think to be better for touch screens seeing as now you can drag them left/right with your fingers ), everythng else seems to be working as it should, But until 4.3 final is out there won't be a 4.3 update to my apps / plugins as my main dev site is always going to be the latest supported IPS release and no beta's
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