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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by TheJackal84

  1. No you can go to your list of installed applications and click members shop on the dropdowns disable the members bank module if you have it in the nav bar then remove it in the menu manager, it will still show in the ACP but the front end will be completly disabled for use I will be adding the ability to rename the points but it is not as easy as just adding a setting, there is hundreds of references to the word points and there is loads of coding involved for a lot of the text as well, It will / is taking a long time to do, but I am gradually doing it ( then commenting it out ) with each update and spare bit of time I ge, then I just need to remove all comments and it will be ready
  2. Members Shop 1.0.5 has been released New Features The categories sidebar has been rewrote for mobile browsing so it will look a lot nicer and will now show at the top of the mobiles webpage The stats pages now have a option to show either the 3 blocks in a list of they can be shown as a grid view with a carousel to scroll along the top 10, The 1st, 2nd & 3rd place members will also have a nice gold, silver & bronze trophy on the grid items Added a option to upload a header image to the shops main page Added a option to add some text in the shops header using the default IPS editor Added a new shop item for embedding a profile video on their profile ( IPSDev's Profile Video plugin required for this item ) Added a new shop item allowing members to upload a background image for their profile ( IPSDev's Profile Backgrounds plugin required for this item ) Added a new shop item allowing members to send personal sticky notes to other members ( IPSDev's Sticky Notes application is required for this item ) Added a new shop item allowing members to add / edit their members social info ( IPSDev's Members Social Info application is required for this item ) Added a banking system allowing members to bank their points You can set it so members can receive a certain % of their banked points in interest each month Each member group can have a different amount of interest to gain Charge a % of points to take for depositing them into the bank ( Withdrawals are free ) Members can check all their transactions to the bank in a nice and tidy pop up menu There is a graph view of the banking stats in the ACP Shows the total points deposited Shows the total points withdrawn Shows the total transactions to the bank These can all be filtered by days, weeks & months There is a table in the ACP show all banking transactions Shows the member who processed the transaction Shows the amount the member deposited / withdrawn Shows if the member deposited or withdrew Shows the time & date of the transaction Shows how much the member got charged for depositing points Shows how much the member has in the bank These can all be sorted by any of the above Changed the bonus points system so that you can now select different points for different usergroups ( This is done via editing the member groups settings ) You will need to go to the member group settings to set up the banking permissions for the members DEMO
  3. Sports Betting App 1.0.2 has been released New Features Add unlimited categories giving your members a massive selection of betting types to choose from Rewrote the category sidebar so it looks a lot nicer Added a new category listing for when there is no bets in that category it will show the category listings instead Added a new table view so the bet selections look a lot nicer and are not so in your face ( You can pick or choose from grid view or table view in the ACP settings ) DEMO
  4. Lottery 1.0.1 has been released New Features Instead of the lottery numbers showing as plain numbers they will now show the numbers in a lottery like blue ball ( This makes them stand out more ) Changed the filter link in the my ticket page so it will now filter from Unchecked Tickets Checked Tickets Winning Tickets DEMO
  5. There are no errors on the post above, the one where the time the sesson ends is manually set by you or the hosts of your server when the person is idle What red error did you get on install? have you tried re-installing the plugin?
  6. it won't need it, you can set the titles etc differently, You will put them in their categories which will show the names so they can see, the title will be example Man Utd the desc will be, to beat Chelsea 2-0, If you want I can make you a patch to upload if you want it that way, but as the grid view re-sizes automatically to be the same size as the biggest one on the table, it will look ugly if you have one with a long title and the rest small, there will be a big gap with nothing in filling the space so it can match the biggest height grid box
  7. OK so I have re-wrote a few things for the new update, You can now add unlimited sub categories allowing you to choose to add a massive selection of bets, you will be able to change the view from grid to table ( I actually prefer the tables now ), the category sidebar has been re-wrote so it is much nicer looking, there is also a new category table so users can search through them all nicely this is still in development I dont have a release date but it shouldn't be too long as it's nearly finished, There is also a big update to members shop coming too ?
  8. As I am looking at it, You can do something like that now, You can set 4 categories so example English Football Premier League Man UTD vs Chelsea First Goal Scorer List of selections Final Score List of selections Yellow Cards List of selections And so on, the only thing it is missing is the table view instead of grids
  9. I am thinking of maybe doing something along the lines of how it is now with the grid, but instead of the grids being the actual bets it will link to a table what shows a whole list of betting selections for that event, Example it will say Man UTD vs Chelsea, it will have the venue and so on then where it says bet, it will say view selections, you click that and go to a table list of pre-defined admin selections, like first goalscorers and so on, I have not wrote or tried any of that yet, it is just something someone asked for and is floating around my head as it sounds a good idea, Follow the file and topic and you will get notifed of any updates, This is the next app on my list after I finish 1.0.5 of members shop
  10. I have already added a setting for 1.0.5 so you can pick from a list to choose, example last login / last post etc I can check and see what I can do That's good I thought it should of as it uses the permission matrix Yeah that is something I can add as well, 1.0.5 will be a big update with lot's of new stuff and it also works with like 6-7 of my other apps & plugins as well
  11. Updated to 1.0.8 New Features Redesigned the tables so you can pick and choose to use either a list of the files or show them in a nice new grid view Few other tweaks to the scripts
  12. All sorted, If anyone downloaded it since I updated, redownload it, Sorry my fault I forgot to add a catch error for if the users don't have permission to view certain categories, Little error every now and again helps me prove I am human after all lol ?
  13. Yeah I just noticed it, I am looking into it now, Seems to be a problem with one of my categories of the database so am checking it now
  14. Updated to 1.0.5 Completly redesigned the tables on the pages so it is a look nicer to look at Added 3D pie charts next to the graphs showing more stats Shows the member count per user group Shows the member count per club Shows the downloads file count per category Shows the post count per forum Shows the topic count per forum Shows the reaction count per reaction Shows the warning points per usergroup Few other design changes as well making it easier on the eyes DEMO
  15. Updated to 1.0.1 New Widgets Added a new 3D pie chart showing how many members are in each club Added a new 3D pie chart showing how many topics are in each forum Added a new 3D pie chart showing how many reactions have been awarded per reaction
  16. Not yet, it is something what will be coming in a future update
  17. This is the support topic for enhanced widgets
  18. Heres a couple teasers for 1.0.5 In the stats page you can now choose to show the list of tables what was the original Or show it the new way There is also a new bank There is more added and a few other things enhanced like adding the adding bonus points to members can now be set to have different points for different groups it is not just set 1 amount for all ( this can entice your members to upgrade their usergroups to earn more points daily / weekly / monthly the same goes for the interest their bank will earn ). I will post the full changelog once it's fully complete and uploaded
  19. will do, I got a couple more update to other stuff to finish then I will get started on this ?
  20. the plugin itself it not that advanced to automatically check if the user is still in the groups what can use it and then remove any what ain't, I might be able to write a code what you will run yourself to remove any from users what are no longer in the groups it will be a simple click on a button
  21. to be honest it is not that much of a advanced plugin to add tasks etc to it, I could add a simple setting so if you remove certain usergroups from being able to use it you will then select that user group again and it will remove them all from members in that group, It will take about another 5 seconds to acomplish afer you choose to disallow certain groups from using it
  22. if you / the admin goes to their profiles you will have access to edit / remove it, I will look into adding a setting to remove all from certain usergroups in a update if you wanted
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