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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by TheJackal84

  1. I will be online with-in a couple of hours, I will have a update for it then
  2. OK ask the owner to post his support question so I can link his account to the purchase
  3. I do not see you own this app, Can I ask why you need support for a app you don't own?
  4. I will look into that and see what it could be, And also I am working on being able to colour pick the graph backgrounds but it is not that easy to do, the actual background is very easy but it is the text inside what is the problem, They don't actually have a font-color they use a thing called fill and it is not that easy to override, But it is one of the things on the top of my list to work on
  5. OK I see it, it's not saving ( I think it's because of the language strings ), If you refresh the page it will show their original amount they don't actually change, I will get a update out ASAP though with a fix for it
  6. Updated to 1.0.3 New Features Updated so the points language will match the language settings of Members Shop for renaming the points
  7. Updated to 1.0.2 New Features Updated so the points language will match the language settings of Members Shop for renaming the points
  8. Updated to 1.0.6 New Features You can now rename the points!!! ( FINALLY FINISHED IT ) Added a new donation link to the users users drop down menu allowing members to donate their points to any user by typing their name Redesigned the ACP menu for the shop and added tabs so it is not just one long list of settings
  9. The refund has been processed, I still you have uninstalled it from your walkingfootball.com website but you still have it installed on the walkingsports.com so if you can uninstall it now please ( Like you said you had done when you requested a refund ) and in the nicest way can you please refrain from buying anything else from me in the future
  10. Hi, If you send me a PM with your website I can look into it and maybe sort out a patch depending the theme it is
  11. If anyone else is getting a error when editing the member group permissions for the bank send me a PM for a quick patch ( I have fixed this in 1.0.6 ) Sorry for the inconvience ?
  12. I get ya, I will sort it in the next update and add some lang strings to it for the headers
  13. It's in the widget settings you can choose all your own bits & pieces
  14. Yes you will get a refund on it all, Money is not my master and also please do not install my products on multiple sites as you are licensed for it on only 1, same as most other developers stuff on here
  15. The refund has already been placed, You asked for a refund at 10.26am and within 15 minutes I has started on it by sending a support ticket, I did not / do not see the point of carrying it on when the refund will be with you as soon as IPS process it, You did say as you asked for a refund that you uninstalled it
  16. You are not being ignored we had said all we need to say, I sent support request on thursday 10.42am to process the refund I got a message back friday to what I replied and am waiting for a message back from them to say it's done
  17. yeah at the minute the only way is via the PM on awarding it, I can look into something like you want and see what I can come up with, Maybe a hidden field what will appear once purchased etc
  18. Updated to 1.0.2 New Widgets Added a new dual column widget for the recent topics ( Not suitable for the sidebar ) Added a new dual colmn widget for the recent posts ( Not suitable for the sidebar )
  19. EDIT Thought this was the PM lol
  20. I am just out at the minute as soon as I am back I will send you a PM and check it out for you
  21. Updated to 1.0.2 New Features Allow your selected members who can use the plugin to select if they want to alway login anonymously ( This can be edited in their member settings )
  22. obviously not And it worked with the 4 you owned and will work with the 2 you will own after
  23. The link goes to a dead page same as if anyone esle clicks it. As I say I am not here to argue, you ask why I delete it cos its not professional. I delete them because like yours they have login details and I do not want them when I do not need them ( Like I said I thought I replied if not my mistake sorry but I doubt you will accept that ) . If anyone sends me login I will always delete any communication what has that login inside, So you say unprofessional I say protecting their privacy
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