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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by TheJackal84

  1. Considering you don't own this plugin NO @Daniel F
  2. Updated to 1.0.9 New Features Redesigned the front uploader page so it looks better on the eyes Redesigned the embedding function into topics allowing you to use the topics editor to embed the topics giving you more control over your posts When you download a file it will now download with the original file name instead of the one saved with a massive string attached to it Added friendly url's to the whole application
  3. Updated to 1.0.7 New Features You can now pick to choose from showing the answers using either the javascript show/hide or show them using Axax pop up's You can now add Q & A's from the front end You can now allow members to submit Q & A's Each member submitted Q & A will require approval You can approve these from the front end You can now also edit, delete, approve, move, disable or enable each Q & A from the front end Allow moderators to approve member submitted Q & A's When a user submits a Q & A the moderators with approval permissions will receive a notification Allow moderators to add Q & A's without requiring approval Added a new table to the front FAQ with all the pending submissions listed Only moderators with approval permissions will be able to see this Added a new setting in the ACP allowing you to change the F.A.Q text above the FAQ table on the front Added a new setting so you can pick the amount of Q & A's to show on each page of the table
  4. there is a setting in the plugin to change the width of the panel, that usergroup is not really going to be called administrators testing testing group so it won't need to be that long, 220px does most people
  5. will be in 1.0.9 there already is a bit on the topic posts for donating points, there is also a link in the hovercard and the users drop down menu I will see what I can do
  6. It will be in 1.0.9, This is the update I am writing
  7. I'll look into it and see what I can pull up
  8. I have never used pages, but if it can bring in queries from the database etc then yeah you could get the information from it all
  9. yeah that's fine, this was one of my first apps so could of done with a nice update and a few things done a bit better anyway
  10. I am actually writing a update to it, I have been most of today, I will sort it out so it can be disabled
  11. Send me a pm with your website and I will check it out
  12. My fault, re-download it, Sorry about that
  13. Updated to 2.2.4 Bug Fix Fixed the bugs on the editor with uploaded attachments @Ramsesx should all be OK now, they will only show for the member and the note itself and no other member or note
  14. its automatic, if you are browsing normal then clicking the icon will send you anonymous, if you are anonymous then clicking the icon will make you now browse normally
  15. Yeah there is more detailed logs of all the shop items bought in the ACP with lots of filtering No it don't work with attachments, the uploads are them uploading a file on the downloads app, they can choose to set it free or charge other users points to download them, The points for attatchments can be cheated really as they can upload and remove them at will
  16. That's fixed in 1.0.9, Thanks @Adriano Faria for the post it helped me find it quickly
  17. That will just be the title on hover or something, I will check it
  18. I don't understand what you mean, Every friendly has it's base url, What is the redirect?
  19. Sorry, I checked your link and clicked the tabs etc, and they all directed to the friendlys
  20. Send me a pm with your websites profile url so I can check it, Make sure you have uploaded one
  21. I can see what I can do For the users or ACP? they can go to logs and filter to show only theirs the logs show everything apart from custom items, when they purchase points from commerce it will show in the nexus transactions etc That's added to 1.0.9 so lol ( this is only for deletion and not pending deletion, it has to be deleted ) No, I doubt I will be supporting any other points system, the one it does is unsupported by the dev so am thinking if it should be dropped altogether For what's coming in 1.0.9 read here
  22. If you are using evox_points then if you uninstall your members will lose all their points from that database column, I could put a script in the app to allow transfer of the points though, Yes you can revert very easy just flick the switch on what points you want to use and it will start using the shop points
  23. You will set the amount of stock, If there is only 1 code you will put 1 in stock if there is 10 you would put 10 and so on
  24. Yes mate send me a PM with your web URL etc and I will look into it
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