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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by TheJackal84

  1. It says in the version compatibility 4.2, 4.3, I would not put 4.3 if it definitely didn't work on 4.3, as you can see from the demo link on the file https://ipsdev.org/index.php?/profile/1-thejackal/ it is working on 4.3. What theme are you using and are you adding the correct embed url and not the page's url?
  2. I will don't worry, I have a lot of work on with updating other apps and stuff but I have not forgotten about you or the request
  3. editorembed.mp4 This will be how to embed in next update ( this is globally )
  4. This is the support topic for Nexus Keys, Codes & Vouchers
  5. Cheers for that, it drove me mad, I knew it was there but didn't actually know where , The search for logout / log out brings up nothing!!
  6. Yes they need to logout or click the toggle button again, I am sure there was a logout all users setting before in the ACP but I can't seem to find it now
  7. If you want to send me login you won't need to investigate it as I could look into it and see what's what, I did say that last time and you said you would get back to me, When you say a locked forum what do you mean by that? a test install? I am sure you could provide login to any of them
  8. When I started making members shop, it was more of a point system then a shop, Then a few days before it got released, I see points on the marketplace, and I thought there was no point making it as one just got released, So I thought of the shop to spend points, I put a basic point system in member shop so that people weren't forced to buy 2 apps to make it work, Points extends the gallery and blogs what members shop don't ( at the minute anyway ) so I thought that would be to intregrate to the shop if they wanted to, But after requests from everyone here this is where the shop is now at with a more advanced points system then I even planned in the first place. PS if a file is broken you all need to report them, If a dev has abandoned their app or plugin then there is a new feature for the IPS staff to disable purchases of it, And no one else gets stung with a broken application, and maybe make the dev pull their finger out as they will get a message from the staff explaining it's disabled and not available for sale
  9. it's coming, I have added so much to it, there is so much more ways to add points, and if you own rules or even the lite version, you can do basically anything you want to award / remove them, You can even charge people to post on a certain topic etc the world is your oyster
  10. you disabled them, but in the member shop settings, You still have it set to evo_points and not shop points?
  11. Go to the rep itself, If you have points enabled then it won't show up in there as points uses it own I said that about the rep months ago in a post but he took no notice lol. The way my rep system work is it will check if the member received points already if they did, then they get no more if they didn't then they will get the points, if they remove the rep they remove the points too, that was the first thing what I noticed when I created mine, I always look for back doors and ways to cheat so I can stop them, The members shop one can't be exploited in that way
  12. another 2 more shop items coming in 1.1.0 These are for @Fosters Trophys & medals You can still buy random trophies but now you can but trophies or medals from a list you will choose in the item settings If you don't own trophies & medals, I would recommend buying it to give your members some unique stuff, Example... Make one medal either a image or font-awesome icon, then set the item to have 1 in stock ( make sure no moderator etc awards it ), Now that is unique and no one else on the site will have the medal they got, Gives the shop a little bit more of a buzz to get on there and see whats available before the next person grabs the item
  13. I know there is a lot to go through lol, No, they can buy points from commerce but can not use them to spend in there I have a seperate plugin what has them on the topic panels
  14. I can look into something like that, even if it is like a widget ( Not a sidebar one ) and you will pick what category to show, I will add it to my list and see what I can come up with
  15. No that's nothing to do with that lol All that on IPSdev is so that random people can not sign up, Only cilents here can sign up there, I used to get lots of trolls signing up asking for support for files they don't own etc, So I added that there so that they can't sign up without being a IPS client. these last few posts have confused people, The last bloke has a problem with his cloud hosting and sometimes stuff clashes with others and 1 thing won't work because the next don't either.
  16. All good things come to those who wait lol
  17. Send me a PM with your website's URL & login and I will check it out, Sorry I missed your comment, The comment above was a bug with cloud hosting
  18. OK, I have started adding some more bits to the points system in 1.0.9, But I think before it's released it will be in 1.1.0 as I have added loads since the 1.0.9 development, That is a long list with a lot of 3rd party apps, I am not to sure how he got a hold of them apps to add them ( he must be very friendly with the devs ) In time I could probably buy a few and add them to it but for now my main priorities are the other IPS apps I need ( Unless you get them devs to add my codes to their scripts so after processing their bits it will award points etc ) I started making the downloads have a few more bits and also the calendar can be used now too, Also there is more points for the clubs feature, I was hoping to release a update this weekend but have now been put back as I have more ideas, But shouldn't be too long till I finish it
  19. Its a output message \IPS\Output::i()->redirect( ( !empty( $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] ) ) ? \IPS\Http\Url::createFromString( $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] ) : \IPS\Http\Url::internal( '' ), \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->language()->addToStack('ms_purchased') );
  20. that is not a error with the app, that is a plain string, it must be something on your site when translating it, what else have you updated? your lang pack? your actual site?
  21. what text is that? restore the original language and try to edit it properly, If it has like %s etc in it, they can not be removed that one %s could be 10 different words like the items names etc
  22. If I could react to a reaction I would give yours a ? @SerialNoob for the one above
  23. the images on the warez site is basically the same as the ones you posted here, The person in the avatar is the same, I am not stupid, Thanks for cancelling a plugin you never paid for in the first place and if you done nothing wrong you won't need to worry, but I have sent all screenshots and proof to IPS so we will see what they think of it, PS I have a 100% success rate for people like you
  24. Nope you posted the same support question on a warez site on may 14th, Don't worry all screenshots are took and you have been reported, Same sort of username too
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