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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by TheJackal84

  1. The copyright removal is for every app I make, it is not one what just removes it from 1 app per time, The sticky notes I am sure I messaged you back, I no longer can see the messages as I have cleared out 90% of old messages, The last thing on the sticky notes I got from you I replied to the topic asking if you have changed anything to your site as it would not just stop working, And I am waiting for a reply to that, I am not here to argue with you, You say them 2 apps don't work, fine I will refund it, I am not willing to refund the copyright removal as it is working fine and works on both other apps you have regardless if you uninstall them or not, I have been fair by giving you a refund on something what is working fine on over 60 sites
  2. I will warrent a refund on the members shop and betting app but not the copyright removal, you can still use that on the other 2 apps you will own
  3. Replied to your PM mate, Send me login and I will look into it
  4. Would be nice to see a list of changes / whats removed instead of us finding out the hard way lol. Hope that helps anyway when you start on the update, I have not come across any other errors with it while I been testing my dev board upgrade to 4.3 on localhost. And I still think this is the best app, I would not like to see my downloads pages without it, If anyone is thinking of buying it STOP THINKING and get it, its worth 4x the price
  5. Erm you will more than likely need 2 querys to run, I will check it all on my dev site as I have hundreds of test purchases from loads of different member id's etc, then I will send you a PM with the querys to run
  6. Thanks for the nice words ? The only ones would be changed is the ones what show their points etc, The ones in the image are rewards what are in their own table away from their points etc. If you wanted I can give you a code to run through the sql toolbox on the ACP and it will remove every reward logged from that member, that way it will be like they redeemed nothing and it won't show them on the logs or anywhere else, their points on hand and bank won't change though ( I know you said you already did that anyway )
  7. You had 56 pages of logs and Fred has 3 and a half. So with 53 pages of logs with a average of 1 page per person would work out to like 50 odd members. A little topic saying if you are missing any points please leave a reply and we will look into it, I personally don't think is a lot to do
  8. Only with reactions but it is system points not from the user, although they can click a donate link on their profile or topic posts to donate some points
  9. You have waited to get it fixed? I said there is nothing wrong with it, I can not fix what is not broken. If you want I am happy to refund you on both, I don't appreciate being told I sell my stuff as not advertised, There are many things what can happen to 3rd party stuff what is nothing to do with the actual product, As I say fell free to request a refund I will be happy to give it. Loggin in and testing it will do nothing, I can see what is in my face, the only thing I said was to award them the missing points and see if it still happens if that is too hard then that is up to you
  10. Only testing upgrading the localhost from 4.2 - 4.3 I am getting errors on dPlus on the questions. In dev mode it throws Method IPS\dplus\Questions\Answers::__toString() must not throw an exception, caught Error: Undefined constant 'IPS\HTMLENTITIES' out of dev its a white page Fatal error: Method IPS\dplus\Questions\Answers::__toString() must not throw an exception, caught Error: Undefined constant 'IPS\HTMLENTITIES' in C:\xampp\htdocs\ips43\system\Theme\Theme.php(824) : eval()'d code on line 0 that is just opening the questions tab Seems to be in sources/questions/answers on line 70 public function get_ans(){ $answer = $this->_data['answer']; $length = 100; $file = $this->parentage()->parentage(); $url = $file->url()->setQueryString(['do' => 'readMoreAnswer', 'aid' => $this->id ] ); return htmlspecialchars( mb_substr( html_entity_decode( $answer ), 0, $length ), ENT_QUOTES | \IPS\HTMLENTITIES, 'UTF-8', FALSE ) . ( ( mb_strlen( html_entity_decode( $answer ) ) > $length ) ? "<a href='#' data-ipsDialog data-ipsDialog-url='{$url}'> ...Read More</a>" : '' ); } when replacing the return with return ''.mb_substr( $answer, $limit ).'<a href="'.$url.'" data-ipsDialog> ...Read More</a>'; it works fine
  11. Can you send me PM with login so I can check it out?
  12. What about the actual module permissions on the table where you disable it etc? when they are disabled for user groups thats the message you get, that's also the error code it gives as well Error code: 2S100/2
  13. The conflict will only be the navigation menu it won't conflict with the actual module, have you been into the member group settings and checked that the group can use the bank?
  14. OK it must be a bug where they clash, I will fix that in the update and change the name of it in the manager the url you want will be yoursite.com/index.php?app=membersshop&module=bank&controller=main
  15. You should find it in the menu manager named bank, if not try clearing cache via the support tool, If you need the url I can give you that as well
  16. When you say it's gone from the menu system what do you mean?
  17. Have you changed anything on your site? I don't see how it just stopped working, also the error code 2S119/1 is not in the files
  18. Counting the points gained from his logs it is 5,400 and the most points from their content is 5,400 and that is fred. There are no other logs to check what he / they done with the points etc but the log won't log until the points are awarded, if it can't award the points it will not log the reward I wrote it that way. Again I gotta say it seems that it is only your members what are saying it don't add up, the other 50 odd sites what has it installed it adds up on otherwise I would of heard about it by others, Ask them if they spent no points etc if they didn't then it is up to you if you want to manually award them the points they say they are missing and then keep a eye out on it and see from then, but from checking the code, checking my site, my dev site, other peoples sites there is nothing wrong with the stats it all adds up
  19. When I was playing with it all there is a lot of ways you could set it all up, but it comes down to what you like, I like the way you have dates as categories etc maybe you can add the games as a sub to that and then work from there, You could do first goalscorers, first yellow card and so on as well don't forget
  20. You need to go to the member group settings in the ACP and you will see a members shop tab EDIT Sorry just got what you meant, It will give it only to their primary group Login to freds account and go to rewards & logs and filter it so it only shows his logs and check that for me, See what it shows
  21. If you change the selection name to the team then in the description add the rest it will all be good, the name don't have to be example Manchester United vs Chelsea, You can put Manchester United then the description of " To beat Chelsea 2-0 ", the way you have it was just the way I set mine up in 1.0.0 you can do it anyway you wanted, Remember you can do unlimited categories and sub categories so it's best to find the way what suits you, You could even name the sub categories as the teams names etc then work out how you would want the bets to show
  22. That's a carousel widget, it's not designed to be in a table view
  23. the update don't add anything new in regards to awarding content points etc and the points name I mentioned above
  24. The leaderboard counts the points on hand not the points in the bank, I personally think that if you bank it, it should be private, In the next update I will add a setting so you can choose if you want to count the bank too.
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