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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by TheJackal84

  1. The next person will not receive the attachment unless you click to add it to the note, The little circle with the plus on the attachment will add it to the note, All that does is show all that members uploaded attachments used in the sticky notes application, You might have a popular image etc what you want to share with a few people and they are there for easy finding when using the app Unless you click the little icon show in red in the image they will not receive the attachement
  2. Yes that is because they are using the forums id as the attachment id's where I use the members id, Same again as in the ACP etc they use the members ID for the attachments so they will show on any editor that member uses on said application, If you use the forum / post ID then it will only show them attachments on that certain topic / post
  3. IPS also repeats the attachments in their editors, Check the ACP etc
  4. yeah that's what it will do the attachments are for each member and will only show their uploaded attachments, if they delete them then they will delete from anything they are placed in, In this case the sticky notes, It's the same with all attachments, If you click the user drop down menu and click attachments you will see all the uploaded ones you have uplaoded, in the forums etc you will see the name of each topic they are in and if you delete them then they will also be removed from the posts
  5. when you say in the editor do you mean like this?
  6. Updated to 2.2.3 Bug Fix Fixed the bug on the editor with the uploaded attachments Thanks to @Ramsesx for pointing this out
  7. they will need to upload it to the media uploader then they can choose to embed any of their uploads in the posts / topics including pdf's etc. You can check it here
  8. Only on the forums topics / posts, You can check it here
  9. The copyright removal will make it more expensive if you buy it but that's up to you No there is nothing default set you will need to create your own question and answers
  10. I will see what I can come up with, Probably won't be in the next update though cos that is nearly finished No that's not available I have a plugin what will show the points on the user panel First 2 in the group settings of the ACP 2nd will be the member who has the points and banks it will earn the interest
  11. Yeah mate will do, I have a couple updates to finish before this, then I will get this one pushed out
  12. Sorry I misread the other message and thought you sorted it, Yeah I am making a new update to this anyway ( Will prob be a application as IPS removed the main script I hooked into so will need to probably make my own )
  13. Yeah it should be, Send me a PM with your sites URL and I will check it and send you a code to use
  14. No, I don't edit that bit, it must be the theme I checked your site and if you add this to your custom.css it will replace the colour of it .cPost .cAuthorPane::before { background-color: #d1d1d1; } the colour you see there is the one you have now so edit the #d1d1d1 to what you want
  15. I know your not bashing it but, to anyone reading it seems like it don't support custom items when it does
  16. That's something already in my notes to look into, but it's a lot different from saying it don't support custom items because you want something added to it
  17. Considering there is millions of things that can be sold it is impossible to be automatic for a custom item, What is it doing?, Is it a t-shirt because it can't fold it, pack it and ship it, Is it code what will edit / change something? because it can't automatically write the script needed to run that code what you want the custom item to do.
  18. It does have custom items, You create a custom item and the user redeems it then you award it / send it / do what ever the custom item is for. Yes, I have uploaded them loads of times yet they still break, it's not only this, it happens with a lot of marketplace files Only admins can create items Same as above, Only admins can create items
  19. Adding images instead of font-awesome icons is next on my list of updates To be honest I didn't think about the medals I only done trophies, I will look into it and see what I come up with I will add it to the list
  20. clicking the link in your signature it looks fine to me EDIT, Noticed you see it's fixed, It was probably because you upgraded and the theme template has something different in and it still had the older cache, Once it all cleared then it starts caching the new theme etc
  21. Have you run the support tool and cleared the cache?
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